Introduce Yourself

Tentacle Toast

Arachnosupporter +
Jul 6, 2016
Hey everyone :)

my name is Psy and I’m from a city in England called Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire.

been using these forums for a while for info but never signed up so thought it was about time! Lmao

would say I’m probably at an intermediate level of spider keeping now:D

Good to be here!
Well welcome to the business side, friend!

Bubba Q

Jul 17, 2022
Hidy there Kiddoes.
I don't think I can out-do the evil clown.

FEMA region 6, N Central TX.
We have lots of fun eight-legged critters here. I stopped killing my scorpions years ago. We scoop them and take them outside.
Same with spiders. They are beneficial. I let jumping spiders alone inside the house.
Except for loxoceles reclusa. Lots of them here. They must be culled. I've been bitten and it ain't none too much fun.

I stumbled across this site after looking at several University entomological sites to ID a new large spider that appeared today.
No luck.
Yup, I'm fascinated by arachnids.
Where do I post pix to maybe get an ID for a previously unknown to this area critter?

Tentacle Toast

Arachnosupporter +
Jul 6, 2016
Hidy there Kiddoes.
I don't think I can out-do the evil clown.

FEMA region 6, N Central TX.
We have lots of fun eight-legged critters here. I stopped killing my scorpions years ago. We scoop them and take them outside.
Same with spiders. They are beneficial. I let jumping spiders alone inside the house.
Except for loxoceles reclusa. Lots of them here. They must be culled. I've been bitten and it ain't none too much fun.

I stumbled across this site after looking at several University entomological sites to ID a new large spider that appeared today.
No luck.
Yup, I'm fascinated by arachnids.
Where do I post pix to maybe get an ID for a previously unknown to this area critter?
Welcome to the board, friend! You can get ID,.just post good pics:

Bubba Q

Jul 17, 2022
OK TT, I posted that monster in the non-tarantula zone...
We'll see what happens.
In the meantime, here's a mama wolf with brood. 20220703_025233.jpg

Holy krappe. You folks are serious! The microscope pix are awesome.
I like this place so far!
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Jul 2, 2022
I’m Mark, I’m 23 from Ireland and last month I bought my very first T, a tliltocatl vagans. Slowly and surely becoming more addicted as the days pass by.


Mar 8, 2017
Oh, I guess I never introduced myself. I'm Bill. Have had a life long fascination with arachnids since I was about 7 or 8 catching tarantulas centipedes and scorpions when we lived in Winnemucca Nevada. I now live in Washington state which has far fewer but for about the last 5 years I've been a tarantula keeper. Currently have a little over 40 with most of them being from the Phormictopus, Xenesthis and Pamphobeteus genus. I don't really have room to be a breeder so I am content to keep them as pets.


Jul 20, 2022
I just bought my first Tarantula. It's a Lasiodora parahybana and it's a very small spiderling. I also live in Denver, CO, USA.


Jul 20, 2022
hello, i'm basil from illinois! i don't have any tarantulas yet (unfortunately), but i've been making myself cozy lurking around here and doing my due research before i get any. nice to meet you all, happy to be here!


Jul 20, 2022
Hey everyone, I'm Thomas from France, been livin' &workin' quite along time in Switzerland. Just hopped into the hobby in March this year Anno Domini 2022. Started with a pair of GBB slings 6th molt (Chromie ♀ and Skittle ♂), both already molted twice. Then added a pair of P. mascara (Brownie ♀ and Rimmel ♂) monsters, not adult yet but already ravenous monsters. Later I added Jumpie ♐, a C. Versicolor sling of a decent size, and three tiny P. Sazimai slings. I won't go through the housing of each specimen for now, but they all seem happy amd doin' well so far!
As for myself: I used to be an amateur athlete. Had to stop due to some serious bloodflow-related issue and found solace in growin' various plants first, then in keepin' T's lately.
Glad to join the community and lookin' forward to gettin' to know you lots!
(A thirsty Pamphobeteus attached 😜)



Jul 23, 2022
Hey there!
Most people just call me "Aqua" online so I'll use that here,
I'm fairly new to keeping inverts, so I may be asking a few questions!
I'm from a town in the east of england,
Nice to meet you all!


