hobby or passion, note: (i'm not even a novice)


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2009
I dont name my t's or snakes. For me its a hobby, I enjoy it when something unexpected happens that gets the adrenaline pumping. Even if its from bugs thats all good. I know allot of people but dont have many close friends. I love to get wasted at parties with lots of people I dont know, also meeting new people while drinking is fun.

This holloween im dressing as a 6'8" fluffy pink gorilla, what could be better than a drunken monkey? Reading this over it sure sounds like I drink all the time, which isnt the case lol.

Anyways, nothing is more rewarding for me than raising a bug since a baby and sending him off to breed or breed females. Not that I breed the females personally, I leave that to the male tarantulas no matter how sexy a spider can look {D .

Also sarcasm can be a tough one to show through typing, but I hope this comes across the right way.
You sicko!!

KIDDDDINNNNG! ;P With that last sentence, I had to...


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Dude the "bold" type is hard on my eyes......please

1. I am a SHE

2. I use bold in EVERY single one of my posts... always have, on every forum, always will ;)

3. You seem to find something to bitch about in every post... don't start with me :cool:


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2004

1. I am a SHE

2. I use bold in EVERY single one of my posts... always have, on every forum, always will ;)

3. You seem to find something to bitch about in every post... don't start with me :cool:


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009

1. I am a SHE

2. I use bold in EVERY single one of my posts... always have, on every forum, always will ;)

3. You seem to find something to bitch about in every post... don't start with me :cool:
{D {D {D

you go girl. :D


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007

1. I am a SHE

2. I use bold in EVERY single one of my posts... always have, on every forum, always will ;)

3. You seem to find something to bitch about in every post... don't start with me :cool:
Hell yeah!! uh huh!! You tell him girl!!!

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009

1. I am a SHE

2. I use bold in EVERY single one of my posts... always have, on every forum, always will ;)

3. You seem to find something to bitch about in every post... don't start with me :cool:

NICE!!!! ;P

How very succinctly put! {D


Old Timer
Jul 23, 2007
I started with one T, the common rose hair. I got it for my classroom at school and quickly decided that it would be better off at my house. With in a few months I had read every book I could find in the Library and searched the internet for information. I was shocked to find out how many other species there are. My collection quickly shot up from 1 to 12 in a month. I am currently at 19 T's and trying to breed a few (waiting for my males to mature). It is not a hobby for me, but I am also not an addict (I can stop when i choose to). I guess I am some where in the middle of the two, if that is even possible.

P.S. My T's do make the rounds still in my classroom, they even helped me demonstrate how the Romans fed the Christians to the lions:D man they ate that up!

Forgot to add that I do not name my T's that honor is reserved for my wife.
Last edited:


Old Timer
Jun 7, 2009
Definately a passion for me. :) I DO name my spiders, and take pride in the names I give 'em. :D

I'm more attached to them then I have been a couple of my cats.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
I guess it's just a hobby for me. I wouldn't call myself passionate about tarantulas, even though I do love my animals very much. I haven't named them because 1) their character keeps evolving as they grow up, 2) I don't know their sex, and 3) 6/8 of my T's are in communes so it's actually a little hard keeping track of individuals when they all look nearly the same at their size : P

My ball python, cane toads, and pixie frog all have names but their name's don't indicate sex.. They're called Patches, Boomer and Tank, and Bulldozer aka Bullie, respectively.

I'll name my T's as they age..... but seeing as I'm ordering ~8-10 more in the next few weeks, it's going to be hard to name them all - ESPECIALLY the ones in communes.


Chief Cook n Bottlewasher
Old Timer
Sep 29, 2004
Hobby for certain, Passion without a doubt.

I name all the spiders I plan on keeping for the long run.
If they are slings from a sac.. no. But I keep a handful.
- I use a list of names from the SciFi Series FARSCAPE. ;) -- see avatar.

Since my career field is Science/Education this is a great hobby to fulfill both aspects.

With Dogs, the research gets very psychological & behavioral. With these guys it's 90% biology, and 10% "WOW that was Cool"


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
Trying to get a feel\connetion for\to this site, so I won't be as timmed to post. So I was wondering; How many of you name your inverts?

I do. Most of them anyway, some of my smaller slings are numbered but the majority have names which is quite an undertaking since I have around 300.

How did you all get into the "hobby"? Is it more of a hobby or a passion for you? What's up with calling it a hobby anyways?

