I really am beginning to hate America...

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Old Timer
Mar 8, 2009

I fear that we will solve that problem for ourselves, but it will not be a happy, painless solution that we choose, at least not willingly.


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
Oh we're not all that bad, I don't think so anyway. I've been hearing for years that people would be subtly be taught self-hate, to think they are the "mother earth" plague. Almost as if killing ourselves would be an honorable thing to do. I didn't believe people would start thinking this way but I'm seeing it more and more now, especially with younger people, mid 20's and younger. It's the message in movies like Avatar. I hear it's in school books in a subtle way now also but I don't know, I've never taken a look at a recent school book. Humans can be pretty destructive of course. We have done an "OK" job at preserving natural distribution centers, aka, parks and preserves. Relatively speaking, nature is an extremely fast healer. But I don't like to use words like healing, mother, she, he, etc. when it comes to nature. Nature doesn't care about anything, it doesn't hurt, it has no emotions as far as I know. What seems to concern us is what we do to it that has an affect on us. Nature doesn't care if zebras and elephants were let lose all over the world, it would just take it's course.


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Mod Note

Ok, apparently we have a listening problem here. Zonbonzovi has already posted a Mod Note (which, by the way, is NOT up for dispute or to be ignored) see here;

So, zon posted an official note, and yet you continue to ignore it and debate off topic.

Consider this your final warning. Either stay ONLY on the original topic of this thread or it will be locked. Also, if any of you feel the need to continue to ignore moderators, and their official warnings, you will be infracted as seen fit by arachnoboards staff.

Take your gun and politics debates to the watering hole, there are many threads already in existence for that stuff.
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Jan 6, 2011
Well, that's sort of tricky, as the OP is inherently political. It's really about chafing against any and all legislation. As such, many of the posts really are on topic, even though they are addressing different objects and philosophies of legislation. If that is problematic, maybe the whole thread should be moved to this watering hole place, as it's pretty impossible to continue to discuss legislation without the conversation being political.

Pikai--I'm doing my part! We're non-breeders at my house. :)


Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
Mod's note

No, it really isn't that tricky. Nor do I need a recap. I can read, thanks. The original discussion was regarding animal keeping legislation until it morphed into a free for all. The forum rules very clearly state that off topic conversation is to be taken elsewhere, specifically, The Watering Hole. Read these with special attention directed to #2 & #7:


If you want to have an anything goes discussion, sign up for a Facebook account. This abomination of a thread is now closed.
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