How often can I handle my chilean rose hair?


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Tarantuls dont enjoy any petting or handleing. It is dangerous for them, and you could get bitten.
My advice is dont handle her at all, or the minimun.

These type of responses is why I said this thread should prove interesting.

It doesn't mean that she's enjoying herself, it means she doesn't know where she is, she knows something strange is happening and so she's laying down webbing because there isn't any there, they use their webbing to navigate. I don't think T's know they're being handled, they just know they're not at their home. And they are more active because to them, they're "lost". They don't move around much in their enclosure because they're comfortable, they're surrounded by their webbing and they're just waiting for food to come by.


Why do you give an age approximation, if the previous owner had no idea? Most adult G. rosea(it is better to use the scientific names, to avoid confusion caused by similar common names) are WildCaught and therefore, no one could tell you how old the tarantula is.

What you are witnessing is your tarantula trying to find something familiar/ a good hiding place and its wanderings/ perking up is to that end. She leaves behind web as a kind of trail of breadcrumbs.

A happy tarantula is one that sits in one place for 13 hours, moves a few inches away and then sits there for hours. So, going by this, no T ever 'enjoys' being handled. Some of them tolerate it more, but they don't 'enjoy' being handled. Knowing this, it is up to you to decide how much handling is too much. We rarely handle ours, because even if they are calm and easily to handle; they act stressed once they are back in their enclosure. Nothing make me regret handling more than a pouting T......

That is good. You should also remember to always sit on the floor and keep your hands close to the floor to prevent injury from a fall.

It is always handy when they stroll right into the cup, isn't it?:D My theory on that is that they like enclosed spaces and they interpret it as safe place. Who knows if i'm right though, after all, i'm not a tarantula!:D

Welcome to the hobby/ addiction!:D
I've never seen a post from curiousme that wasn't +1 ;)

I just knew that this thread would turn into a "don't hold your T's" thread, instead of people wanting to actually tell the guy how often is to often on holding. That's what happened to the last thread that somebody started to ask the same question.
Telling someone that not handling them at all is exactly what he's asking. He wants to know how long we think is ok. Saying 'no handling at all' is still a time frame, like the OP is asking.


Im sorry but the OP was asking for opinions; Well that was my opinion.
They dont enjoy being held and move around/pet or and stress. They dont.

Now, do you want to handle them? Go ahead, they are yours.
But theres no such thing as " 5 min is ok, 7 is bad" . They dont enjoy any bothering,period.

I don't know any of this stuff,but I know you can hold them for 5 minutes.Well it's your choice,but people don't want you to because they probably lost their tarantula doing it or they're scared.For me,I would hold it to make my spidey tame.(If it can be tame!)But what you can do is watch how the spider reacts to a certain amount of minutes.If it's running all over the place,put it back,staying calm,you can hold it a little longer,and if it's jumping,flicking hairs,and biting you definitely put it back!
To the OP: Please disregard the above quoted post altogether.


Oh yeah, the earth isn't even this old.....
...450,000,000 million...

There, hope this helps. ;)



Old Timer
Nov 7, 2009
i like how alot of you belive the same species is exactly the same as each other i have 3 grammostola rosea's and all 3 are very very very diffrent one of them likes to explore the other is just well it does nothing and the other is some what defencive ....

i dont see how 1 study on several diffrent tarantulas can define there all the same. its like saying every human is exactly the same in every way "were all dull and dont like adrenaline" .... from my experience iv had tarantulas so relaxed in my hand its unreal iv even had a Grammostola rosea groom on me before so in terms of that not all tarantulas are the same ...

id say mate give ya Rosey a try shell let you no weather she is in the mood or not and if she anything like skarlet my rosey shell ask to be handled ....

i no im guna get alot of "Flameing" for what i have put but if you actually belive that every tarantula or in this case every grammostola rosea is exactly the same then really your way out of your league and really shud consider admiting you are completly wrong


Nov 3, 2009
Most people that ask these sort have questions have usually come to their own conclusions before posting and are just looking for reassurance to their decision.

Whatever you choose to do keep your T's safety in mind when choosing to do so. The experienced members that are telling you not to hold them are taking that fact to heart and they are absolutely correct.

I do choose to hold SOME of my T's. I only hold the ones I feel I am causing the least amount of stress to and even then on a limited basis.

If you do choose to hold your T's please realise that innevitably you will get bitten, and please dont fling your T across the room like you didnt know it would eventually happen.

