Intelligent water usage?


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
just realized this post is already 7 months old...hehe well i still think monkey's a jerk.
Yes, but he's a jerk who knows what he's talking about.

I've get lippy with people who correct me with incorrect information and that's exactly what's happening here.

Besides, who's dragging up a 7 month old post just to call someone a jerk?


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2007
All I can say it wuz an interesting reading
and I learn sumthing new dat I even never thought about
and der wud be always conflicts between minds and opinions
such is always been


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2007
Another question then:

How long can an average healthy tarantula stay alive without water in about normal room temperature, considering that it has a "full water storage" on day 1? And how much does this differ based on species and the lifecycle status of the tarantula - if it's a sling / juvenile / adult?

Of course ambient humidity probably affects this situation quite a lot too, but let's assume that it's about 70%.

I raised a female B. smithi from 3rd instar to adult size (5 years) and she never had a water dish during those years. I would flood half the cage with water every 10-14 days and allow it to dry out fully. I have about 20 other young T's (slings-juvies) of various species (brachy's, grammostolas, aphonopelmas, cyclosternum, avicularia) being raised the same way - no water dish.

Now that I am trying to get the female smithi ready to breed next year (along with a subadult male I recently purchased), I did redo her cage to include a small water dish, but she never uses it. The male I bought however does use his occasionally.


Old Timer
Aug 28, 2005
Yes, but he's a jerk who knows what he's talking about.

I've get lippy with people who correct me with incorrect information and that's exactly what's happening here.

Besides, who's dragging up a 7 month old post just to call someone a jerk?

That's not an excuse for being that arrogant, and besides that what we are talking about aren't still facts, there is still a lot of work to be done in that field to have convincing results...


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
That's not an excuse for being that arrogant, and besides that what we are talking about aren't still facts, there is still a lot of work to be done in that field to have convincing results...
Yes, however Zarko kept disputing the results and pushing the same hypothesis after it was proven above and beyond he was wrong. At that point, he's just hammering a nail through cement.

Now, seeing that Zarko's from Serbia and guessing that english isn't his first language it's completely possible that he just wasn't understanding what CM was saying...however I'm guessing that's not the case.



This has nothing to do with ego. I have my graduate degree in entomology. I am employed as an arachnological researcher. I have kept tarantulas for more than 20 years. I have read tens of thousands of hobbyist reports on animal behavior.

The bottom line is you are wrong.
If anybody's going to know this, it's going to be Code_Monkey. If you're going to argue with someone who's researching the subject, it pays to back up what you're saying with recent sources. Like CM said...the sources and scientists Zarko mentioned are no longer considered modern and reliable and have not been for quite some time.


Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
There are some absolutely mind blowing things with inverts learning. My favorite of this type was carried out with a roach and an electrified plate.

A roach will learn to hold a leg up as long as possible if by setting it down it receives an electric shock. Now, if you seal up the wound, a decapitated roach will live for quite a long time. So, if you repeat this experiment with a decapitated but alive roach who's never learned about this, it keeps setting its leg down on the plate and getting shocked. This much seems intuitive, roach with brain can learn to keep its leg lifted if it gets shocked, roach without brain can't. However, if you first teach a roach to hold its leg up to avoid the shocks and *then* decapitate it, the headless roach lifts and holds its leg just fine when shocked.

So, although the brain is necessary for learning the associative behavior, it is evidently stored in the ganglion responsible for controlling the leg motor movement :eek:
That's one of the most interesting things I've learned on this board!

On the subject of CM being a jerk... know what? He was polite in the first instance and gently announced his expertise in the area. This was then denounced by what appeared to be someone with no idea, and with no substantiation. I'd get annoyed too.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
That's one of the most interesting things I've learned on this board!

On the subject of CM being a jerk... know what? He was polite in the first instance and gently announced his expertise in the area. This was then denounced by what appeared to be someone with no idea, and with no substantiation. I'd get annoyed too.
that roach thing vaguely reminds me of spinal reflex arcs in humans and other higher animals. not exactly, but reminds me of it.

hmmm... this also sort of reminds me of some of the ideas i had for, er, non-consensual mating of spiders


Old Timer
Sep 15, 2005
This thread got me thinking, so I will now explain what I observed with my one T. She is a rose hair, and I usually just mist her, not realizing she can drink from a bowl. So today I opened the kk, put in a small bowl, closed the kk, and poured water into the bowl. She walked right over, crawled into the bowl and, I think, drank. So, I admitt, I was not keeping her properly hydrated, now i know. But, yes they can sense water.


Old Timer
Apr 13, 2006
Far be it from me....

but this thread seems to be reflecting a rather contentious tone that I've seen on some other threads on the boards...

Perhaps this is off topic for this section and may need to be moved by the Moderators to the Watering Hole..... or another appropriate place on the boards.

I had been off the boards for almost a year - 8 months at least - and now that I've been back since maybe early April 2007; it seems that everybody is at everybody else's throats and the threads deteriorate into bickering about who said what and in which tone.

Is it just me that's noticing this? Some user posted about how she got a killer deal on a very nice Tarantula via a Staffer's discretionary discount and the thread disintegrated into how she commited a moral and ethical crime and what the Prosecution was going to do to her and which statutes she violated!

Maybe it's our Collective Consciousness with all the stress in the world - but couldn't we all try to Live and Let Live - Agree to Way, Strongly Disagree?

And, please - try to refrain from flaming me for the Peace Nick post - it will only aggravate you more and I'll let it roll right off my back.
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