Kid kills 10-foot Albino Burmese Python


Old Timer
Dec 7, 2006
And anyone that dosent value human life more than an animals ...i pity you.

animal and human life is equal. its just that alot humans are blind to the fact that animals are what keep us alive, so they say that human life should be valued more.

im not saying anything directed towards you, Drachenjager, but im just stating how we are equal to animals.


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
It just basically shows a lack of respect children are taught for nature in this day and age. I see the same thing at the zoo all the time. Kids throwing sticks at peacocks or chasing them relentlessly while the parents laugh of goad them on. Whether or not you place a bird on the same level as human being, it still deserves respect for being a living creature. Same goes for a bug, an ant, and even a snake.

I'd like to think my actions in this situation would be to detain father and son and let them face the consequences of their actions (the sons violent attack and apparently the parenting impotence that created a child that cannot be brought in public). The people saying the kid should be beaten probably are no better than the child himself.

My tactics at the zoo when trying to teach respect for an animal is to relate what the child did to themselves. If I see a kid, or an adult for that matter, trying to yank out a peacocks feathers, I ask nicely if they would like it i pulled out a clump of their hair. Well, one lady was a biznitch about it so I asked if I could pull out a fingernail with some pliers (not tactful but got the point across). If I see people chasing the birds or other animals,I ask if they would enjoy that. Some kids, if they are older, I take a running jump at and ask if they liked that when they flinch in shock. The point is people don't understand an animal deserves to be left alone and live its life regardless of whether we like them or not.


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2007
and you would be in court for murder and i would support the death penalty seeing as you have this type thign planned out.
I'd like to apologise if I offended you. I would not actually have harmed the child, but under the circumstances I would have quickly got a hold of him. I value human life hihly over the life of an animal. But if it was my snake, which I love dearly, well...I wouldn't just stand there. Once again I truly am sorry for offending you. I meant what I said only in anger. As a Christian, I should not let my anger ge the best of me or allow myself to say such things about people. Thank you for bringing the rreality of what I said to my attention.

Like your signature says: "Seek ye first"


Old Timer
Jul 23, 2007
It just basically shows a lack of respect children are taught for nature in this day and age.

see you are assuming that that a lot of them are being taught. Yes I am a teacher and I have noticed a lot of kids these days don't just have a lack of respect for nature but also a total lack of respect for anything other than themselves. I try my hardest to instill some sort of respect in them and some times it works and a lot of other times it doesn't. This does not mean I won't keep trying though. Life is my passion and I try to share it with others as much as I can.

There is a bright note though sometimes you can get through to some and they in turn go on to share it with others. This is my life work and I encourage others to go on and share their knowledge and respect for life (animal or not) with others.

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
wow.. all i have to say is wow...

i just dont know what can go threw a persons head to think that its ok to go threw with something like that. i mean even as a young child to go and act out such a thing is unbelivable. i just hope the kid gets help and snaps out of it before life takes him threw a turn for the worse..... and i fear it will.


Old Timer
Aug 14, 2006
yuck .....some one stomp that evil little kid before he grows up and kills us all!!!


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
yuck .....some one stomp that evil little kid before he grows up and kills us all!!!
Yes! Well, maybe we shouldn't kill the kid, but at least send him to some psychiatric ward.

First it's an innocent flower.
Then it's ants under a magnifying glass.
When he get's older he's mutilating squirrels and your cat.
And ten years later- Dun dun dun!!- You have a serial killer!

And not the run-of-the-mill kind either. The cannibalistic kind. o_O

John Apple

Just a guy
Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
While the kid is definately no Michael Vick, the fault goes to his parents for not educating the child. Granted a beautiful snake was lost the child was not at fault. The law is such that if a minor does a dastardly deed the parents pay.
The comments made to the child were in my opinion worse than the deed the child did.
I have six children and they all were tought to RESPECT any living creature. Hell man they catch and release any bug or spider they find in the house out the back door. Oddly enough my 3 boys and 3 girls can tell you more about nature than most educated adults.
Like I said this is a terrible thing but ol dad is at fault and human life is far above animal life


Sep 7, 2007
Oh my god...That is disgusting. I'm originally from that area and I know Scott, and how much he loved that gorgeous snake. That's just horrible.
I feel so much for Scott and his loss. God knows how much that snake suffered in its last moments and how much pain Scott is in. I would hate to have to go through what he has been through. Send him my heartfelt condolences from me and all us snake loving people in the United Kingdom.
Our laws about animal cruelty are quite strict over here and this youngster and father would surely face criminal charges if caught under the Cruelty of Animals Act and would face a fine and never be allowed to keep any animals for life for an act like this. Although this would still not bring back this beautiful snake or heal Scott's pain.