Rick & Brandy

Jun 9, 2009


I hold my T's, alot of them, often. I will say that if the T starts to wonder I put that one back. I feel if they sit in my hand without moving, it is "calm" ( for lack of a better word). I just can't help it, I love them. I realy think once you have had one for a while you can sort-of "read" (again, for lack of a better word) it. You all would have to say that if a T does not want to be held, It will let you know!!!!!! This is just me? I realy can't be the only one. Oh well, judge me if you must!

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
Telling someone that not handling them at all is exactly what he's asking. He wants to know how long we think is ok. Saying 'no handling at all' is still a time frame, like the OP is asking.
Read his very first sentence. He is asking how often. Not if he should or shouldn't. Seems pretty darn clear to me what he is asking.

When people that have been in the hobby for awhile tells somebody new not to handle when they ask how often only ends with people whispering other newbies like me (not that it was a problem that you whispered me person that whispered me, because I enjoyed helping) and asking them because the people that have been around won't answer them, but instead simple say "don't hold them".

So you can +1 or -1 me all you wish. Bottom line is this. You people that have been here awhile that simple come in and say "don't handle at all" aren't helping us newbies at all. We are left to figure out on our own how often is too often with handling.

What's really funny is you come in and judge everybody else post, but help none yourself with input. Stop trolling.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Ok, let me clarify:

How often should you hold your spider? Not at all, that's how often.

Was that spelled out clearly enough for you, Avicularia Man?


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Read his very first sentence. He is asking how often. Not if he should or shouldn't. Seems pretty darn clear to me what he is asking.

When people that have been in the hobby for awhile tells somebody new not to handle when they ask how often only ends with people whispering other newbies like me (not that it was a problem that you whispered me person that whispered me, because I enjoyed helping) and asking them because the people that have been around won't answer them, but instead simple say "don't hold them".

So you can +1 or -1 me all you wish. Bottom line is this. You people that have been here awhile that simple come in and say "don't handle at all" aren't helping us newbies at all. We are left to figure out on our own how often is too often with handling.

What's really funny is you come in and judge everybody else post, but help none yourself with input. Stop trolling.
The problem is this, the experienced people in the hobby can not give anyone an acceptable time frame for handling. There isn't one, and quite frankly, I agree with "don't handle them at all" (and yes I'm still a relative "newbie".)

If you choose to handle your spiders, that's you're choice of course, but expecting people who don't believe in handling, to tell you it's ok and for how long is ridiculous. If someone wants to handle them, then they need to figure out how long on their own, based on what they feel comfortable with, but that still won't change the fact that alot of people that have been in this hobby for a long time disagree.

Oh, Joe (sorry, xhexdx) has a lot of experience and knowledge about this hobby, and is hardly "trolling."


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
Read his very first sentence. He is asking how often. Not if he should or shouldn't. Seems pretty darn clear to me what he is asking.

When people that have been in the hobby for awhile tells somebody new not to handle when they ask how often only ends with people whispering other newbies like me (not that it was a problem that you whispered me person that whispered me, because I enjoyed helping) and asking them because the people that have been around won't answer them, but instead simple say "don't hold them".

So you can +1 or -1 me all you wish. Bottom line is this. You people that have been here awhile that simple come in and say "don't handle at all" aren't helping us newbies at all. We are left to figure out on our own how often is too often with handling.

What's really funny is you come in and judge everybody else post, but help none yourself with input. Stop trolling.

How much should I hold my tarantula, Zero is good answer, whether you agree with it or not.

I understand that you enjoy helping, but considering you've had tarantulas for what, about a month now? How much are you really helping by posting on everything you can find, but putting forth very little useable information. If you spent a little bit more time using the search function and gathering information, you could answer some of these posts helpfully. Instead you just bash on people that have been in this hobby for many years. :)

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
I rest my case. No help to us newbies at all. Again if he is asking, it should be clear he is going to hold them. So saying "don't hold them" isn't helping him.

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
Ok, let me clarify:

How often should you hold your spider? Not at all, that's how often.

Was that spelled out clearly enough for you, Avicularia Man?
Again. He asked how often "CAN" he hold his T's. Not how often he "SHOULD" hold his T's. Also, what's spelling got to do with anything? stay on topic please.

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
How much should I hold my tarantula, Zero is good answer, whether you agree with it or not.

