Introduce Yourself


Sep 3, 2021
My name's Lucie, I'm from California and I'm here to learn things.

I've always been kind of okay with spiders and other "creepy-crawlies," but I get uncomfortable when physically close to them, and I've never really tried to ease the discomfort or learn more about them.

Until now! I've been reading up on tarantulas, and I hope to get my first one soon (hoping for an A. Chalcodes or a GBB-- or both ;)).

I like joining groups or forums for pets I keep so that I can fill the blanks in my research and have people to reach out to if something goes wrong or if I have questions, so that's why I'm here!

I'll close this out with a list of my current pets because I love talking about them:

-Two ball pythons, Samoa and Sherri
-An Oscar fish named Daisy
-A Betta named Calcifer
-My rescue dog, Cassius


Old Timer
Oct 5, 2012
Back from the dead.

Can't really remember when was the last time I've been in these halls.
Lots of stuff happened, including my entire roster succumbing to a parasite from food, from a source I'd never had problems with before. There were other factors, but well, it was a dark time in my life.
Dunno if anybody actually remembers me.

Anyway, I seem to be back with a craving.
So what's new? Has Fukushima finally done her thing with Avics? What new and exciting species have popped up? Where the hell are all the A.geniculatas in my country?

Vic Flores Guevara

Oct 6, 2021
Hello everyone. :alien
My name is Vic, I'm mexican and currently living in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Im sure theres plenty of members from all over the world but now you know theres arachnolovers in that city haha, i'd love to know if someones from there too. Im a biology student and have loved tarantulas all my life, when i was little i had a G.rosea but sadly we had to give it back since one time she escaped and a neighbor almost killed her. Now that im an adult about a year ago i got a Tliltocatl vagans, her name is Octubre (october) ❤ she was a juvenile when i got her but now she has its characteristic colors so i suppose shes an adult now, i actually didnt get her from a petstore, there are places here called UMAs (Unidad de Manejo Animal) which are units monitored by the government dedicated to promoting alternative production schemes of wildlife management that are compatible with their conservation. Theyre very cool. So, on another topic i found out about arachnoboards by a few youtubers (exotics lair, the dark den, tarantula collective) i dont know anything about the community here (besides the rules on the site and stuff) so any advice is welcome, i dont have anything left to say sooo, nice to meet you all guys !



Oct 6, 2021
Hi everybody! I'm Pat. I'm 39 and I live in Germany. I've had a few pets in my time including a royal (ball python), but never a tarantula. My wife and I have been doing lots of research, have been getting prepared, and we should be getting our first T's in the next few days (C. Cyaneopubescens Female 6cm (circa 2.4 inches: G. Pulchripes sling; C. Versicolor sling). We're throwing ourselves into it, but we know most of the worst pitfalls from our research.

Looking forward to seeing them grow and sharing the experience.



Dec 9, 2018
Since being here I guess I've realized no insects or spiders are off limits as far as pets go. It's really interesting


Oct 10, 2021
Hey there guys and gals,

Just introducing myself. I got into Tarantulas a few weeks ago while on vacation. It spurred from my fear of spiders, and immediate response to crush them. Which I always felt bad about.
So to get over my fear, I initially wild caught one common brown jumping spider to observe. Which led to two, then three, then four, and so on. After that point I had stopped by a local store called reptile factory.
Eventually leaving with my first Tarantula. An Aphonopelma Hentzi sling.

Currently I now have an Idiothele Mira and Halpactira Phulchripesas as well. I did my research and was willing to accept the risk of having two Old world Tarantulas this early on.



Active Member
Jul 1, 2018
Silverfish are great, though they are mostly kept as food for other animals. Sadly my colony died out last year.

I did my research and was willing to accept the risk of having two Old world Tarantulas this early on.
you will do just fine i am sure.

welcome all :^)

Arachnides Canada

Oct 17, 2021
hi! I am Ella and turning 14 in a few months :) I own only 2 spiders, a male wolf spider (Aragog) and a female jumping spider (Bella). I am super happy to be here and can wait to see what I can learn from you all!!


Oct 17, 2021
Hi all my name is baz, I am new to the forums and have been keeping tarantulas for about a year now. I only have 2 at the moment an adult female giant white knee and small (juvenile?) P Metallica. I also keep and breed chameleons so I am not new to caring for exotics but am fairly new to keeping tarantulas so thought it was about time I joined the forums to help gain some knowledge and also out of pure interest for spiders.<edit> I will try to understand the forums better but I am very new to all this. Anyway glad to come aboard such an awesome group and look forward to chatting with you all soon:)
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Oct 5, 2021
Hey everyone!

