Introduce Yourself


Dec 9, 2018
Thanks so much. That's the plan.
This is the number one source for quality info. Plenty of good people here to provide intel, but definitely read up on threads to learn as much as you can. There's plenty of older threads that can probably answer any questions you may have


Sep 25, 2022
Hello. My name is Jacquelyn Biggs and i am from NW Arkansas. I have been a lurker on and off to the boards for years and decided to finally join it.

I do not currently own any tarantulas but I have been interested in potentially getting some. I have much more of an interest in jumping spider species, mantis, and millipedes though that i may add to my collection next year.

My passion is breeding isopods. I have had my porcellionides pruinosus a long time and from one colony i started with, i have isolated many colors. Even orange creams. I also have armadillidium maculatum and porcellio laevis [dairy cow] which i absolutely ADORE. I have nothing better to do with my time because i am very disabled and unable to use my hands for long periods of time due to pain. I can literally watch them for hours. I use to be a successful artist until debilitating pain took over. For some reason after nearly 10 years of disability, I have found i can take care of invertebrates incredibly well. I put all my time and funds into isopods and springtails when i debated making my northern blue tongue skink enclosure bioactive.

As of right now, im just browsing information. Im constantly wanting to learn new info about inverts and maybe have a future in one day profiting some from them.

Miss Charlotte

Sep 26, 2022
Hey there ... I live in New Zealand ... While I find inverts fascinating and incredibly beautiful ... I have not started a collection of my own ... yet! I have a passion drawing all types of creatures and understanding them from an anatomical viewpoint ... with the intention of teaching the younger generation and engendering respect for them through knowledge and understanding.
I'm looking forward to my own journey of knowledge and enlightenment on this forum.
And who knows? This could be my first steps in having some precious little ones in my own home as my knowledge increases. (Although I'm severely limited as to the variety I can obtain here in New Zealand ... so may have to diverge into other things like Weta)
Thank you for having me.


Sep 29, 2022
Hello, my name is Sophie, I'm 32 and I live in Belgium.

I started in the hobby 1 year and a half ago, my interest grows every day. I hope to be able to read the topics and learn more, and find out. My participations will be limited because I use google trad.

My first tarantula is an Avicularia metallica, I love her terribly, she's really sweet and docile, she's also a girl, to my delight. I also breed Nhandu chromatus female, Holothele longipes female, Grammostola pulchripes male, psalmopoeus cambrigei male, and a Brachypelma hamorii, also male :(

I am awaiting receipt of new sling, Poecilotheria ornata, Cyriopagopus sp hati hati, Lasiodora parahybana, Psalmopoeus irminia and Avicularia purpurea.
My apartment will soon be too small to accommodate all my creatures:lol:


Dec 9, 2018
Hello, my name is Sophie, I'm 32 and I live in Belgium.

I started in the hobby 1 year and a half ago, my interest grows every day. I hope to be able to read the topics and learn more, and find out. My participations will be limited because I use google trad.

My first tarantula is an Avicularia metallica, I love her terribly, she's really sweet and docile, she's also a girl, to my delight. I also breed Nhandu chromatus female, Holothele longipes female, Grammostola pulchripes male, psalmopoeus cambrigei male, and a Brachypelma hamorii, also male :(

I am awaiting receipt of new sling, Poecilotheria ornata, Cyriopagopus sp hati hati, Lasiodora parahybana, Psalmopoeus irminia and Avicularia purpurea.
My apartment will soon be too small to accommodate all my creatures:lol:
Welcome Sophie!


Oct 2, 2022
Hi Hi Hi everybody!

My name's K'aadang.nga and I'm from the North West Coast of Canada :) I'm 22 y/o and loved spiders when I was a young child, but ever since I got bit whilst handling one in my backyard, I've been deathly terrified of them.
However, for the past couple years I've been watching ExoticsLair on Youtube and I've come to a point where I can watch videos + see photos of spiders/tarantulas and find them cute and adorable and I'd absolute love + take care of one of my own.

I'm planning to get one in a couple months, but until then I'm going to gradually prep and research into which genus and species is right for me! :)
I'm super excited to be here! and I will definitely share photos once I get her (plotting to get a female :3 )


Theraphosidae Rancher
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Hi Hi Hi everybody!

My name's K'aadang.nga and I'm from the North West Coast of Canada :) I'm 22 y/o and loved spiders when I was a young child, but ever since I got bit whilst handling one in my backyard, I've been deathly terrified of them.
However, for the past couple years I've been watching ExoticsLair on Youtube and I've come to a point where I can watch videos + see photos of spiders/tarantulas and find them cute and adorable and I'd absolute love + take care of one of my own.

