Introduce Yourself


Jan 21, 2021
Hi all, I'm Amy and I'm from the UK.
Been keeping tarantulas for a couple of years now and finally got round to joining.
Only keep new worlds at the moment and my favourite species is E campestratus.
Never gave myself an introduction even though I joined a month ago so here I go. My name is Samson , I am 15 and currently live in Bergen County NJ. I started keeping invertebrates 2 months ago. Currently I have the following: 9 types of isopod, 2 types of millipedes, 1 type of cockroach and 1 type of centipede. I have always been fascinated by invertebrates but never kept them until now. Planning to expand my collection once my permits come in( my Alabama permit came in Thursday). I plan on selling some of the invertebrates I breed in the coming months. I also plan on pursuing a career in entomology. Aside from insects I love and respect all other beings of life.
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Jul 7, 2020
Hello everyone :) I'm Lys.

I just started being active on the forums a couple of days ago. I've been interested in arachnids for a long time and have kept jumping spiders, while slowly learning about / working up the nerve to get myself my first T. I got myself a GBB sling in early January of this year. I believe (s)he's on fifth instar now, (s)he's been through one molt since in my care and I haven't been able to determine the sex yet.

I joined the boards to continue learning and hopefully make some like-minded spider friends. No one in my life is really that into tarantulas, except for one friend of mine that likes them, but owns none, and my boyfriend who I am slowly turning into a fan. I'm working on it lol.


Feb 20, 2021
Hello everyone :) I'm Lys.

I just started being active on the forums a couple of days ago. I've been interested in arachnids for a long time and have kept jumping spiders, while slowly learning about / working up the nerve to get myself my first T. I got myself a GBB sling in early January of this year. I believe (s)he's on fifth instar now, (s)he's been through one molt since in my care and I haven't been able to determine the sex yet.

I joined the boards to continue learning and hopefully make some like-minded spider friends. No one in my life is really that into tarantulas, except for one friend of mine that likes them, but owns none, and my boyfriend who I am slowly turning into a fan. I'm working on it lol.
Hey Lys, im new also! Welcome!


Feb 28, 2021
Hey y'all I'm Jake and I'm 22. I've been interested in arachnids and other inverts for a while time now. I've kept beetles before (all Dynastes tityus) but I just got my first tarantula. I'm from Raleigh, North Carolina and I'm a research technician in a lab that in normal times is dedicated to HIV medication trials but is currently dedicated to covid vaccine and antiviral trials. Other than inverts, I loooove ice hockey (go Canes!) and horror movies. I joined because I don't really know anyone who's even half as interested in inverts as I am and, seeing as I just got my first tarantula, I figure this forum will be a good resource as I know I'll have questions (and as I'll prob want to share pictures lol).


Mar 1, 2021
Hi all, I'm Amy and I'm from the UK.
Been keeping tarantulas for a couple of years now and finally got round to joining.
Only keep new worlds at the moment and my favourite species is E campestratus.
Hi! I'm Rachel, from Ohio, and I'm brand spankin new to Ts. All encouragement/advice/warnings are HIGHLY welcomed!


Mar 3, 2021
hiya everyone... i'm new to all this but not really... let me explain... when i was younger i worked at the local zoo with reptiles and inverts... i also had a huge collection myself... fast forward to about 12 years ago i was in a bad accident and received a brain injury among other things... with the brain injury i lost most of my memories... just recently i started getting back into my animal obsession... its amazing relearning everything... i feel like such a little kid in awe of everything i see and read... so i will be here just poking around reading... let me just say thanks in advance for all your knowledge.


Jan 17, 2020
Welcome!! @jordan5995 And you can join my one man club as far as I know for TBI peeps, mine was not due to an accident though, but youre not alone!! Welcome back and glad to hear you are relearning! I still forget a lot, but now I pretty much never forget this hobby and all thhe latin that goes along with it lol! Glad to hear despite the momeory loss you are in awe, inspiring from one faulty brain to another! Keep it up!! -Connor


Feb 17, 2021
Hello! I like spiders, they're pretty cool. I have 5 T's right now, and hope to collect more when the right time comes. I'm also quite interested in 'real' spiders, reptiles, amphibians, and almost any invert, but as of right now tarantulas have my attention.

Tliltocatl Albopilosus F - 3-5 years?
Ceratogyrus Darlingi - 6-10 months
Avic Avic Metallica - 2-3 months
Cyriocosmus Elegans - 2-3 months
Chilobrachys Sp. Vietnam Blue - 2-3 months

And a very unfortunate accident lead to the passing of my Caribena Versicolor after about 6 months of keeping.

