Went out today and purchased a large adult female P. regalis(indian ornamental).An absolutley stunning "T".Setup with some spagnum/peat/verm for substrate,a large peice of cork and a couple artificial plants and it's truly a sight to see.I also purchased an adult female A.bicoloratum(mexican bloodleg).Another beautiful "T".Setup in a 10 gallon tank with a couple inches peat/verm/cactus soil mix with a couple of retreats and she's quite content.She had just molted and I got her casing/shell(??) along with her.The owner just had a shipment of "T's" arrive.In it was a severely emaciated female H.lividum.Her abdomen is like a shriveled little sac..more how a shriveled raisin looks like.He gave it to me free.He thought it wouldn't make it.Got it home into a warm humid tank with a burrow.She immediately,very slowly crawled down the burrow to which I am able to see into.I dropped a cricket down the borrow.She nailed it right off.An hr later I dropped down a huge silkworm.Again she nailed it right away.I think she was also very thirsty.I could see her drinking the water droplets off the glass.I think she'll pull through.She's a definite fighter for sure.Nothing a little TLC won't fix.I got the fever bad..lol...peace..