Hello I am new to this forum having just discovered it. I'm am not a new keeper and I have many scorpions. They include Androctonus Australis, Garzoni, Hector, Liouvillei, Amoreuxi, Buthacus Leptochelys Nitzani, Hottentotta Tamulus, Judaicus, Franzwerneri, Parabuthus Granulatus, Villosus Oranje, Schlechteri, Leiurus Quinquestriatus, Heberti.
This past summer my adult female Leiurus Quinquestriatus gave birth to 20 healthy babies. After they left mom's back I separated the babies and kept them in individual snap top boxes. The babies who are about the size of a dime now are kept in small boxes so I can ensure they succeed in feeding and growing. Feeding time is always interesting however they are now learning they can get up the side using their tail. So a few weeks ago during one of the feeding one climbed up the side and was teetering on the edge and I just sort of instinctively put my hand to block it. Some of the babies are more excitable than others, I've had an escape before and the baby crawled onto my hand and I put it back. (with my adults and juveniles/sub adults they are never handled and tongs are always used) being that these babies are about the size of a US dime I never used tongs because it may harm them. I didn't even think about being stung. ( yes I am well aware of the potency of my species venom) anyway this baby did not like that I blocked its escape and it stung me in my pinky.
So I'd like to explain the sensation and experience here.
The initial sting was not severe pain wise but it definitely knew I was stung. I calmly wrangled the baby back into the box gently. I then washed the sting site, by this time parenthesis has began to set in with localized pain. I called for an Uber ride to the Hospital ( approximately 45 minutes for the ride to arrive and go to the ER) I could feel the venom coursing up my arm and by time I arrived it was already up to my lymph nodes my finger, my knuckle and my elbow was hurting. I was feeling the effects of scorpionism by the time I arrived in the ER. Just putting any running water on my hand hurt, it felt as if I had road rash, my right knuckle felt as if I punched a wall and either bruised it very bad or fractured it. I could feel the venom hit my right chest/lung by now.( approximately an hour has passed. The ER having never dealt with a scorpion sting had to call poison control to see what they needed to do of course this took more time as the Dr. Had to be the intermediary, he asked what was the species and where did it come from. I told him Leiurus Quinquestriatus and I told him this is my pet and the region it comes from. So now over an hour and a half passed before I received medical treatment, they took my vitals and it was OK so they gave me a tetanus shot and a pain relief shot ( which didn't help) gave me some over the counter meds and sent me home after a few hours of observation.
Where would I rate this pain? Possibly a 6/10. My pinky and arm hurt nonstop for 24 hrs at least. My hand felt as if I punched a wall, scraped the skin off my knuckle and lit it on fire. I would say a bee sting hurt more as far as pain goes, but where a bee sting stops hurting fairly quick, this was the gift that keeps on giving.
I'm not sure if do to its size and age that I did not experience a worse case of scorpionism, but I will say I definitely will not be working with the babies without a spoon ( since the spoon is too slick for them to grip, I use spoons to wrangle the babies I get after they leave mom's back)
Overall I'd say that I got lucky, and nobody should free handle medically significant Scorpions.
I still love my scorpions and am not mad at the baby as it was 100% my fault and scorpions just do what scorpions do. I have plans to expand my collection after I move in May or June.
This past summer my adult female Leiurus Quinquestriatus gave birth to 20 healthy babies. After they left mom's back I separated the babies and kept them in individual snap top boxes. The babies who are about the size of a dime now are kept in small boxes so I can ensure they succeed in feeding and growing. Feeding time is always interesting however they are now learning they can get up the side using their tail. So a few weeks ago during one of the feeding one climbed up the side and was teetering on the edge and I just sort of instinctively put my hand to block it. Some of the babies are more excitable than others, I've had an escape before and the baby crawled onto my hand and I put it back. (with my adults and juveniles/sub adults they are never handled and tongs are always used) being that these babies are about the size of a US dime I never used tongs because it may harm them. I didn't even think about being stung. ( yes I am well aware of the potency of my species venom) anyway this baby did not like that I blocked its escape and it stung me in my pinky.
So I'd like to explain the sensation and experience here.
The initial sting was not severe pain wise but it definitely knew I was stung. I calmly wrangled the baby back into the box gently. I then washed the sting site, by this time parenthesis has began to set in with localized pain. I called for an Uber ride to the Hospital ( approximately 45 minutes for the ride to arrive and go to the ER) I could feel the venom coursing up my arm and by time I arrived it was already up to my lymph nodes my finger, my knuckle and my elbow was hurting. I was feeling the effects of scorpionism by the time I arrived in the ER. Just putting any running water on my hand hurt, it felt as if I had road rash, my right knuckle felt as if I punched a wall and either bruised it very bad or fractured it. I could feel the venom hit my right chest/lung by now.( approximately an hour has passed. The ER having never dealt with a scorpion sting had to call poison control to see what they needed to do of course this took more time as the Dr. Had to be the intermediary, he asked what was the species and where did it come from. I told him Leiurus Quinquestriatus and I told him this is my pet and the region it comes from. So now over an hour and a half passed before I received medical treatment, they took my vitals and it was OK so they gave me a tetanus shot and a pain relief shot ( which didn't help) gave me some over the counter meds and sent me home after a few hours of observation.
Where would I rate this pain? Possibly a 6/10. My pinky and arm hurt nonstop for 24 hrs at least. My hand felt as if I punched a wall, scraped the skin off my knuckle and lit it on fire. I would say a bee sting hurt more as far as pain goes, but where a bee sting stops hurting fairly quick, this was the gift that keeps on giving.
I'm not sure if do to its size and age that I did not experience a worse case of scorpionism, but I will say I definitely will not be working with the babies without a spoon ( since the spoon is too slick for them to grip, I use spoons to wrangle the babies I get after they leave mom's back)
Overall I'd say that I got lucky, and nobody should free handle medically significant Scorpions.
I still love my scorpions and am not mad at the baby as it was 100% my fault and scorpions just do what scorpions do. I have plans to expand my collection after I move in May or June.
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