How does your garden grow?


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Check out ""

thats a great channel for gardening in a natural way, incorporating guilds and weeds into overall production.
All over it ! Thank you 😊
I know it's daft but I like to leave the "weeds" they attract so many butterfly's birds ect to our garden. It often looks like an overgrown fallow field but it's full of life in every corner n I like it that way, it's my little slice of nature 😊


Active Member
Jul 1, 2018
All over it ! Thank you 😊
I know it's daft but I like to leave the "weeds" they attract so many butterfly's birds ect to our garden. It often looks like an overgrown fallow field but it's full of life in every corner n I like it that way, it's my little slice of nature 😊
oh absolutely, having food for pollinators all year round is a must

just if it starts overgrowing, you can rip and drop the weeds that outcompete and use them right back as green mulch


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
oh absolutely, having food for pollinators all year round is a must

just if it starts overgrowing, you can rip and drop the weeds that outcompete and use them right back as green mulch
Idm the overgrown it's more fun searching through it to find little spider gems 😁 my plant pots offer flowers the ground while once a wildflower meadow has since been left to its own devices and the tall grass, dandelion, and doc took over, but I hope to start again with my meadow this year I am a little late for flowers now but I will prep for next year around oct/Nov when my garden is quite except for the Robins and Blackbird 😊


Oct 21, 2023
It's nothing compared to what y'all have but my mini herb garden is starting to come together. I don't have a lot of outdoor space to work with lol.
The lemon basil and thai basil have started to sprout and the holy basil is doing pretty good. The cilantro is growing faster than we could possibly consume it 😆. On the right I have rosemary, oregano, mojito mint, and julep mint.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
The garden is in full growth. The horseradish is fighting the aegopodium that was introduced with bad excavation soil.

my biggest succes is lavander. This is a plant that will thrive on my land. I have two varieties and will be planting more in the futur.

i am selecting weeds like daisies and mint, and adding more. The rudbeckias just started blossoming and the contrast with medicinal echinacea is amazing. Yarrow is taking over and creating highs and lows.

my garden is slowly becoming my vision: permaculture meets english garden. I introduce a few plants every year and see what grows.

less grass every day. Removing it and laying down tarp to eventualy add a vegetable garden.

the soil is so poor many herbs take to it williningly.

the goal is to have patches of sunflowers and Onopordum acanthium.

there will be vines of lupus and wisteria. As well as elderberry bush and native berries. More lilac and native flowers.

i will collect more rocks to add do the path, and free ceramic when i can. Eventualy, no mowing will be needed

The backyard us raspberry bush, wild garlic and clover. We have a family of hares who mow the yard for free.

many more species of vegetation. And the pictures do no justice. More to come.

gardening is my work and hobby.

every trip to the ocean, i bring back driftwood. And soon, aconitum napellus. It grows wild at my familys cliff house.

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