Iams guilty of cruelty?


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
Tzatch said:
What does PETA want us to feed the animals then? A stuffed mouse? How do they rationalize these things?
PeTA doesn't want you to feed your animals ANYTHING, because PeTA does not want you to HAVE the animals in the first place! Their goal-and they have admitted this, so I'm not making it up-is to eliminate ALL animal-human interaction, and that includes pet ownership. You see, they do not believe that humans can "own" animals in the first place, since they equate this with slavery. PeTA(along with other animal rights groups, such as the Animal Protection Institute and the Humane Society of the United States)are behind the bans on "exotic" animals, bans on certain types of dogs(and this is an ever-growing list, folks, not just limited to Pit Bulls), bans on using dogs to hunt or work, mandatory spay/neuter of ALL cats and dogs, strict limits on how many animals can be kept at any residence, and laws which make humans "guardians", as opposed to "owners", of animals.

PeTA is NOT about "caring for animals", but about controlling PEOPLE, and this includes well-documented links to terrorist groups such as the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation Front. This is a radical political group, almost cult-like in its recruitment and brainwashing of new members, especially in how it recruits kid, and like any radical political/religious movement, is not above lying and deception to get what they want.



Old Timer
Sep 21, 2005
i don't really have anything to add to this thread.

... well maybe one thing: PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals.


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2005
pitbulllady said:
You see, they do not believe that humans can "own" animals in the first place

Why the concept of owning life not applied when it comes to non-human animals. I dont own anyone, i do take care of tarantulas and care for them, but their lives dont belong to me. I guess i take the statement that you can own animals a little hard because of some time when i was working at the vet, people would choose to kill dogs and cats because they were moving, didnt want to take care of them anymore, etc. How can someone belive you can pay money and then own a life, even if it is not a human life?


May 7, 2006
El asunto no es P. E. T. A. El asunto mata animales inocentes cruelmente y bajo cricumstances de horible. Mátelos humanamente, y yo comeré.
Y yo no necesito ser marcado como un wacko, simplemente porque sostienen peta.

I have bad spanish, I know. Sorry.

For you non-spanish speakers...

The issue is not P.E.T.A. The issue is that innocent animals die horribly, under the worst circumstances. When they are killed humanely, I will eat.
And I do not need to be labeled as a wacko, just because I support peta.

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
trucemo said:
And I do not need to be labeled as a wacko, just because I support peta.
Sorry man, supporting PETA makes you a wacko by association... it would be like supporting the KKK because they do trash clean-up days. Noble sentiments occasionally, yes, but hardly justifies the larger game... and if you believe PETA truly cares about animals, you need to dig deeper to find out where all their efforts REALLY lie... it is in extorting money.


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2005
Trucmo, i agree with MRI on this one. There are plenty of ways to fight against animals horribly suffering than with PETA. PETA is hypocritical and it paints anyone who supports the rights of animals as whackos. Thats probably the biggest message they send out to many people.


Old Timer
Feb 9, 2006
So, did anyone know that Ingrid Whatsherface, head of PETA, is diabetic? Yep. And guess what had to be tested on animals before she could use it: her insulin.

I've also heard that her insulin is actually animal-derived, as well. This is rather quirky to me, considering I have a diabetic cat...who gets human insulin. {D


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
Here's a link that everyone and anyone who supports PeTA NEEDS to see:


PeTA CLAIMS that animals have the same rights as humans, yet they KILL hundreds of thousands of animals themselves. I call it their "Better Off Dead" policy, since that's basically what it is-a belief that ALL animals are better off dead than living in contact with human beings, in ANY capacity. The ongoing court case against PeTA in North Carolina is just one example. They were entrusted with puppies and cats by shelters after they promised to find homes for them; these were animals that the shelter deemed "most adoptable", meaning that they were young, healthy, cute, had no history of aggressive behavior, were not of "controversial" breeds, so to give them the best possible chance, the shelters and vets allowed PeTA employees to take them.

These animals were dead before they even left the parking lots, killed by lethal injections, and tossed into supermarket garbage bins like last week's garbage. If this is what PeTA considers giving animals the same rights as humans, it is really scary to think of how they'd treat a human child, isn't it?

Make sure to read the link about how PeTA gains control of children, and to download one of their comic books aimed at young elementary kids, and tell me this isn't brainwashing!



Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
Peta is full of <edit>, plain and simple. The celebrities who support them are has beens looking for one more quarter hour of fame.

Screw peta.
Last edited by a moderator:


Dec 17, 2005
trucemo said:
El asunto no es P. E. T. A. El asunto mata animales inocentes cruelmente y bajo cricumstances de horible. Mátelos humanamente, y yo comeré.
Y yo no necesito ser marcado como un wacko, simplemente porque sostienen peta.

I have bad spanish, I know. Sorry.

For you non-spanish speakers...

The issue is not P.E.T.A. The issue is that innocent animals die horribly, under the worst circumstances. When they are killed humanely, I will eat.
And I do not need to be labeled as a wacko, just because I support peta.

