Well, I'm not good at breeding questions but I can answer the male part of your question: the male has to produce and pick up sperms again via the sperm web. After that he's ready to roll!
well, I didnt have much experience with Rosies
I know sum Tarantulas will produce more then one sac between molts
I would say feed her first, give her 2-3 weeks rest and breed her again, worst thing can happened she will molt
oh and keep that cage dry
trash all the peat out, wash cage good, put all new peat
keep dry and clean all cricket remands out least day or so after feeding, keep the water in a water dish available at all the times
good luck with her
The eggs you have separated out still have good coloration and it's to early to tell if they are good or bad because you wouldn't see any development at this stage anyway. I would incubate them. Remove any eggs that go bad every day until you either have only good eggs or no eggs. I would never give up on them until I knew there was no point in trying.
I would take the female out of her cage and sterilize it with white vinegar and then dry it out completely. Give fresh substrate and only a water dish as a drinking source. Feed her for a while to fatten her up again and remove any boluses to prevent another mite problem. The fact that the egg sac was till sticky and there was obiously some decay going on may have attracted the mites to begin with. You can try breeding her ifyou still have the male but your chances of another egg sac before she molts just went down dramatically.
There is no way to know for sure which are good and fertile and which are not. All you can do is keep the best eggs separate, rotating them every day till ether they spoil or hatch out.
You cant. Every time an egg pops your chances of saving that cluster go down because you have more fluid that is coating the eggs and will cause spoiling in the end. So all you can do is wait it out.
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