I found it while searching google for information on the possible reasons (other than a molt) as to why a tarantula would be on its back.
I came across a discussion on this forum when I clicked on the link, and decided to join.
I was searching google looking for facts/forums and pretty much anything that would give me some better knowledge of scorpions and how to look after one properly.
I was advised by a friend to get on arachnoboards to look for other canadian enthusiasts and suppliers. There are several local petstores, but I have found the big-chain stores to be staffed by idiots, and I dont get along with the closest independent guy. I found him to be arrogant and haughty. So, here I am.
I bought an A.seemani a year and half ago, didn't know squat about it, I misspelled tarantula in the search engine, google corrected me, I clicked on the proper spelling and that is when i found Arachnoboards. i still misspaell tarantula sometimes though
i recently bought a P. regalis at a privately owned pet shop in town and notice when i got home that it was rather unhealthy. So i google'd for some postings or T clubs to ask questions. Thats when I found Arachnoboards
When I bought my B. Bohemei the seller recommended me this site and when I get into, I remembered that I had been here looking some pics, then I joined to this excellent & great site, thanks everyone 'cause all the information is really useful. :clap:
A member over at ReefCentral.com showed a pic of him holding a large wolf spider. I thought that was the coolest thing I've seen in a long time. I've always wanted to keep a large spider, so I did a Google search and found Arachnopets.
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