My name is Brandon, I'm 28 and live just outside Philadelphia and I am a newbie to the hobby. I have contemplated getting a T for a few years now but never actually committed to it until a few weeks ago (due to work and just a general fear of spiders, although I do not have arachnophobia). So I finally pulled the trigger and was lucky enough to get a G. Pulchra female which I named Shelob (a HUGE reason why I started because I know they are rare to come by so I figured that it was just meant to be and yes, I know it's very cliché but I love Lord of the Rings and that the name suited her gorgeous color) and I honestly can say that this was one of the better decisions I have made. I literally could watch her for hours and after a few weeks of taking care of her, her settling in and just getting used to the idea that I have a T now, I can comfortable say that my fear has diminished significantly and I have only been in complete awe of T's and totally understand the saying that "One T will soon be 100". I am going to the Philly Reptile Expo on November 13th so if anyone wants to hang out or have recommendations for another beginner friendly species, I am all ears!

I am ecstatic to be here and look forward to learning from all of you and if anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!


Edit: I couldn't control myself... I just got an A. Hentzi :lol:
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Oct 18, 2021
Hi I’m brand new to this hobby . I have been around reptiles and more. I used to be terrified of any form of spider . Im here to learn and gain friends. 😊


Dec 9, 2018
Hi I’m brand new to this hobby . I have been around reptiles and more. I used to be terrified of any form of spider . Im here to learn and gain friends. 😊
Well, welcome!! Some of us are into both reptiles and spiders!!


Oct 18, 2021
Hi all,

I’m new to Arachnoboards so I figured I’m gonna introduce myself. Mason, California, 3 tarantulas.
I got my 1st tarantula 2 years ago and I got 2 more after that. Oldest guy is a rose hair I presume, Second guy is a Mexican redknee, and my newest little bud is a fuzzy curly hair. I do not know the sex although my friend told me my redknee is a female.


Jun 2, 2016
Hi all,

I’m new to Arachnoboards so I figured I’m gonna introduce myself. Mason, California, 3 tarantulas.
I got my 1st tarantula 2 years ago and I got 2 more after that. Oldest guy is a rose hair I presume, Second guy is a Mexican redknee, and my newest little bud is a fuzzy curly hair. I do not know the sex although my friend told me my redknee is a female.
Welcome. In the main menu under the tarantula section there’s a sexing section as well as species identification if you want to confirm what kind of Brachypelma your red knee is. Most around here go by scientific names, red knee is a common name that can be confusing as there are several species of Brachypelma that look similar unless you know the subtle differences.

I’ve been keeping for nearly two years. Good to see another Californian keeper.


Oct 3, 2021
Hallo arachnofriends!

I'm DCJ in the UK, and my interest in tarantulas was sparked when one fell out of a bunch of a bananas and into my lap, I may already be addicted. I'm really interested in dwarf/small species, burrowers, and not really interested in handling these guys.

I've got 15+ years experience in freshwater fish keeping (I love micro species and some of the lesser-used gouramis and overlooked cichlids, and I'm getting into blackwater and brackish tanks lately), I have about 2 years reef experience, a year and a half with houseplants and I've started dipping my toe into the reptile and invert waters in the last 12 months or so.

I can't work because of stupid chronic illness and disabilities, and I am very bitter about it. I also recently moved house and I'm going stir crazy without access to my fishtanks, so that tarantula came at the best of times.

Hope to see some of you around, I'm very grateful and appreciative of the help I've had from this forum so far!


Oct 18, 2021
Hallo arachnofriends!

I'm DCJ in the UK, and my interest in tarantulas was sparked when one fell out of a bunch of a bananas and into my lap, I may already be addicted. I'm really interested in dwarf/small species, burrowers, and not really interested in handling these guys.

I've got 15+ years experience in freshwater fish keeping (I love micro species and some of the lesser-used gouramis and overlooked cichlids, and I'm getting into blackwater and brackish tanks lately), I have about 2 years reef experience, a year and a half with houseplants and I've started dipping my toe into the reptile and invert waters in the last 12 months or so.

I can't work because of stupid chronic illness and disabilities, and I am very bitter about it. I also recently moved house and I'm going stir crazy without access to my fishtanks, so that tarantula came at the best of times.

Hope to see some of you around, I'm very grateful and appreciative of the help I've had from this forum so far!
Welcome! Sorry about your chronic illness and disabilities :(
enjoy your stay ;) :spider:


Oct 23, 2021
Hi! I’m new to the hobby and I decided to get a few tarantulas of my own after loving the tarantula thread on Reddit. Excited to be here and very excited to learn.
currently have a GBB sling on the way and a juvie Brach. Hamorii next to the PS5 so….I guess this is my life now