Old Timer
Jul 30, 2006
animal and human life is equal. its just that alot humans are blind to the fact that animals are what keep us alive, so they say that human life should be valued more.

im not saying anything directed towards you, Drachenjager, but im just stating how we are equal to animals.
We are equal in worth to animals, exactly because we are interconnected, alive, and inextricable from the nature around us, not to mention the fact that we are Animalia.

If you do believe that humans are "higher" than animals, then you should still see how atrocious it is for a human to therefore abuse an animal. I know this hasn't been disputed, but I felt that the issue of humans being higher than animals needed addressing, especially since this is likely the approach that leads to people thinking less of the matter, and to this behavior in the first place.

In the end, as my signature suggests, life deserves respect and appreciation, and there shouldn't be a hierarchy on life's worth. Putting humans higher purely for...I have no clue what logical entirely confounding to me since, as has been stated, humans can be evil, humans mess things up when they really should know better, while animals are entirely creatures removed from such issues. There's no common basis for comparison for these two approaches to life.

In the end, it was a horrible thing to have happened, the kid is definitely going to regret things he's done, whether directly because of disciplinary action for this event or when things turn out terribly further on in his uncorrected life.


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2007
i hate to add to this but i couldnt hold it in any longer...

there is kids and people out in this world who do the most wrongest things, this kid will be on of them, this is almost worse than lighting a dog or cat on fire but no one is going to get blamed in the mixed up world of ours the parents response will be " he's just a kid he didnt know better", well it's the parents fault for not teaching the kid that even animals have souls, they ARE living creatures and who gives them a right to decide what lives and dies??:embarrassed: ... the only time you kill any animal is ofr protection or food or the animals HAS to be put down so it doesnt suffer, but if you kill for the sake of killing you should be locked up, when i was doing a demo at a local school a kid came up to me when i had one of my roaches out and said "can i squish it" i imidiatly put the roach back in his cage and said no and the teacher came over and took the boy to the side and talked to him... but is that going to correct the problem?? NO:( , we live in a F-ed up world where people think there kids can learn right and wrong qw/o there intevetion saying all they need to do is express them selves BS!, granted im sure kids have pulled out fine but i knew a kid groing up who would get hit if he did any thing wrong, that didnt stop him, he still did the stuff his parents disaplined him about, every day i get amazed at how humans can be so vain and have so much stupidity, im sorry i ranted on like this but it let me get the anger out... the father should have to pay the price of the snakeand where ever the demo took place but i highly doubt the judge will see it this way...


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
C'mon, guys...what the kid did was obviously above and beyond wrong but how is assaulting a 10 year old any better?

There could be circumstances you don't know about, mental problems and such. I've seen some serious, scary stuff from the days I was a camp counselor and believe me when I say that there are some truly messed up kids out there and it's not always the fault of the parents.

Most of the time, but not always.

As much as I'd liked to have followed him to his car, would that really have been a viable option?

Leave all those reptiles unattended...especially when you just lost one of your favorites?

There's some fault on the exhibitor. When I do shows with my spiders, I always bring along at least one friend to help out. Plus, there's always one or two people who are more interested in the rest and offer to stick around and help out. I never let them touch the animals directly but I let them hang out and help with the presentation (putting stuff up, taking it down, etc.).

Don't get me wrong...nobody could ever anticipate something like this.

As for what should be done, I would have had someone follow them and get their plate number. Wherever they were at most likely had a security camera or two so it would be quite easy to follow them after the fact, as well.