I'm planning to get one in a couple months, but until then I'm going to gradually prep and research into which genus and species is right for me! :)
I'm super excited to be here! and I will definitely share photos once I get her (plotting to get a female :3 )
Welcome. There are a bunch of former arachnophobes here that have learned to love spiders through understanding them. One thing I would caution you about is that youtube channel you mentioned. That guy is a clickbait clown IMO, and very rarely if ever has the wellbeing of the T's at the top of his priority list. Check out Tom's Big Spiders by Tom Moran - he's very informative and has a ton of great content. You can find the best advice right here on, though!


Aug 2, 2022
I’ve posted a few times, so it’s about time I introduce myself. Name is Tara and I am a collector of many things. I’m told it’s a chromosome away from hoarding lol! I collect art, designer toys, Great Danes, and spiders. I’ve read a lot of really great educational posts from the community here, and I’m happy to have found it!


Oct 10, 2022
Hi everyone!

Italian guy, I volunteered daily for a year (it basically was my job) in a wild fauna rescue park where they also had Ts that people gave away. They accepted me immediately thanks to my snake keeping experience, which luckily also helped me with the other spicy animals they have there. I currently still go there at least twice a month and I look after the spiders, snakes and the other various reptiles. I'm not a huge fan of the birds they have, since most of them are pigeons and stuff like that.
I've had my 3 snakes (2 BPs and 1 BCC) since 2018 and now because of my new job that leaves me with lots of free time I decided to get some of the species that I worked with at the park plus some more... I'm obviously planning on getting more since I love all Ts :)
I currently have a juvie female A. geniculata and a number of slings of various sizes:
- B. albopilosum Nicaragua
- C. cyanopubescens
- C. versicolor
- M. balfouri
- P. murinus
- Neischnocolus sp. Panama
- H. marksi
- P. irminia

Clover Arms

Oct 3, 2022
Hi everyone!

Italian guy, I volunteered daily for a year (it basically was my job) in a wild fauna rescue park where they also had Ts that people gave away. They accepted me immediately thanks to my snake keeping experience, which luckily also helped me with the other spicy animals they have there. I currently still go there at least twice a month and I look after the spiders, snakes and the other various reptiles. I'm not a huge fan of the birds they have, since most of them are pigeons and stuff like that.
I've had my 3 snakes (2 BPs and 1 BCC) since 2018 and now because of my new job that leaves me with lots of free time I decided to get some of the species that I worked with at the park plus some more... I'm obviously planning on getting more since I love all Ts :)
I currently have a juvie female A. geniculata and a number of slings of various sizes:
- B. albopilosum Nicaragua
- C. cyanopubescens
- C. versicolor
- M. balfouri
- P. murinus
- Neischnocolus sp. Panama
- H. marksi
- P. irminia
Welcome and very nice collection. Does your A. Geniculata a decent display T?

The general consensus I find is that this species is out from the hide most of the
time, and this is one of the next T I'll be acquiring. Thanks.


Oct 10, 2022
Welcome and very nice collection. Does your A. Geniculata a decent display T?

The general consensus I find is that this species is out from the hide most of the
time, and this is one of the next T I'll be acquiring. Thanks.
Yes she's always out in the open!
Very voracious as well, however she's not very defensive. Just a little hair kicking.


Active Member
Jul 12, 2014
Hello Folks, I am so glad to be back in the hobby. A little background - I joined Arachnoboards almost 10 years ago and was quite active on these forums. As a result of some life circumstances I had to liquidate my collection. A while after that I actually moved from Louisiana, back to Canada and am now in Calgary, Alberta. I recently attended the Reptile Convention here in Calgary and was finally able to get back into the hobby with 4 new additions. An A. geniculata, a H. sp. Colombia, a T. vagans, and a P. irminia. All slings except the T. vagans - a small juvenile, roughly 1.5 to 2 inch DLS.

I am not sure if any of the old timers remember me, but I sure do recognize a lot of you!! Give me some time to get used to the interface etc. again! I'll be back at it as soon as possible I hope.

Other updates - once I returned to Canada, I pursued secondary education and obtained my Child and Youth Care diploma and am now working in the Social Work field as a Visit Supervisor with an agency - Wood's Homes. I am currently separated from my husband in Louisiana and am now healthier, happier, and thriving :) There's a lot of other things that happened on the journey from then to now, but for now, this is already enough of a text wall. ;)

Please be patient as I get back into the swing of things!