I used to work at an exotic animal hospital and became good friends with one of the doctors. I saw many different animals there and lost what little fear of any exotic pet I may have had. The doctor had an ancient G. rosea and let me hold her, I was enchanted. I mentioned at one point to my husband that I would like to have one someday so he gave me one for our 5th anniversary, then I got more for Xmas and even more for my birthday, and I was off. It is a hobby and a passion for me. Why not call it a hobby? It is something you do in your spare time that you enjoy, sounds like a hobby to me.

I know inverts aren't capable of being as much of pets as your typial mammal is.

I will have to disagree with you on this. Yes, I do agree you don't interact with them the same as you do with a mammal, but that does not make them any less entertaining, or capable of being a good pet. My Ts frequently do amusing things that make me laugh.

Well for me their more entertaining than keeping plants lol.

I'll agree with you there.

I didn't find your questions silly. You are asking honest questions, and deserve to have them answered.
I hope that if you want to you will feel welcome here and have any questions you may have answered.
You have found a place where at least on of your interests is shared, so sit back, read posts, answer posts and ask questions. You will find yourself fitting in quite well, all you need is the "addiction" and you will be fine.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
I don't consider tarantulas pets.

When people ask why I would keep a "pet" like a tarantula, I tell them they're not pets.

They are like fish. You don't pet fish. They are all display animals.


Old Timer
May 24, 2009
I don't consider tarantulas pets.

When people ask why I would keep a "pet" like a tarantula, I tell them they're not pets.

They are like fish. You don't pet fish. They are all display animals.
Fish are pets too.:? Just because you don't physically pet your animals doesn't make them NOT pets. The definition says, " a domesticated animal kept for enjoyment not utility". While T's aren't domesticated they are kept for enjoyment and not utility.:D


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Actually, I have a militarized facility consisting of 500 T. Blondi soldiers. For general defense and surveillance, pokies patrol the side walls and OBTs are hidden in burrows to jump out and attack intruders. If things get reaaaaal dirty, squadrons of H. Macs and S. Cals called in {D

Well, I guess according to the classical definition, they’re “pets” but then again, I don’t think anyone would really describe animals at the zoo as pets either.


Old Timer
Nov 6, 2003
Well, I guess according to the classical definition, they’re “pets”
Display is neither here no there. If you're doing scientific research on something, we'll talk about pet vs something else.

but then again, I don’t think anyone would really describe animals at the zoo as pets either.
No, because they're in a zoo. A German Shepard in a zoo wouldn't be a pet either.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
No, because they're in a zoo. A German Shepard in a zoo wouldn't be a pet either.
True true.

But still, I wouldn't place my T's in the same group as, say, my dog or my lil bro's hamster.


Old Timer
Nov 6, 2003
True true.

But still, I wouldn't place my T's in the same group as, say, my dog or my lil bro's hamster.
Yeah but that's a reflection of your own personal perceptions biases/preferences, and nothing to do really with what the critters actually are...or are not. I've seen monitor lizards and iguanas that are every bit the "pet" in the sense you're speaking of as a hamster...which to me isn't a pet, but lizard food.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Yeah but that's a reflection of your own personal perceptions biases/preferences, and nothing to do really with what the critters actually are...or are not. I've seen monitor lizards and iguanas that are every bit the "pet" in the sense you're speaking of as a hamster...which to me isn't a pet, but lizard food.
What exactly are these critters then? I'm curious to hear your description of their place in our lives.

I think my reflection of what they are is a healthy reflection considering the strength of the venom that some of these T's pack.

One of the first things you'll learn when you learn about keeping hot snakes or any dangerous animal is that they are NOT pets and NEVER to consider them pets. We feed them. We house them. We take care of them. But they are still not pets like your average house animal. To me, keeping my tarantulas are no different than keeping a hot snake: they are all meant as display animals, with contact only when necessary.

Pretty off topic but why would you use a hamster as lizard food when you can easily get a much larger rat that was bred to be a feeder? I've never in my life seen 'feeder hamsters.'


Old Timer
Aug 7, 2009
hmm...i would say an addiction. i see a hobby as like...warhammer/models/painting stuff like that. (which im also into, praise nurgle =P) uhm i have 4 T's all are unsexed but one, but i still name them all...i actually got a b. smithi two days ago and it died. today i made a little tomb stone, painted it and all and burried her in the back yard. i didnt even get to see her alive. but i still did it...and it was a sad day that day that i got her ='(