Introduce Yourself


Jun 6, 2018
Hi my name is Oscar. I'm from northern Illinois (not that far from Chicago). Figured I would try to finally start posting on here. I have one Asian forest scorpion (heterometrus sp.), a tailless whip scorpion (damon diadema) a davus pentaloris, 2 bumblebee poison frogs, and 3 costa rica green and black poison frogs.


Aug 16, 2018
I’m Amanda. I am 33 and live outside of Philadelphia where I teach in higher ed and provide psychotherapy as well. My husband works for a large city fire department. I have 16 tarantulas....and counting. I joined because I know the best way to learn what’s best for my T’s is to interact with others doing the same.


Aug 16, 2018
Howdy! I'm Feliks! I'm a recent move from Texas to West Virginia. I'm an artist. I love arthropods in general but arachnida always has a special place in my heart.... No T's yet but I'm hopin' to be getting a b. albo soon!


Aug 14, 2018
First off let me apologize for not introducing myself before jumping in to the mix.

My name is John and I am from Colorado. I have always been interested in bugs, scorpions, spiders, snakes, lizards and basically anything different from the normal dog/cat scene, not that I don't like those though. I bought a Pamphobeteus Ultramarinus about a year ago and am really learning a lot. I want to get a Theraphosa Blondi or Stirmi in the future.

Despite me not giving a proper introduction I received great responses to my initial questions and want to thank everyone for that.



Aug 18, 2018
I'm Ginger, obviously a nickname for either temperament or haircolor? Well yes, I do display both. actually it is because I like to eat ginger...a lot.... in near everything.
I came to get help for a dauber-stung (the yellow and black that build mud tubes, not the flashy obsidian dauber) spider that was dropped on me ( I don't have hope but it can twitch most it's legs.. no passenger on it) Not a 'arachnophile"but if something is to be creeping in my house I prefer it to be spiders. So what better place to ask for good "housekeepers" species and how to maintain them so they can function as my seneschal hidden guard for vermin. Lizards are harder to keep safe, can not reach as many locations and less active in cooler house) Though I have allergy to certain hornets, no spiders bites as yet have ever made a huge impact (not that I am looking for more bites). I hate earwigs and random roaches (who can invade fast) and not so happy with ants. I like catching the quirky large eyed jumping type spiders. My last one got in fight with a very large wasp. The wasp was found my fuzzy friend disappeared


Aug 20, 2018
My name is Tom and I'm from the UK!
New tarantula keeper, currently 1 in the collection, and looking to grow both my collection and knowledge within this fascinating hobby.


Aug 8, 2018
Hello, My name is Dal. I currently live in the Salt Lake city, Utah area - I was relocated here to open a new food production plant within the past year.
Thanks for having this site - so far, the knowledge you all have is the best resource I have found regarding Tarantulas! I have been a frequent visitor of Arachnoboards for a long time and finally decided to become a member.

I grew up in Southern California right along the Cleveland National Forest (in the wineries and orchards between the Orange and San Diego Counties) - I have interacted with all sorts of critters over the years.
As you can probably tell by my picture, I am a HUGE LA Kings Hockey fan (although I was very proud of the Vegas Golden knights this past season and watched every game from the start - I even saw their preseason game against the Kings at Vegas' stadium for their first home game ever!). I also love mountain biking, upland bird hunting, collecting pocket knives, smoking meats, and learning about all sorts of creepy-crawlies.

I have wanted a pet tarantula since I was very little, but I actually got into Ts while living in Russia as a young adult. I have a friend there who has some sort of OW tarantula and he would call me over every time he fed it these ginormous (stag-like) beetles. I fell in love with his T and FINALLY convinced my wife to get one (and then a second) after 5 years of marriage.

I started with a Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens (GBB) red-ant-sized sling; it is now (barely) over an inch in DLS
I also just bought a Brachypelma albopilosum (for $4 at a local SLC, UT pet store) and it too is the size of a red ant right now (8/21/2018).

I am very excited about this new hobby and I look forward to learning more and growing as a T Keeper!


Aug 24, 2018
Hello together!
My name is Johannes, I'm 25 and living in Germany.