Oct 17, 2022
Hi all - so happy to be here! I'm a relatively new invert mom. I have a sub-adult A. chalcodes (Sabirah) and a mature male curly hair (Ripley), both purchased last year. They are in my home office where I spend most of my time each day and I just love them so much. Currently acquiring enclosure supplies for an Asian Forest scorpion, which I hope to purchase in a couple of weeks. I've also converted my 22yo daughter into a T lover, she recently got her first one, a pink toe, and she adores him.

A little about me - I've been married for 30 years, have four grown kids and one grandson. We live in rural East Texas. My other hobbies besides inverts are cross stitch, crochet, gardening, reading and genealogy. Other pets include four cats and a dog, and my daughter mentioned above also has a Netherland Dwarf bun and a dwarf hamster.

Arthropod Universe

Oct 18, 2022
Hi I’m a keeper from Illinois I keep millipedes, mantids and isopods I have one jumping spider named spooder guy and a gecko named speedy


May 2, 2011
Well, not new, but back after a 9 year "hiatus"

Caught the itch again over the summer and the collection is growing. Still hailing from Alaska. Horrible place to have this hobby IMO. shipping time frames and lack of conventions, shops, etc. But hey, we make do.

Glad to be back. :cool:


Aug 21, 2022
Hi, I'm new to the site! I have always had a fascination with tarantulas, many years ago I owned a couple but my circumstances changed. Recently after many months of research I decided to start again and now own 32 slings/juvenile and a couple of adults (MM T.Lagunas and O.Philippinus) I'm based in the UK and chilobrachys has to be one of my favourite genus

CutThroat Kid

Sep 26, 2022
Hello all, I've already made some posts on this forum so I thought I should introduce myself. I'm a 23-year-old law student here in Idaho, and relatively new to keeping inverts happy in captivity. I say 'happy in captivity' because as a child and early teenager, I was in no shortage of fascination for bugs, and wild caught invertebrate pets were a large part of growing up for me--though at the time, I never knew how to feed them in the winter as it would get too cold to catch food for them in the fall, so I would release my little buddies, not wanted them to starve. It wasn't until I had my pet snakes in my teens that I learned about 'feeder' insects at the pet store, and ever since, I've been considering getting back into bug collecting. Now, in my adulthood, having had to give up my snakes for undergrad college, as for how I got into long term captive invert care, what happened was, my mom got lucky enough to have a Cat Faced Orb Weaver (Araneus Gemmoides), set up in her window for the majority of its life (it's still thriving). It was so interesting to feed and watch that my childhood passion for spiders and other inverts was reignited. After doing some actual research and find that the hobby is about as established as it is with reptiles, I was certain I wanted to join the invert community and start keeping.

Having basic experience with exotic pet care (snakes), I jumped in headfirst and now have a collection of 12 inverts, as well as an isopod colony. Some caught, some purchased. Three NW tarantulas, three scorpions (mild toxicity), one mantis, and 6 true spiders.

I've found myself missing my snakes. Especially the mean ones. I had corn snake was an absolute menace, always pissed and ready to strike at anything that moved. I loved the adrenaline rush I got from picking him up or feeding him. Once I'm confident in myself, I'd like to get an intimidating old-world T like an OBT, Gooty, or even a communal Baboon setup to get that feeling back. I miss the rush! Not to mention, OWs just look insane!

Aside from that, I like action sports, dark beer, good music, and video games!

--CutThroat Kid


Sep 8, 2022
Hi all! FIrmware engineer from Colorado here. Joined because you keep having the answers I seek when I google them. I have a C. versicolor, an arizone blonde and a GBB, and am new to the hobby (got within the past month or so). Waiting on a nice big enclosure for my blonde who is currently sitting unhappily in her small temporary container, should get here tomorrow :) picked her up at Repticon this past weekend


Oct 28, 2022
Hello to whoever is seeing this, My name is Calvin and i am from Sparks, Nevada. Im 16 and im new to…. Well basically everything. About 2 months ago i decided to get my first pet, ofc the kind of kid i am i got a tarantula, (avic avic pink toe T) from petsmart. I had done very little research and when i got home i didnt really know what to do from there. Fast forward to now and im still kind of clueless as to if im doing anything right or wrong. I came to this forum knowing how old it is, to see if i could get any expert advice on how to make my tarantula as happy and stress free as possible. Since i had gotten him i have moved him into a way bigger enclosure and i think i might be going about all this a little too fast.