You say when they come up with a humane way of killing an animal youd eat it, in the end the animal dies anyways so wheres your priority? I eat meat and i love it. To be honest i really dont like vegetables so id never be a vegan or anything to that effect. PETA is almost like a cult it seems. If you believe in that than its your thing im not going to label you as anything but a person. I feel bad for animals that are treated cruely but sometimes it happens for the greater good of mankind What about animal testing? would u sign up for some drug that may kill you within an hour or would u let the guinnea pig take the fall so the human race can advance its medicine? Everyday something is sacrificed for a greater cause to the human race wether you agree with it or not. You need to look at both sides and see where everyone is coming from. Im sure any animal lover feels bad for cruelty but sometimes its for the better in some cases. Like the meat industry like i mentioned before, youll NEVER find a humane way to kill an animal. Killing is killing and im going to eat my beef end of story. If you view me as some kind of animal for eating meat than do so cuz i like meat. I may be a bit abrassive but ive got my views and everyone else has thiers.

Scorp guy

Old Timer
Dec 22, 2005
i KNEW IT! I KNEW IT ALL ALONG:evil: :evil: I KNEW IT!! know what i knew!? i KNEW that iams's new "lamb and rice" was no good! i KNEW lamb and rice dont mix:evil: :embarrassed: :embarrassed:

PS: im just joking

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Ah, those PETAphiles! Ya gotta love 'em

At another board, I used to spar with a PETA supporter, so to keep abreast of the mindset, I used to go over to lurk the bulletin boards that PETA has targeting young people, mainly high-school and college age. Some of it was downright scary to read. I think I still have the link here somewhere.....

Yep, I thought I did. I don't know if it is as bad as it used to be, but here it is if you feel inclined to see what the attitude of a lot of PETA supporters is. Peta2 Boards

But wait! There's more! Why start with teens and college students if you can get 'em when they are younger? PETAKIDS.com It's kewl! It's colorful! It's rad! It's propaganda for pre-adolescents!


Old Timer
Jun 6, 2005
I support animal rescue...I support animal shelters and wild animal reserves, even some zoos (the ones that have working breeding programs for endangered or near-endangered species). I "own" two dogs, three cats, one tarantula, and one rat. "Own" is the term I use, coexist and care for are the more accurate descriptions of what I actually do. I think a lot of people on the board here would agree with that. "Own" is a term that makes it easier to say what you have, if not what we're actually doing.

And...I eat meat. Cows, pigs, chickens...they're always going to be a food source to modern day man just as their ancestors were to ours. It's the way we evolved in nature. I'll admit humans now have much more of an advantage, it's no longer really "hunting", but either way, we'll always continue (as a general population) to need and consume meat. PETA can stuff it. The cows, pigs, chickens are going to be killed anyway, so I might as well eat them and not have that death be wasted.


Old Timer
Apr 18, 2004
Once every blue moon, I pop into PETA and view new articles. I've formed a few opinions on their work. First, I support a few of PETAS boycotts. Such as cutting out classroom dissection. I find classroom specimens a complete waste of life and money, technology has advanced to a point where these dissections are unnecessary. With that said, personal research is needed before feeble-minded supporters boycott every damn thing posted on their site. A perfect example of this is their views on the Iditarod Dog Sled race. While totally bashing this history-laced event, they insult mushers as barbaric madmen with no compassion for their animals. Being an individual who dogsleds, I can't express how far off from the truth this is.

Tim Benzedrine

Prankster Possum
Old Timer
Apr 4, 2004
Well, I COULD support some of their goals, if they were not so militant. Do I want food animals kept under cruel conditions? Of course not. But I don't want to become a vegeterian. Do I want unnecessary tests run on animals? Nope, I hate the practice, but I hate seeing people die of disease a lot worse.
I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to dissection in class. While I don't really see the need, who am I to condemn the practice, and then go order up a bucket of KFC? But I agree that there are alternatives, and that it really isn't that great an educational aid anyway.

What they need to do is drop the "animal rights", issues and work where they can make a difference. They should be animal "welfarists" rather than "activists". Lobby to put more teeth in animal cruelty laws, for example. Work to pass laws requiring inspections in the animal food industry to be more stringent and frequent. Try to get laws passed that animal research must be done only in fields where there are no viable alternatives and work to eliminate cosmetic research altogether. All of these things would help animals a lot more than wearing a chicken suit and picketing the local KFC. Oh, and they should try to further their agenda without resorting to vandalism and breaking and entering. PETA is not too big on those type of terrorist tactics, but they have supported groups that are.
And for Pete's sake, leave the hunters and fishers alone! They have little impact on the environment and actually do more for wildlife and the economy than most members of PETA.

I don't know anything about dog sledding, but I imagine that there are good participants as well as bad ones, so it is unfair to categorize the entire sport. It isn't like pit-fighting, where the entire "sport" is steeped in cruelty. If it isn't already monitored carefully for cruelty, it should be, and allow the concientious sledders enjoy their sport. Usually working dogs LIKE to work, and having them do so is not cruel, in my opinion.

Wow, I got a little long-windeds, didn't I?:eek: Oh well, it isn't the first time and probably won't be the last.