I always was very interested by nature and its animals, especially in reptiles and amphibias. My bigger interest in Insects and Spiders grew in the last year and a few YouTubechannels helped startig the fire. about 3 months ago I got my first spider . I wanted to sneak into the hobby, without harming a exotic spider or spend alot of money, so I got a in germany native funnel web Spider, Eratigena atrica, female. Now she molted twice and covered her whole terrarium in webs
At the moment i got 4 E. atricas (2male,2fmale) and they are all fine.
One male even got a legspan of ~9cm.
Recently i also got a Heteropoda sp. Malaysia but she wouldn't eat. I hope there is a subthread where I can find help.
Yes... That should be it about me
I'm looking forward to my future time in this forum and to all the new knowledge, awesome spiders, awesome terrariums,...

Sencerely, DaTeach

ps: writing forumposts on the smartphone is pain

extra outlandishness

Aug 25, 2018
Hey, I'm Colton. Just turned 23 and I've had a lifelong interest in exotic animals of all kinds, especially bioluminescent ones. I currently keep Pyrophorus noctilucus and am looking to add some more invertebrates soon!


Aug 18, 2018
I was born in 1988 on a sunny May day, but for some reason I always preferred the cold days.
when it rains I always wake up happy, I play guitar and I love Rock music, nature excursions and books.
I also have a particular weakness in vintage motorcyles and I love animals more than a few people
If I could choose my home, I would choose a spacious one with wooden floors and large windows with view forest.
If I was given the opportunity to break any known law of the Universe, I would do it !!!
At the moment, I am just trying to adapt the reality to my measures, trying to ignore the fact that I am a simple ordinary person, which is one of the most terrible cliche, and i hate it.
"in a few words thats me. Im sorry for my english im not speaking very well, looking forward to talk about TS"


Jun 13, 2018
Hi! New member here; I'm a first time tarantula owner, I recently bought a 1.5" golden blue legged baboon (h. pulchripes) and he's definitely neat to watch. He must have just molted because he's suuuuuper active tonight, he ate some crickets, climbed all over, and took a dip in his water dish lol.
(He seems fine, still roaming around. Is going into a water dish a normal behavior?)
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Aug 26, 2018
Hello from middle Tennessee! I'm very new to the hobby and look forward learning from you fine folks. I currently only keep a few species of isopods, but have a few beetles on the way from Bugsincyberspace and plan on keeping Ts and other predators as soon as I have feeder colonies established.


Jul 10, 2018
Hello everyone,
My name is Joe and inverts were a fascination of mine since I was a child. I am finally in a position to own tarantulas so that is why I am here.
I have no Ts as of yet, however I am waiting on an order to arrive with 5 tarantula slings. which are, brachypelma boehmei, Emilia, hamorii and vagans plus a lasiodora parahybana.
I will post pictures when they arrive.


Aug 23, 2018
Hello everyone,

My name is Megan, I've had some experience with avic's in the past and I have a beautiful G.Rosea, Stella, that I've had for 6 years now. I'm also the proud new owner of 2 avic slings and 2 P.Irminia slings. Its my first time ever owing babies and its so cool to watch them grow! I love this site and the cache of info and experience everyone brings to the table.

Bearded Warrior

Aug 31, 2018
Hi! I'm Mark from the UK, well, not Mark from the UK but Mark, from the UK...

I'm fairly new to keeping tarantulas, although I've had spiders (in my house) for decades... At the minute we've 6 T's, although I've another 7 lined up to order. Besides T's, we've scorpions, cockroaches, and snakes, as well as the more 'normal' pets of budgies, a guinea pig, and a dog.


Aug 24, 2018
Hi all, my name is Tom, I recently made the decision to buy a brazilian black as my first and only tarantula. I did tons of research most of which this little thing didn't also do as it seems to think its arboreal. I jopined because as a first time owner I need somewhere to get advice before i do anything that could end up harming it.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Hi all, my name is Tom, I recently made the decision to buy a brazilian black as my first and only tarantula. I did tons of research most of which this little thing didn't also do as it seems to think its arboreal. I jopined because as a first time owner I need somewhere to get advice before i do anything that could end up harming it.

I'd encourage you to post any questions you have about care in Tarantula Questions & Discussions.