But no fear of Texas. You are a resilient young man.Originally posted by anthony2561
I was about 2 when my mom moved 2 texas and came back with a Texas Tan!!!! I held it and it bit me 5 times!!!! Soon after that she got a B.emilia, i like this one better. So now i have a fear of a Texas Tan!!
I think this is correct. I heard somewhere that when exposed to a venom," such as a bee sting." An antibody is created and each time you are exposed to that venom more antbodies are created triggering more alergic affects. Things such as swelling of the eyes, skin, and throat.Originally posted by jezzy607
last I knew, in order to become allergic to an arthropod's venom, you need to had been exposed to the venom at an earlier time in your life, so that the antibodies would exist in your body, for an allergic reaction to be able to occur. some doctors like to make a little more cash on people who don't know anybetter. just my thoughts though, i wasn't there, and i don't know everything. but you should just dislike that individual tarantula, not the species in general. I also don't think tarantulas were put on this earth to be held by humans.
To Bryan:Originally posted by bwjunk2
to most everyone else:
were you trying to show everybody how immature you could be or do you routinely gang up on people younger than you?
he's acting his age, why dont you act yours! GROW UP!!!!!!!