Old Timer
Sep 18, 2003
It's kewl! It's colorful! It's rad! It's propaganda for pre-adolescents!
... because the dairy and meat industries are so free of propaganda!



Old Timer
Feb 26, 2006
trucemo said:
Peta may go overboard sometimes, I aggree. But you should not disregard what they are saying. I do not eat meat because of the way the animals are slaughtered- live pigs dumped into boiling water, squealing cows getting their heads caught in conveyer belts, malnutritioned animals.... If there was a more humane way to slaughter, I would eat meat. And I didn't take Peta's word for it- I've spent some time visiting some slaughter houses and chicken farms and such. After you see the terror.... it's hard to eat meat again.

And cows milk? Sorry, but thats something I just dont get. We're not cows. We're humans. Why don't we artificially impreganate young women and drink people milk, like we're supposed to?? Adults aren't meant to drink milk- cows or humans anyway. Animals get weaned for a reason. Why are we so special that we get to drink milk meant for young cows, and push the young cows aside to be slaughtered and not even used?

Testing is terrible. Iams especially... They stick POLES through cats heds, and see if the cats who are fed Iams live longer. There are ways of cloning bits of human skin, so why do we need to test hairspray on rabbits? You're lucky you were born as a person, rather than an animal.

Plus-Slaugtering and some types of testing pollute the enviroment. Most of our clean water goes to raising cows

Sorry if I offended anyone... Rant over.

I agree with everything in that statement 100%

scorpio said:
But if they did do tests and stuff which they probably do, arent you glad they do the tests before distributing it to millions of dogs and cats worldwide?
Why would I be glad that they torture animals? I never buy animal-tested products.
I agree that PETA does go overboard, but they do have some good points. Like having pets, I think the government should put stricter regulations on just who can have pets, but not letting anyone have pets?? I have pets and they are very well cared for and happy.


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
intrepidus6 said:
I agree with everything in that statement 100%

Why would I be glad that they torture animals? I never buy animal-tested products.
I agree that PETA does go overboard, but they do have some good points. Like having pets, I think the government should put stricter regulations on just who can have pets, but not letting anyone have pets?? I have pets and they are very well cared for and happy.
And what if some government agent with little or no knowledge of keeping pets, let alone those they consider "exotic", like tarantulas and snakes, comes into your house at 6 am for a random inspection, and decides that they ARE NOT happy? It can, and it DOES, happen, and guess which group backs this sort of thing wholeheartedly? What if they discover that you have four, and thanks to PeTA, your county/parish/city/state only allows THREE animals per household, so you MUST give up one of your happy pets to be KILLED? Are you so naive as to believe that the GOVERNMENT can actually make an informed decision as to which people should and should not be allowed to keep pets, when they are only going to listen to the highly-paid lobbyests hired by multi-billion-dollar groups like PeTA and the HSUS, who want to see ALL pet ownership totally and 100% abolished? WAKE THE HELL UP, PEOPLE!

One more time, PeTA could ABSOLUTELY CARE LESS about animals and animal suffering! That is nothing but a "red herring" they use to conceal their REAL intentions, which are to do whatever it takes to impose their fascist idealism on every living human being on the planet. Go to their websites and see the means they use to gain control of YOUR kids and turn them against you, how they try to push their own ideals through as laws. It's a well-known fact that whenever a group attempts to take over, be it on a local or national or international level, one of the things they do is to find out what common threads are shared by most of the people, and gain control of those common threads, be they religion, race, or in this case, animals. Nearly all people are in some way connected to, and/or dependent on, animals in some capacity. We keep them as pets, as workers, as guardians, we ride them, we eat them, we wear their skins, some of our lives depend on products derived from animals or testing on animals(even ANIMALS depend on products and medications tested on OTHER ANIMALS), we depend on them to replace our eyes and ears, to assist physically-challenged people, we photograph them, we sell them, we write books about them. You will be hard-pressed to think of one single person, let alone a whole populace, that is not in some influenced by or has some connection to an animal. Once a radical group gains control of that common thread, they have control of the people. You can read quotes by PeTA and the ALF members that clearly shows that they do not value human life at ALL-what do you suppose a world controlled by them would be like?



Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005

Well said, pitbulllady, although I do have a great amount of doubt as whether or not world domination is in the playbook.

The above does, however, illustrate their complete disregard for animal well-being as well as human well being.

You are absolutely 100% right that everything boils down to control of people, rather than protecting animals from abuse.

The human body was designed to exist on small amounts of red meat. It's part of our physiology. Vegans have strict protien and iron requirements, if they aren't careful they will have deficiencies of iron and protien that can be pretty serious.

The reverse is also true. If one exists soley on meat, you will get a protien overload that will ultimately result in kidney failure.

On the most basic level, I do agree with PETA. I believe that we should do everything in our power to protect animals from abuse, but the knowledge gleaned from animal testing is the anchorstone of medical research. Tumors in rats and pigs act very much like tumors in humans do, for example. Conditions like epilepsy can be researched better in mice than in humans.

We can't clone a human brain and even if we could, the anti abortion activists would be on it like a fat kid on a smartee.