Introduce Yourself


Dec 4, 2020
Hi everyone,

My name is Paloma. I live in Southern California. I am a newbie. I have only been looking through Arachnoboards to learn more info on my T’s and how to care for them. I finally decided to register today! I now have a total of 10 tarantulas. I’m new here and I don’t do much of these discussion board things so please forgive me if I miss some protocols 🥴🥴🥴


Dec 7, 2020
hi, im inki! i've been lurking on here - mostly advice threads - for maybe 2 years now, thought it was time to actually join haha, even if it's just so i can actually view pics.

been keeping inverts for 3 years now, always looking to increase my knowledge (and collection)


Dec 8, 2020
Hola everybody, grettings from the Andean mountains of Peru, Imaynalla !!

I guess the Tarantulas themselves pushed me to register on your forum to get to know them a bit better... I am living in the cloud-forest nearby Machu Picchu, in a house that was abandonned for about 40 years. Coming back living here, the place was invaded of Tarantulas, and regulary they surprised me hidding somewhere in the house. Yesterday I found one in my bed sheets going to sleep for example... :rolleyes:

Usually my first reaction, based on fear and ignorance :shy:, is to intend to kill them, even if sometimes I capturing them in a jar to move them away. Well I guess I will create another post to present my situation and asking for your help to know them better. I rather prefer not killing them of course, but wont let them invade our living spaces and threatening our security !

I am vegetarian, animal friendly, 33 yo french expat in Peru (about 6 years now), straight edge punk hardcore older kid now living in eco-community and practicing a spiritual path based on the Krsna counciouness and the ancestral wisdom of the Red Path of Americas. Looking forward to exchange with you !



Dec 8, 2020
Name is Dwight. I have a granddaughter that is interested in tarantulas! I am here to help her learn a much as we can about them. She has a young Aphonopelma hentzi that i caught for her. If her interest stays and this one works out, we will move her up a notch spider wise!

Lu Ballz

Dec 9, 2020
What's good everyone!? I'm Luey. I've been keeping T's for a little over 2 years and decided to create an account due to my growing interest and collection.
I currently have 10 and a Pandinus Imperator. The first was Tliltocatl Hamorii from a local repticon. A year later I ordered 3 slings <edit>: Aphonopelma Chalcodes, Tliltocatl Albopilosus & Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens. This passed weekend I picked up 6 more from <edit> at the local show: Grammistola Rosea, Grammistola Pulchripes x2 (one was a freebie), Caribena Versicolor, Dolicothele Diamantinensis, and a Tliltocatl Albopilosus as another freebie.
I'm a noob, I know... But I'm an obsessive researcher before and after getting into anything. Sorry this was a crazy long intro but I'm pretty excited to be a part of this community and forum. 🤓
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Feb 26, 2020
Hola everybody, grettings from the Andean mountains of Peru, Imaynalla !!

I guess the Tarantulas themselves pushed me to register on your forum to get to know them a bit better... I am living in the cloud-forest nearby Machu Picchu, in a house that was abandonned for about 40 years. Coming back living here, the place was invaded of Tarantulas, and regulary they surprised me hidding somewhere in the house. Yesterday I found one in my bed sheets going to sleep for example... :rolleyes:

Usually my first reaction, based on fear and ignorance :shy:, is to intend to kill them, even if sometimes I capturing them in a jar to move them away. Well I guess I will create another post to present my situation and asking for your help to know them better. I rather prefer not killing them of course, but wont let them invade our living spaces and threatening our security !

I am vegetarian, animal friendly, 33 yo french expat in Peru (about 6 years now), straight edge punk hardcore older kid now living in eco-community and practicing a spiritual path based on the Krsna counciouness and the ancestral wisdom of the Red Path of Americas. Looking forward to exchange with you !

Welcome fellow vegetarian!


Nov 14, 2020
I signed up nearly a month ago but I never introduced myself! My name is Jamie, I'm 23 years old and I recently welcomed a T. albopilosus into my home. My interests include music and cars. I love classic rock, doom metal, black metal, and death metal. My favorite band is Rush!


Apr 17, 2020
Hello all, my name is Kenya :)
I'm not gonna list the habitants of the zoo here in detail but it ranges from dogs to snakes to rodents, and now tarantulas. As a reptile enthusiast, I can't believe it took me so long to start keeping T's. I already have all the substrate and decor and a temp controlled room. Now you're telling me I can make lots of tiny enclosures and that they're all even less maintenance than my snakes? I've already got 7, 4 more in transit. The addiction launches quickly.
I also care for a human child all by myself, which, 10/10 highest maintenance critter I house. Much cheaper alternatives!
I reside in the hot and dry Las Vegas valley in Nevada. Hope to see y'all around if we ever get an actual Reptile Nation expo going again (thanks COVID-19).

Hello all, my name is Kenya :)
I'm not gonna list the habitants of the zoo here in detail but it ranges from dogs to snakes to rodents, and now tarantulas. As a reptile enthusiast, I can't believe it took me so long to start keeping T's. I already have all the substrate and decor and a temp controlled room. Now you're telling me I can make lots of tiny enclosures and that they're all even less maintenance than my snakes? I've already got 7, 4 more in transit. The addiction launches quickly.
I also care for a human child all by myself, which, 10/10 highest maintenance critter I house. Much cheaper alternatives!
I reside in the hot and dry Las Vegas valley in Nevada. Hope to see y'all around if we ever get an actual Reptile Nation expo going again (thanks COVID-19).
Just kidding, bought three more at a local shop. Ones the online order comes in I'll be at 14 total. It's not my fault!


Dec 11, 2020
Hello all! I'm Paul from Atlanta, Georgia. I'm just getting into keeping, having gotten a Brachypelma Boehmei a few days ago. My knowledge about spiders is trivial at best, though I find arachnids very fascinating and great fun to learn about!