Aug 1, 2022
Hello all!

I am from Poland and I've started with 3 tarantulas in 2020. Now I have about ~35 T. My most rare spider is Phromictopus sp. Dominican Purple and my best achievement is N. Incei with score 108 :)
Aug 4, 2022
Hi! My name's Rea (she/her)! I've browsed Arachnoboards since forever, so I finally decided to set up an account. 😌 I've had a long time appreciation for arachnids and other inverts, but am fairly new to keeping. Currently I'm only keeping tarantulas (and a few random amphibians), but I'm hoping to get into jumping spiders, wolf spiders, and maybe even a black widow eventually! I love all things artsy and craftsy, and am a bit of a book worm. I'm from the literal hot mess that is Florida, and my backyard is basically the Everglades, so (un)naturally, it's a lovely disaster of critters. You can usually find me talking in baby voice to some sort of animal, or crocheting weird little hats for them. ☺ I use a lot of emojis and tend to flail my fingers when typing, thus resulting in some weird spelling and autocorrect mistakes, so you have been warned, lol. I also would like to note that my gorgeous profile pic is my beloved A. Avicularia juvie, who is shamelessly my favorite child. 🥰
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Dec 9, 2018
Hi! My name's Rea (she/her)! I've browsed Arachnoboards since forever, so I finally decided to set up an account. 😌 I've had a long time appreciation for arachnids and other inverts, but am fairly new to keeping. Currently I'm only keeping tarantulas (and a few random amphibians), but I'm hoping to get into jumping spiders, wolf spiders, and maybe even a black widow eventually! I love all things artsy and craftsy, and am a bit of a book worm. I'm from the literal hot mess that is Florida, and my backyard is basically the Everglades, so (un)naturally, it's a lovely disaster of critters. You can usually find me talking in baby voice to some sort of animal, or crocheting weird little hats for them. ☺ I use a lot of emojis and tend to flail my fingers when typing, thus resulting in some weird spelling and autocorrect mistakes, so you have been warned, lol. I also would like to note that my gorgeous profile pic is my beloved A. Avicularia juvie, who is shamelessly my favorite child. 🥰
Awesome!!! I'm jealous of having the 'glades for my backyard! Even in MS, we don't have some of the good critters you guys have! Anyhow, welcome aboard


Jul 28, 2022
First, I’ve chosen the name “Nibbles” because of my fondness of Futurama’s Lord Nibbler. I even recreated an image of him in MS paint to go with it lol.

I’m almost 25, and I’ve always had a fascination with nature. As a kid, a frequent pastime of mine was to explore outside in search of bugs and spiders. I remember getting invited to an all girl’s birthday party one time, and I was looking around in the bushes and under rocks when I was supposed to be participating in the party.

I had very little exposure to the concept of exotic types of animals as pets growing up. That changed when the Herps Alive Foundation (which I’m proud to be a volunteer of) opened for business about 8 years ago. They’re a non profit organization whose mission is to educate the public about exotic animals, and to help any exotic animal that needs it. The rescue is available for anyone to walk in and look around, so children are frequently in there. HAF even hosted a kid’s birthday party last week. Those kids are so lucky, I wish I had those kinds of experiences when I was their age.

Recently we got in a handful of t’s (not something that happens very often), which is how I ended up deciding to adopt my hamorii. There’s also a curly hair, something else, and a Goliath bird eater who they’ve named maniac. I tried tong feeding maniac yesterday, but he gave me a threat pose when I moved the prey around in front of his face so I dropped it in there and left it at that.

Overall, volunteering was interesting yesterday. I’m usually assigned to feed the bug eaters, which is a win for me because I really enjoy doing that. Yesterday was no different and he had me do bug eaters. I used roaches because we’re almost completely out of crickets. It was going fine but then I screwed up. I sort of did a “Patrick move” where he spilled the bubbles because he looked at his watch. I made the mistake of trying to lift the lid of an enclosure with the same hand I was holding the critter keeper full of roaches with, and it tilted too much, spilling a bunch of roaches onto the floor. Some of those roaches were quite large too. I said “crap” before I could stop myself. I then apologized profusely to a woman and her young son who were witnessing this unfold, and quickly dropped to the floor to put them all back in the keeper.

