Kid kills 10-foot Albino Burmese Python


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
lol@counselling WHAT A WASTE
most shrinks are why our kids are this way in the first place !!!
dont spank them it will harm thier self image! good grief, if they are bad kids they shouldnt have a good self image DUH they should be spanked so they know that bad actions get bad punishment. then they will learn to be good and have a good self image then and only then. And anyone who tries to outlaw spanking our kids should be drawn and quartered.
BEFORE all this crap got started , people didnt even think of taking guns to school because daddy would beat the crap out of us if we did. We knew certian things would cause us pain so we didnt do them. PEOPLE have to have somethign bad happen before they will be good. thats just the way we are. no amount of talking to a kid will do it.
::rolls eyes:: Did I say anything about being anti-spanking, or anti-punishment, or anything along those lines? If so, please point it out to me. In fact, I believe I suggested something a little more strict than a spanking: jail time.
My comment regarding the child needing counselling is in reference to the fact that this is disturbed, violent behavior that could amount to harming more animals or even humans if not corrected early. If this child is some kind of blooming sociopath, it needs to be recognized and if possible, treated. And I'm sorry, but when a kid is that out of control, more needs to be done than a mere belting.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2006
The people in the crowd should not have let the father and son go with out at least giving them a good tongue-lashing.

People these days stop and stare but nobody wants to get involved so things once deemed unacceptable are common place since onlookers walk by, shake their heads and quietly talk about how horrible the offending action was. What lesson was taught to the other kids in the crowd who now think this behavior is acceptable since all the adults said nothing and quietly stood back.

Sad story. I feel really bad for the keeper who must have felt totally abandoned as he was left to tend for his snake and the crowd did absolutely nothing about it.
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Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
So your defending this kid? An eye for an eye... That kid would desertve it.
Please point out where I said that this kid was RIGHT, or that what he did was OK. THAT would be defending him.

What I AM saying is that if it way MY snake, and some vigilante internet keyboard warrior standing by physically assaulted the child who had just killed MY snake, I would press charges against the VIGILANTE, not the kid.

Yes, the kid was wrong. Yes, what he did was horrible. But I don't live in a world where it's ok to maul a PERSON because they killed an ANIMAL, sorry.

baboon man8

Aug 13, 2007
i know this is a tarantulas and other inverbs. website but im sorry my love for snakes is beyond my 5 Ts i would have stomped on the father and the kids head


Old Timer
Sep 25, 2006
So, even after making statements like the above, you STILL feel you have the moral high ground in all of this? Unbelievable...

i play no role in the whole morality issue. the kid did something wrong. i honestly don't care what happens to the kid. maybe he'll grow up and be a millionaire. maybe he'll die tomorrow. either way, what happens happens. i could care less if he has the best life ever or if he dies tomorrow. If karma catches up to him (if you believe in it), then i will not have done anything to the little brat .:) i didn't say i would be the one head crushing. i meant i'd be the one on the porch laughing at him, in all my oldness. no one stopped him from crunching on the snake, so i wouldn't stop someone bashing the kid's head it. I would do nothing, just as everyone at the show did. does that mean i have a mental issues? maybe. oh well. i think not, but hey.... ;)
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Jul 6, 2007
This is one of the main reasons I never congratulate anyone when he somehow manages against all odds to get his wife pregnant (odds like sheer stupidity or general ignorance or just being hopelessly bad at it), or when whole crowds go all goofy on someone cause they had a baby

ANYONE can have a baby. morons can have babies, guppies can have babies; heck even roaches breed.......

I congratulate persons in a sincere, well meant way when they manage to RAISE a kid to a decent and social human being instead of just another asshole on this already overpopulated planet.

the kid in this syory and his dad are obviously in the latter category. I can think of at least 4 billion people that should have been neutered right before they reached puberty.

and yes, there SHOULD be some kind of course or school on how to raise decent humans before people start breeding .mandatory. :mad:


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2003
But I don't live in a world where it's ok to maul a PERSON because they killed an ANIMAL, sorry.
If I had been the child in question, my father probably would have smacked me at least a few times right then and there, and I would have gotten more at home. My dad actually hates snakes, but hurting or killing any innocent animal in his presence for no reason whatsoever wouldn't have been tolerated when I was a kid, and it wouldn't be tolerated now that I'm 30, either.