Malum Argenteum

Dec 16, 2020
Hi, I'm John. I've been breeding a handful of herps -- a few common species of geckos, some less common colubrids, locality rosy boas, and a few others -- for about ten years, and have gotten pretty deep into dart frogs for the last couple years. There are noticeable similarities between the focus of serious (≠ famous) Dendrobatid keepers and what I can see here from serious T keepers (animal-centered husbandry, KISS enclosures, disdain toward show-offs of various types) that makes the idea of keeping Ts seem familiar and welcoming.

I recently acquired a C. versicolor (in pre-molt, so a little stressful to a novice keeper), and I'm attracted to some of the smaller NW terrestrials, and many of the NW arboreals (Avics and former Avics), that I've seen. It will be fun to see how preferences change once I learn about T personalities. :)


Dec 25, 2020
Hello there, My name is Don, and I came across this site when looking up information on jumping spiders. The reason being is my wife knew I was interested in the little buggers, and she has ordered me a female Phidippus Regius. About 15 years ago I used to keep several species of tarantulas, and over the years as they eventually expired from old age. I never replaced them as life and time got in the way. I always enjoyed interacting with them, and my children found them interesting and prevented them from being scared of insects of any type. I thought that to be a side benefit. Although they were fairly common types, Pink toe, Curly hair, Rose Hair, etc. They all had unique personalities. and would regularly come out of their hides if they noticed me nearby messing about. Some just would look at you, and my pink toe, in particular, could not wait to crawl up my arm and set on my shoulder. Now that I have fewer activities to go do, and working at home full time, along with my love of photography, This seemed like the perfect time to have a new tiny friend! I am looking forward to her arrival, and have already picked out a great spot for her enclosure. The best part is my wife is on board because she thinks they have the cutest faces ever. So that means I may have a varied collection in the coming months. When spring comes back in Arizona I will be out in my yard here in Phoenix, and perhaps traveling a bit to see if I can find some of the local varieties here in the Southwest. I know I have seen them around, so I will try to plant the most inviting habitats possible. Anyway, Looking forward to reading through the forums, and maybe get some local sourcing tips from others in the valley or greater AZ area. See you in the threads!


Dec 27, 2020
Hi, my name is Rayne, I'm 21 and am working on graduating college. In the past I've worked at a greenhouse and a daycare. I have a lot of experience with plants due to a 2 year high school program I was in, in which I pretty much just worked at a greenhouse half a day. I love watching nature documentaries and learning about animals, and spiders are no exception. I've owned a bearded dragon and hedgehog in the past, but right now I have a ball python, corn snake, and of course some T's. I just have a Curly Rose Hair (brachypelma albopilosum, or is it called a Tliltocatl albopilosus now?) and a Arizona blonde (Aphonopelma chalcodes). I'm constantly fighting off the urge to buy more, so maybe I'll add some more NWs soon. Honestly, Exotics Lair on YouTube got me into loving tarantulas. I love going to a reptile show in my area and browsing what T's the people there sell.


Jan 17, 2020
Hi, my name is Rayne, I'm 21 and am working on graduating college. In the past I've worked at a greenhouse and a daycare. I have a lot of experience with plants due to a 2 year high school program I was in, in which I pretty much just worked at a greenhouse half a day. I love watching nature documentaries and learning about animals, and spiders are no exception. I've owned a bearded dragon and hedgehog in the past, but right now I have a ball python, corn snake, and of course some T's. I just have a Curly Rose Hair (brachypelma albopilosum, or is it called a Tliltocatl albopilosus now?) and a Arizona blonde (Aphonopelma chalcodes). I'm constantly fighting off the urge to buy more, so maybe I'll add some more NWs soon. Honestly, Exotics Lair on YouTube got me into loving tarantulas. I love going to a reptile show in my area and browsing what T's the people there sell.
Welcome Rayne to AB. Im a greenhouse/plant guy too! Enjoy AB and learn learn learn, youre in the best place to do so!!


Dec 28, 2020
Hello, my name is Jess and i'm from the USA. I have been terrified of spiders for my whole life, but i'm working on it. My new advancement is keeping a jumping spider so i can learn to enjoy their cuteness. my other pets are 2 gerbils and a cat. Hopping onto the forums for advice while i learn to love my new 8 legged friend.


Jan 17, 2020
Hello, my name is Jess and i'm from the USA. I have been terrified of spiders for my whole life, but i'm working on it. My new advancement is keeping a jumping spider so i can learn to enjoy their cuteness. my other pets are 2 gerbils and a cat. Hopping onto the forums for advice while i learn to love my new 8 legged friend.
Welcome Jess I hope you learn to love arachnids the way we do!! Enjoy AB!!


Dec 27, 2020

I'm Sid (she/they). I'm a college zoology + philosophy major with a huge passion for invertebrates, particularly spiders. I can see myself working with arachnids for (hopefully) the rest of or a great part of my life. I currently have a double digit number of arachnids and am evolving as a beginner. I hope to gain new knowledge by being a part of this website. I also do independent research at my university with Lepidoptera. :)


Jan 4, 2021
Hi all! New here, and to the tarantula hobby. I also have jumpers, a vinegaroon, and a small
Hissing cockroach colony. (Along with several reptiles.)
I have 5 T’s, and am excited to add to my collection.

thanks for having me.


Jan 4, 2021
Hellooo, the names Flynn. I come from California USA. I LOVE Tarantulas, absolutely m
y favorite animal by FAR. Ive had an interest in arachnids my whole life but I just finally bought myself a Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens.Yes Yes, I know the GBB is not really a beginner species, but my friend has one and I've been helping her take care of one for a while. Anyhow I really love Tarantulas and hope to meet some of you and get some more babys soon :)