Yes, the child should be punished. Yes, the father should be punished. At the very least pay for the snake (10 foot albino burmese pythons aren't cheap) and throw the toughest animal creulty punishments possible at them. This was an educational program and the toughest possible penalties should be applied, but neither is deserving of death. Especially if you take into account what I said earlier. The death penalty should not apply in this case. That is your emotions speaking. Jail time?

Well the father isn't responsible, so maybe for the child.


Definitely. For the entire family, with a focus on that child.

A physical beat-down for either party?

Hell, no.

Grow up and learn a bit about what happens in the real world. Things aren't always black and white...cut and dry.


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2006
That's so disturbing... :( Since I live near the House of Reptiles, I should pay Scott a visit. I feel so sorry for him.
Concerning the kid... all of you who were talking about beating him to death and stomping on his face and whatnot... you might've heard growing up (*from your parents* - hint hint) that two wrongs don't make a right. The majority of you seem to have forgotten that important rule.
So it's obvious that many things taught to children don't exactly stay with them as they grow up. People have to learn by their experiences and mistakes, that's a fact.
Before I was born, my parents used to live in west Texas, where rattlesnakes are very common. They're both terrified of snakes, and while I was growing up they told me over and over that snakes are "viscious, evil creatures that serve no purpose." My dad has probably killed dozens of snakes in his life (apparently, from the stories I heard, he chopped their heads off with a shovel). The poor innocent rattlesnakes didn't deserve that. And even though I was raised to believe that snakes should be always be killed, I don't accept it. In fact, when I move away to college, the first thing I'm doing is getting a ball python.
Another example of why a lot of the things parents teach their kids aren't always accepted by the kids. No matter how hard you beat or spank or counsel the kid, he'll still have that belief deep down in him; you can't force a belief on anyone, they have to change themself.
Of course, that's not always the case. I'm not trying to imply that. I do believe that most of what your parents teach you creates a base for your entire character.
My two siblings and I were all raised the same, to believe in the same things (Christianity especially), and to act the same way. Yet my sister was once a satanist (or still is, I have no clue), my brother drinks and smokes illegally, and... well, I love snakes. xD
So our personal beliefs can get the best of us. {D
I might've went a little OT there, sorry if I did. Just trying to say that you can't "beat sense into a kid." But it can make them terrified of you! :D


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2006
tottally un called for

a 10 ft albino burrmese python, that one hell of a snake, what kid would stomps on him/her. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: I would have grabed that kid and beat some ass....thats messed up

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
a 10 ft albino burrmese python, that one hell of a snake, what kid would stomps on him/her. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: I would have grabed that kid and beat some ass....thats messed up
Oh goody another internet warrior...

^^^ see my previous post above...


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2005
Oh goody another internet warrior...

^^^ see my previous post above...
I'm not just an internet warrior... I would have really grabbed the kid and slapped him hard. The dad would've probably tried to hit me after that, at which point he's in for a beating for not educating the kid properly, and for my own self-defense. There are not too many average joes who can fight an experienced mixed martial artist, and I'm not just BSing about it like people tend to do on the internet with everyone thinking they could kick anyone's ass and what not. I AM the real deal and I've been training in various styles for about 3/4 of my life.

Sorry, but I don't stand for anyone getting away scot-free for killing someone else's beloved pet. No, he's getting straight hard discipline right then and there, the father most of all. I would do it even if it weren't my snake and I were a bystander. If I had killed that guy's snake, my father would've beaten me on the spot in front of everyone and offered the guy a deep apology and compensation for it. The damn kid's lack of respect for life is disgusting and the dad has no sense of honor. Seeing how the dad reacted, it's no surprise his kid turned out like that.

Oh what, so I beat someone else's kid. Big deal. Physical injuries heal and are forgotten about. Even if the dad beat the kid at home (which he might not even do), it wouldn't do a damn thing. He'd go out and do something stupid again. The kid needs a beating along with his worthless dad out in public by a complete stranger for humiliation. That's not something he's going to forget about. What that snake owner felt, all the time he spent caring for his pet, he's not going to forget about how some random spoiled brat came in one day and smashed his snake's head in when he was trying to spread the love. So sue me for caring about having good ethics.
Last edited:

John Apple

Just a guy
Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
I'm not just an internet warrior... I would have really grabbed the kid and slapped him hard. The dad would've probably tried to hit me after that, at which point he's in for a beating for not educating the kid properly, and for my own self-defense. There are not too many average joes who can fight an experienced mixed martial artist, and I'm not just BSing about it like people tend to do on the internet with everyone thinking they could kick anyone's ass and what not. I AM the real deal and I've been training in various styles for about 3/4 of my life.

