I feel like a jerk.


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
Try some BI-ODOR, you squirt it into the water, I swear by it!! I keep 2 bunnies and 2 rats in my living room and use this on everyone!! I dont think I could keep them in here without it!! I HOPE THAT IT CAN HELP YOU!!
You can also try the new pellet formula, it actually has amonia block right in the food!
Those 'ammonia blockers' have a chemical (begins with an M) that causes crystals to form in the kidneys, thereby creating kidney stones in your pet. I would not use those.


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2007
Well I cant find a vet around here that puts down small animals. Everywhere I called said the same thing "We only do dogs and cats".


Old Timer
Apr 4, 2009
Wow, that's too bad - my vet will put down any sick animal - and so will the animal shelters so they don't suffer. Do you have a humane society? That's sad.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
You say the odor is worse now.... I have a question. Have you actually had a vet check to see if it IS a tumor on the rat or not???? If there's an increase in odor and you still are cleaning and caring for the rat, then it COULD very well be a REALLY bad abcess and not a tumor at all. Untrained eyes can't really tell the difference, they can look EXTREMELY similar. I had a rat with an abcess that was enormous on his side, thought it was a tumor but then the vet cut it open and drained it. Eventually he needed surgery since it was so large, though, since it just left a wide opening in his side.

Honestly though, it's something that should be examined, if it is. If it really was a tumor and you tried draining it, that would be horrible.....


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Almost all the rats I've ever had have died because of tumors....I loved them but thankfully my vet is plenty willing to put down rats. Only once did I have to put a rat down because it was bleeding from the mouth and was having trouble breathing (he had problems breathing for a few months and the vet said it was plasmosis somthing or other) and I couldn't contact the vet....I ended up shooting him in the head with a .22. I hated to do it but it was kinder than letting him suffer for who knows how long. I no longer keep rats because they seem to get health problems at the drop of a hat and I get too attached....it's like loosing a dog every 2 years.

If worse comes to pass, you may want to consider doing it yourself.


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2007
Would it her her if I hold her? I opened her home a while ago and she walked up and stuck her head out of the door. Would it do any harm to hold her?


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Would it her her if I hold her? I opened her home a while ago and she walked up and stuck her head out of the door. Would it do any harm to hold her?
If she dosen't try to bite you when you pick her up then it should be fine....I don't really think you'd make things any worse at this point anyway, just be very gentle.


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
if she's by herself i'm sure she's lonely and craving attention of ANY kind... it shouldnt' hurt to hold her. Rats are such extremely social creatures, being by herself and not being held or pet is probably pretty upsetting to her right now.

If her behavior is changing and she gets more nippy, it could be the tumor hurting her. Just be careful... give her her favorite treats, talk to her, pet her head or whatever. i love my ratties, but I do know that feeling when they're old and cranky, of should I hold them or not or would it just hurt them? when they're frail and weak and you're not sure if it's more harm than good.. but they still want it.


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Bummer Jake

I would "thump" and FREEZE her, if was Me.....when the feeling of suffering came to me....But that is me....and I look at Rats, usually differently :cool:
OR: Peanut-Buttered Pain killers :(
{Hope does Not sound "In-Sensitive" - She has reached that Age}

I have kept Many rats over years....But for different purposes....my daughter Amanda would rescue a couple, now and then, that made it to opening eyes, eating solids stage.....One named "Ron", was a great pet, and Never bit us.

She just picked out 3 new Blue Rats last weekend :rolleyes: They are safe, now that the Snakes are gone.... I already got "attached", to one little soft girl :eek:
They ALL cuddle together :p

GL w/ your next Fuzzy Pet Bud - J


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2007
Well I was laying down on the couch and watching T.V. with her and she fell asleep under my shirt for over an hour. Im giving her some treats tonight. I still dont know what Im going to do since none of the local vets would put her to sleep. I dont have the heart to do it myself. It sounds silly to say that, but I just would not be able to do it.


Old Timer
Apr 4, 2009
Not silly at all, she is beautiful! There is no way I could take her life either, I would just do what you are doing - hold her and comfort her, give her treats, and put it in God's hands to take her when the time is right. They are such sweet, precious gifts.


Feb 6, 2010
I know it sounds bad since most do it for feeder rats but a CO2 chamber(an air-tight tupperware container with a hole to put the nozzle through works well)is very peaceful way to die.They just go to sleep in a eternal dream.


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2007
I have been calling other no so local places today. I called half a dozen vets/animal hospitals and a humane society. Everyone I call gives me a number of another person to call, and all of them get an attitude with me and act like Im wasting their time. The only one I found that would do it is 2 hours away. Im getting so frustrated. She hardly moves now. When she walks, she does it very slowly. I dont want to lose her, but Im not going to watch her suffer.

Other than a CO2 chamber, is there any other way to humanely put her to sleep?


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2009
First of all, I'm sorry about your rat. I had a mouse that I had to put to sleep about a year ago, and it was no fun. It was worse to watch her suffering though.

I soaked a bunch of cotton balls in rubbing alcohol, then covered those with a thick layer of tissues. Put all of that into a deli cup, placed Trixie on top of the tissues, and closed the lid (but did not seal it tightly). It only took a few minutes before she was sleeping and she didn't struggle or otherwise panic. I left her in there for 10 minutes (or so) longer until I couldn't see her heart beating or that she was breathing. She was absolutely asleep well before she died.

This is probably very similar to a CO2 chamber, but I didn't have to go out and buy anything extra to make it.

I'm still trying to get over the fact that none of your local vets/animal hospitals will do this for you!


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
I agree, Jake. A 2 hr drive may seem like a bit much but if it guarantees a peaceful end for your friend, it is worth it.

I don't use the clinic I was a tech at anymore because they don't treat reptiles, so it was easier to switch all of mine to the vet that does. I drive an hour and a half to see him, be it for the cat's routine checkups or an emergency with one of the snakes. It's a pain sometimes, but very worth the care my critters get.

Whatever you choose to do, my thoughts are with you, she is a cute little rat.


Old Timer
May 8, 2010
Other than a CO2 chamber, is there any other way to humanely put her to sleep?
Honestly, some of the most humane ways are messy, and not something a pet owner wants to do. If you do choose one of these methods you need to be sure you can follow through without hesitation so the animal does not suffer. Perhaps one of the vets could give you a better suggestion.
In your case I would say go CO2, or have somebody else do it for you. Any friends who feed pre-killed to reptiles? They are usually quick and clean if they have done it many times.
Google euthanasia guidelines for some other ideas.