So here we are! if anyone has any advice or recommendations for next spiders, Ill be here!

Thanks a ton!


Jan 17, 2020
Hello! I like spiders, they're pretty cool. I have 5 T's right now, and hope to collect more when the right time comes. I'm also quite interested in 'real' spiders, reptiles, amphibians, and almost any invert, but as of right now tarantulas have my attention.

Tliltocatl Albopilosus F - 3-5 years?
Ceratogyrus Darlingi - 6-10 months
Avic Avic Metallica - 2-3 months
Cyriocosmus Elegans - 2-3 months
Chilobrachys Sp. Vietnam Blue - 2-3 months

And a very unfortunate accident lead to the passing of my Caribena Versicolor after about 6 months of keeping.

So here we are! if anyone has any advice or recommendations for next spiders, Ill be here!

Thanks a ton!
Welcome to Arachnoboards!! Read and enjoy!


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Hi my name is Charlie , I am a Newby to the wonderful world of t's . I have non ATM,( my son is autistic and would try to play with it, ) so I have native(uk) spiders instead till my boy is old enough. I was scared of spiders till about a year ago when I found out about the Marshalli and became obsessed. (It was my youngest nick name when he was still with us.) I found that learning all I can about t's & spiders has kept me going and honestly has been a lifeline in a dark few years. I found this community through YouTube and look forward to being a part of it and learning more, & hopefully helping too 😀. In the mean time have a fantastic day and catch you all soon ☺


Mar 13, 2021
Hi all, my name is James, I am 24 from Sacramento, CA, USA. I was a huge arachnophobe for most of my life, up until about three or four years ago; now, I can't believe I was ever afraid of these amazing creatures. I've been interested in Ts for a few years, and finally went and got my first one (a juvenile[?] B. emilia) last weekend (3.6.21). I've been stalking these forms for a while, and decided to finally join the community! I'm looking forward to being more active as I get more and more into the hobby.

Take care!


Mar 13, 2021
Hi! I'm Jay and I'm from South Florida.
I'm brand new to the forum, but I've been following blogs and doing research on mostly beetle keeping for about two and a half years now. I just have a rhinoceros beetle right now since my housemates are huge entomophobes who can only handle so much, but I'm hoping to care for a variety of different insects sometime in the future. I honestly didn't even plan on joining a forum today, I got here literally just a few hours ago while looking up what to do about weevils. They're pests, but I really love them and I'm a huge softie, This was literally the only place on the internet I found that offered better options and helpful advice and didn't just say "kill them dead asap" and that tipped me off that this forum was a good one.


Nov 27, 2019
I've been a member for about a year and a half and never introduced myself!
I come from a herp background, having kept and bred many snakes over the last 33 years. I'm from the UK and hold a BSc(Hons) degree in applied zoology.
Always wanted a tarantula after seeing Mexican Red knee slings for sale at a massive £1 each at a local reptile society show. My mum said no.
So I sulked, as any 11 year old would, until she caved in and said I could have a snake.
I got a garter snake for my 12th birthday and never looked back. I had a UK captive breeding first (Mexican hognose snakes), and was one of the first to regularly breed Argentine longnose snakes. I also had the only UK bred litter of Javelin sandboas in 10 years in the UK.
Unfortunate circumstances meant I had to sell my snake collection a few years ago.
I always wanted a giant centipede and in 2019 found cb Scolopendra mutilans for sale. But the postage was twice the price of one.
So I ordered one, along with a P sazimaii sling to make the order financially sensible.
I now have 25 tarantulas and 5 giant centipedes. I have no plans on breeding tarantulas until I have gained WAY more experience but I would like to try it once, just so I can say I have done it.
I'm really enjoying learning about these amazing animals. I prefer to buy slings so I can see them grow and develop.
I have to say too that this is the friendliest exotics forum I have used.


Mar 15, 2021
Hello all! My name is Brian and I live in Reno, Nevada. I have been out of the hobby for many years, my last pet being a Poecilotheria regalis. I am planning to get back into the hobby by keeping some local beetles. I look forward to learning as much as I can from all of you.


Mar 17, 2015
Hello, friends old and new. Some of you may remember I used to be a regular around these parts, but I got pulled away by Life. You know how it goes. Hope all is well with all of you, and maybe I can be around a little bit more again!

My Ts: GBB F 5", B boehmei F 4.5", A versi 4" and soon to have a T albo nicaragua 1". :D