Sorry, but I don't stand for anyone getting away scot-free for killing someone else's beloved pet. No, he's getting straight hard discipline right then and there, the father most of all. I would do it even if it weren't my snake and I were a bystander. If I had killed that guy's snake, my father would've beaten me on the spot in front of everyone and offered the guy a deep apology and compensation for it. The damn kid's lack of respect for life is disgusting and the dad has no sense of honor. Seeing how the dad reacted, it's no surprise his kid turned out like that.

Oh what, so I beat someone else's kid. Big deal. Physical injuries heal and are forgotten about. Even if the dad beat the kid at home (which he might not even do), it wouldn't do a damn thing. He'd go out and do something stupid again. The kid needs a beating along with his worthless dad out in public by a complete stranger for humiliation. That's not something he's going to forget about. What that snake owner felt, all the time he spent caring for his pet, he's not going to forget about how some random spoiled brat came in one day and smashed his snake's head in when he was trying to spread the love. So sue me for caring about having good ethics.
Touch my kids and the father [me] would not get a beating you that the thumping is done....was there not any cameras there that got a image of the father and son duo?.
This is a loss ...the animal ...yes but also the kid who was un-poperly educated . What is the the level of severity here

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
I'm not just an internet warrior... I would have really grabbed the kid and slapped him hard. The dad would've probably tried to hit me after that, at which point he's in for a beating for not educating the kid properly, and for my own self-defense. There are not too many average joes who can fight an experienced mixed martial artist, and I'm not just BSing about it like people tend to do on the internet with everyone thinking they could kick anyone's ass and what not. I AM the real deal and I've been training in various styles for about 3/4 of my life.

Sorry, but I don't stand for anyone getting away scot-free for killing someone else's beloved pet. No, he's getting straight hard discipline right then and there, the father most of all. I would do it even if it weren't my snake and I were a bystander. If I had killed that guy's snake, my father would've beaten me on the spot in front of everyone and offered the guy a deep apology and compensation for it. The damn kid's lack of respect for life is disgusting and the dad has no sense of honor. Seeing how the dad reacted, it's no surprise his kid turned out like that.

Oh what, so I beat someone else's kid. Big deal. Physical injuries heal and are forgotten about. Even if the dad beat the kid at home (which he might not even do), it wouldn't do a damn thing. He'd go out and do something stupid again. The kid needs a beating along with his worthless dad out in public by a complete stranger for humiliation. That's not something he's going to forget about. What that snake owner felt, all the time he spent caring for his pet, he's not going to forget about how some random spoiled brat came in one day and smashed his snake's head in when he was trying to spread the love. So sue me for caring about having good ethics.
Just so I understand you properly... killing a snake for no reason is wrong (STILL no auxiliary information here about the kid's mental health, etc), but beating the kid for it, and then trying to call "Self-defense" when the Dad steps in, that's "good ethics".

You know what, I almost wish you had been there that day... then you'd be locked up like the menace to society you are. "Blah blah blah I'm the real deal blah blah blah". And you WONDER why people have a distasteful impression of fighters... it's because 80% of them act like over-hormonal 14 year olds. I certainly don't want anyone who consciously considers their honed fighting skills a valid weapon to use on a CHILD, or who honestly believes they have the right to enact vigilante justice, roaming the streets anywhere near my family.

You don't actually talk like this is real life do you?

I can tell you one thing... if that was MY kid, and you even laid a finger on him, it wouldn't matter if you were Fedor himself... how dare you.


Old Timer
Jan 2, 2005
I wish that I could be the real deal. Instead I have made it a point to teach all my children how to behave. Mr. I-nicely said. Real Deal-do you have children?