There’s a part 2 to this. Not a continuation of the roach accident but something else unexpected that happened. I usually feed the animals in the small animal room last because it takes me the longest. While I was doing that, I noticed that one of the leopard geckos was missing. A bit later, the leo that went missing appeared out of nowhere because she was hungry and I had bugs. I tried to pick her up but she got startled and ran into the corner then behind the shelf. Before she went behind there, I managed to get her by her tail but then I let go because I didn’t want her to drop it. I carefully moved that very large and tall shelf to try and get to her. When I stepped back there, she was still at the same corner she ran to. Before picking her up, I offered her a bug with the tongs which she eagerly ate. I successfully got her out from behind the shelf, tail intact.
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Dec 9, 2018
First, I’ve chosen the name “Nibbles” because of my fondness of Futurama’s Lord Nibbler. I even recreated an image of him in MS paint to go with it lol.

I’m almost 25, and I’ve always had a fascination with nature. As a kid, a frequent pastime of mine was to explore outside in search of bugs and spiders. I remember getting invited to an all girl’s birthday party one time, and I was looking around in the bushes and under rocks when I was supposed to be participating in the party.

I had very little exposure to the concept of exotic types of animals as pets growing up. That changed when the Herps Alive Foundation (which I’m proud to be a volunteer of) opened for business about 8 years ago. They’re a non profit organization whose mission is to educate the public about exotic animals, and to help any exotic animal that needs it. The rescue is available for anyone to walk in and look around, so children are frequently in there. HAF even hosted a kid’s birthday party last week. Those kids are so lucky, I wish I had those kinds of experiences when I was their age.

Recently we got in a handful of t’s (not something that happens very often), which is how I ended up deciding to adopt my hamorii. There’s also a curly hair, something else, and a Goliath bird eater who they’ve named maniac. I tried tong feeding maniac yesterday, but he gave me a threat pose when I moved the prey around in front of his face so I dropped it in there and left it at that.

Overall, volunteering was interesting yesterday. I’m usually assigned to feed the bug eaters, which is a win for me because I really enjoy doing that. Yesterday was no different and he had me do bug eaters. I used roaches because we’re almost completely out of crickets. It was going fine but then I screwed up. I sort of did a “Patrick move” where he spilled the bubbles because he looked at his watch. I made the mistake of trying to lift the lid of an enclosure with the same hand I was holding the critter keeper full of roaches with, and it tilted too much, spilling a bunch of roaches onto the floor. Some of those roaches were quite large too. I said “crap” before I could stop myself. I then apologized profusely to a woman and her young son who were witnessing this unfold, and quickly dropped to the floor to put them all back in the keeper.

There’s a part 2 to this. Not a continuation of the roach accident but something else unexpected that happened. I usually feed the animals in the small animal room last because it takes me the longest. While I was doing that, I noticed that one of the leopard geckos was missing. A bit later, the leo that went missing appeared out of nowhere because she was hungry and I had bugs. I tried to pick her up but she got startled and ran into the corner then behind the shelf. Before she went behind there, I managed to get her by her tail but then I let go because I didn’t want her to drop it. I carefully moved that very large and tall shelf to try and get to her. When I stepped back there, she was still at the same corner she ran to. Before picking her up, I offered her a bug with the tongs which she eagerly ate. I successfully got her out from behind the shelf, tail intact.
You wrote a whole damn book @Nibbles!! 😂


Aug 5, 2022
Howdy hey. I usually go by Buggy, though any shortened version of my screen name will do just fine as well. I'm 34, live in Florida, and have a humble collection of 7 Ts, soon to be 9, along with a few scorpions and the like. Finally signed up so I could see the full bite and breeding reports, though I've skulked through old posts plenty.


Aug 5, 2022
Hi, all I am from Canada and Ireland also, just because of my parent's nationality.
After having my fish tank empty for a while, I've finally decided to refill it, but this time I'm doing something new: research! I'm still debating whether to get freshwater or saltwater fish. I think a marine system would be lovely, but I know it will be more expensive and labor-intensive than a freshwater arrangement. Do you have any suggestions for covering the back glass pane with a black background?
Thank you ahead of time.