How often can I handle my chilean rose hair?


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
Xian, we are in agreement and i wasn't in ANY way making a statement about your experience. In fact i was shocked that you thought that, so i apologize if i somehow came across as such.

Post counts and join dates don't really mean squat, because there are people that post on anything and up their count; or lurk mainly and only stick their heads out for the really unique/ tough questions. The best way to tell who to listen to, is to read their posts and decide for yourself whether they sound experienced. We have been in the hobby just over a year, so i only give advice on things i actually have some sort of experience with. That is not always the case here.

EDIT, i think a misplaced comma is the culprit. My statement in the second paragraph was TO AvicMan, so should have read more like this:

i bet the OP has enough opinions by now and the thread is deteriorating fast........
curiousme- My Bad, I didn't read your post closely enough!:)


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2008
Ha,welcome to AB,where a simple question turns into a mess like this overnight.This is exactly why it is easier to just search than actually ask a question about certain subjects around here.So next time your fingers are just itching to post a question like the OP did,don't.
kinda what happens and...

i think avic man is just trying to see what the veterans have to say about how often they handle( for the vets that DO handle). from what i can tell, hes just getting bashed for really no reason:?
i agree with this but.. avicularia man did not start the answer the best way either so yeah... all messed up.. get over it and enjoy the boards and the hobby x)


Big B

Old Timer
Apr 25, 2009
you have no clue what information i put forth. What part of i was "pmed" did you miss? That means you can't even see what i helped with. I said i enjoyed helping him in a "pm", so your little "putting forth very little useable information" comment is a bit on the silly side considering you have no clue what i typed in response to that pm.

pumpkin, do you need a hug?


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
...Using terms like 'whispering', which I didn't know the meaning of, shows that he knows more board edicate than I do.
Actually, 'whispering' is more of a gaming term (MUDs, MMORPGs, that sort of thing), not a forum term. So no, it doesn't show more board etiquette. ;)


Old Timer
Oct 20, 2009
Actually, 'whispering' is more of a gaming term (MUDs, MMORPGs, that sort of thing), not a forum term. So no, it doesn't show more board etiquette. ;)
Thank you for that tip, not to say anything about my spelling of, etiquette!:)


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
I think the one not getting it is you, Avicularia.
curiosme and some others explained it already, so I dont relly want to keep on going with that, but...

Asking how long is ok to handle a tarantula can be perfectly answered with 0,nothing,dont handle them at all.

For those who think this "bashing" is the way it gets around here...well, there are questions that cant have any other answer.

Maybe from now on we should ask first what kind of answer are you whiling to accept and understand, and then we will go from there.

PS: When I started keeping t's when I was a kid my brother told me, "you shouldnt handle them/bother them, let them be, its better for them. They are not like a dog,they dont enjoy our interaction".
It really helped me and I really appreciate that was his advice from day 1.
So yes, this helps the OP.


Old Timer
May 25, 2009
I only have one that, through observation on my part, is not easily stressed by handling. She sits on my hand, I look her over, let her crawl a bit on my palms, and then she goes back into her habitat, and every single time she goes right back to her sitting spot and just sits. I've fed her right after without issue, just to see if she was stressed though the "Spiders wont eat when stressed" info I was told early on.

The other spiders have varying tolerances of handling - from "Opening the lid freaks me out" to "I will bite you if you touch the water dish" to as described above "I don't care. Crickets?" to "You're not taking the water dish, it is mine!" tug of war.

Every single spider I have, even the slings, have different personalities and quirks. Although all the slings are universally skittish so far (with one exception) they each have their own little personalities already. I know for one of them I cant open the lid all the way or it will try to dart out, while for the others it varies. For one of them, I could take the lid off, toss in a cricket, watch it eat the cricket, put the lid on, and put it back on the shelf without disturbing it. For the rest I have to let them settle before they eat.


Dec 30, 2009
You people are off topic.

I've been handling my tarantula for the past 2 days. :clap: She doesn't seem to mind. In fact she acts like a perfect lady.But now to the point.You can have any time limit as long as the tarantula is fine with it.If you hold for five minutes and that's your schedule,one day the tarantula is skittish and is running everywhere.Don't hold it at all!If the tarantula is fine and being calm,don't hold it for an HOUR BECAUSE IT'S CALM!Hold it as long as you think you should (my opinion is for at least 5 to 10 minutes).And people,don't say no just because that's what you think!Actually tell what the person is asking!:?


Dec 30, 2009
Fran,you don't answer the stupid question.People! just say on how long you should hold it and can you hold each day.If you disagree,than don't post a stupid reply.


Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
Fran,you don't answer the stupid question.People! just say on how long you should hold it and can you hold each day.If you disagree,than don't post a stupid reply.
So what you're saying is that everybody who disagrees with you should just shut their mouths, right? :?


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
Fran,you don't answer the stupid question.People! just say on how long you should hold it and can you hold each day.If you disagree,than don't post a stupid reply.
Go get a book and learn something, do yourself a favor.


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2009
I'd say rarely. Unless you need to handle her for cleaning the tank or whatever, don't. She's happy and fine, and doesn't need to be held. My hubby does handle Suzie, but it's not often. I prefer to just leave her alone.

If you want to handle her for whatever reason, be aware of her mood. Always make sure she is offered food before you handle her.

Better yet, just get The Tarantula Keeper's Guide book, which you can search for online. There is a whole chapter in there about handling.


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
Fran,you don't answer the stupid question.People! just say on how long you should hold it and can you hold each day.
Zero is an answer, but the question is really not an answerable one with anything but opinions. That is what the OP got, so i have a hard time understanding where this hostility matriculated from.

If you disagree,than don't post a stupid reply.
You mean like posting a stupid reply, to tell people not to post stupid replies...........:rolleyes:

I thought this thread was over with days ago............


Old Timer
Feb 8, 2009
I think we are about to screw up Mr. Deranged's WOW time. What a stupid topic to even begin with. Did the original poster think of searching for the word "HOLD"?

Avicularia Man,

Come hold my King Cobra. After that, please let the board know if 5 or 10 minutes is sufficient. Thanks!

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
I think we are about to screw up Mr. Derranged's WOW time. What a stupid topic to even begin with. Did the original poster think of searching for the word "HOLD"?

Avicularia Man,

Come hold my King Cobra. After that, please let the board know if 5 or 10 minutes is sufficient. Thanks!
I will hold it for an hour if you wish. See unlike Tarantulas, I have been into snakes for over 24 years and have no problem with holding a hot. Even owned a few when I was younger. Nothing hard about holding a hot. Simply hold it behind it's head and problem solved. If it is a big king, then it might take two hands. Besides, comparing somthing that can kill you to a G. rosea is hardly the same thing. Not even close.
Don't hate just because some of us like to hold our T's. You don't see me complaining because you don't like to hold yours do you?;)
Why you so uptight anyways? All I did was ask him if he has held it yet.
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