And just for the record, I like animals far more than people. If a guy walking his dog stepped in front of my car and I only had time to avoid hitting one or the other, I'd aim for the guy. There's no such thing as a evil animal, but there are plenty of evil people. I'd play the odds and hope the guy was a jerk.


Old Timer
Sep 25, 2006
If I had been the child in question, my father probably would have smacked me at least a few times right then and there, and I would have gotten more at home. My dad actually hates snakes, but hurting or killing any innocent animal in his presence for no reason whatsoever wouldn't have been tolerated when I was a kid, and it wouldn't be tolerated now that I'm 30, either.

And just for the record, I like animals far more than people. If a guy walking his dog stepped in front of my car and I only had time to avoid hitting one or the other, I'd aim for the guy. There's no such thing as a evil animal, but there are plenty of evil people. I'd play the odds and hope the guy was a jerk.

i like animals more than most people but not ALL people. -- im not sure if i would go the route of hitting the man instead of the dog, but i can definitely see where you are coming from. just imo.


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I'm thinking the kid had some sort of behavioral problem for the father to say that. But the father should have kept a better watch over his kid.


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2002
Maybe it's not very macho, but I would have followed the father and son back to their car and given the license number to the police for whatever good it might do.

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Maybe it's not very macho, but I would have followed the father and son back to their car and given the license number to the police for whatever good it might do.
Now THAT would have be the smart (and sane) thing to do. And I'm surprised that you were the first to suggest it. Apologies in advance if somebody else did and I merely missed it.

I feel the same sickening outrage that many of you do, but it must be kept in perspective. Does my inner primitive monster that lives in my brain say "Yeah, the kid deserved to be stomped!"? You bet. But luckily, my more rational side usually prevails during this sort of inner debate.
And wouldn't "an eye for an eye" mean one would have to track the kid down and kill his pet if he had one?:?


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2007
I would have tackled and probably ended up killing the kid...or at least maiming him severley:evil: :evil: :evil:


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2005
they say that abusing and killing animals is a common childhood sign of mass-murderers.


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2004
now think of the press it would be for the exotic keepers if Scott did retaliate in response?

I can just see the headlines...


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2006
soo should the kid be put in the same realm with vick????? as both were horrific but it seems the boys offence is more disturbing....


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
::rolls eyes:: Did I say anything about being anti-spanking, or anti-punishment, or anything along those lines? If so, please point it out to me. In fact, I believe I suggested something a little more strict than a spanking: jail time.
My comment regarding the child needing counselling is in reference to the fact that this is disturbed, violent behavior that could amount to harming more animals or even humans if not corrected early. If this child is some kind of blooming sociopath, it needs to be recognized and if possible, treated. And I'm sorry, but when a kid is that out of control, more needs to be done than a mere belting.
no YOU didnt , just most CPS do. Because they have ID 10 T errors. BUT lack of corporal punishment in this country is why there are so many kids out of control like this one. HAD he been disciplined like people used to be , he , no matter what he wanted to do, would have been afraid to do anythign like that. Many people would love to do certian thigns but don because they know its going to have consequences. I have little use for most counselling , most is based on bogus ass umptions


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
I would have tackled and probably ended up killing the kid...or at least maiming him severley:evil: :evil: :evil:
and you would be in court for murder and i would support the death penalty seeing as you have this type thign planned out.


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
i cant help but wonder tho, what would have happened if this kid tried that with a 20 foot green anaconda...

I really cant imagine anyone who would kill a human rather than an animal if it came to that. I have news for you. If Ted Bundy was alive and i had to choose between him and a house cat , id choose Ted to kill but ...If i didnt know anything about a person at all, and had to kill every pet i ever had or that person, id sure miss my pets. And anyone that dosent value human life more than an animals ...i pity you.