I understand that you enjoy helping, but considering you've had tarantulas for what, about a month now? How much are you really helping by posting on everything you can find, but putting forth very little useable information. If you spent a little bit more time using the search function and gathering information, you could answer some of these posts helpfully. Instead you just bash on people that have been in this hobby for many years. :)
You have no clue what information I put forth. What part of I was "PMed" did you miss? that means you can't even see what I helped with. I said I enjoyed helping him in a "PM", so your little "putting forth very little useable information" comment is a bit on the silly side considering you have no clue what I typed in response to that PM.


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
You have no clue what information I put forth. What part of I was "PMed" did you miss? that means you can't even see what I helped with. I said I enjoyed helping him in a "PM", so your little "putting forth very little useable information" comment is a bit on the silly side considering you have no clue what I typed in response to that PM.
You're correct, how would I know what you PM?????:?

I can however read the 123 posts, and that's just the ones in the Scientific Question section. I find it hard to believe that in a month's worth of experience that you can have that much information to pass on?
Respond how you will, I've made my point clear.

Sorry about jacking your thread!:)


Dec 17, 2009
i think avic man is just trying to see what the veterans have to say about how often they handle( for the vets that DO handle). from what i can tell, hes just getting bashed for really no reason:?


Old Timer
Mar 8, 2009
Why do so many of these posts have to end up so nasty? We have differing opinions, so what? State your opinion, back it up, and end it. There's no need for this endless bickering. It get's so bad that you lose the original point of the OP.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
i guess if we want to be literal about it, we should ask if he has hands; because then we could tell him YES, you CAN handle your tarantula as long as you want...............:rolleyes:

Since he asked a question that is unanswerable, people answered the question that should have been asked.

Also, AvicMan reiteration is a very good learning technique and hardly being 'no help to newbies.' Honestly, i don't feel you have been around long enough to make that assertion, nor are you correct in any way. The posters in this thread have given the OP the only thing we can, our opinions. It is up to him to determine how he is going to care for his pet.

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
i think avic man is just trying to see what the veterans have to say about how often they handle( for the vets that DO handle). from what i can tell, hes just getting bashed for really no reason:?
At least it is clear to somebody. Glad you understand.


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
i guess if we want to be literal about it, we should ask if he has hands; because then we could tell him YES, you CAN handle your tarantula as long as you want...............:rolleyes:

Since he asked a question that is unanswerable, people answered the question that should have been asked.

Also, AvicMan reiteration is a very good learning technique and hardly being 'no help to newbies.' Honestly, i don't feel you have been around long enough to make that assertion, nor are you correct in any way. The posters in this thread have given the OP the only thing we can, our opinions. It is up to him to determine how he is going to care for his pet.
Honestly, if you think I haven't been on the boards long enough, you would be correct. If you think I haven't kept tarantulas long enough, you would be incorrect.

I haven't been around the boards long enough, but I am smart enough to see that Avicularia Man just set the table for a flaming match with his first two posts. Not until his third post does he give a reasonable opinion on the opening question. His 4th post, he's telling a veteran T keeper he can't read.(trolling) Using terms like 'whispering', which I didn't know the meaning of, shows that he knows more board edicate than I do. Then again accuses people of not helping and trolling. By doing so he is trolling.
His 5th and 6th posts, he's repeating himself, trolling.
He trolled long enough to get a flame out of me.
So I'm not sure how all this is a method of educating himself?


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2009
Why do so many of these posts have to end up so nasty? We have differing opinions, so what? State your opinion, back it up, and end it. There's no need for this endless bickering. It get's so bad that you lose the original point of the OP.
Ha,welcome to AB,where a simple question turns into a mess like this overnight.This is exactly why it is easier to just search than actually ask a question about certain subjects around here.So next time your fingers are just itching to post a question like the OP did,don't.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
Xian, we are in agreement and i wasn't in ANY way making a statement about your experience. In fact i was shocked that you thought that, so i apologize if i somehow came across as such.

Post counts and join dates don't really mean squat, because there are people that post on anything and up their count; or lurk mainly and only stick their heads out for the really unique/ tough questions. The best way to tell who to listen to, is to read their posts and decide for yourself whether they sound experienced. We have been in the hobby just over a year, so i only give advice on things i actually have some sort of experience with. That is not always the case here.

EDIT, i think a misplaced comma is the culprit. My statement in the second paragraph was TO AvicMan, so should have read more like this:

@ AvicMan ~ reiteration is a very good learning technique and hardly being 'no help to newbies.'
i bet the OP has enough opinions by now and the thread is deteriorating fast........