hobby or passion, note: (i'm not even a novice)


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2005
a few words about passion

some say being passionate about something means you are willing to suffer for it....



May 26, 2009
...I give you 2 or 3 months before you are hooked and eyeing up your room to see where the next T tank will go and the next one after that.
lol...okay, so maybe I'll admit I've been thinking about getting more...

(haha -- caught me!)

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Personally, I am kind of a "social-loner." Kind of picture myself as a communallly "tolerant" species, like an OBT or Pokie. I don't mind being arond my friends and family, but I have this continual need for my own space. I think it's from the way I grew up in a stagnant and sheltered family environment. My parents had no social skills, and when I left home at 16, neither did I.....and I've struggled for years with it, though I've gotten ALOT better, LOL.

For me, this is a hobby. But on a different level. True that I am extremely passionate about animals, in general, but I have kids, friends, a life...I play in a band, and do all kinds of "normal" things too. Like all hobbies, this one takes it's share of time out of my life. Fortunately it's a hobby all about patience...and I get to have a bit of socializing on the boards as well. This hobby also allows me to be creative in setting up attractive displays. Plus, I always end up feeling privledged to be allowed to interact with my T's. I got into the hobby because I was terrified of spiders. Now that I've worked with them for about a year, I have a completely different outlook.

Handling is the most fun experience for me. I've always felt as if it was an important skill to learn, though at first it was a combination of conquering fear, and doing something different than everyone else. But I came to enjoy the practice, and the challenge. Only a few of my T's get handled regularly, though I will occasionally go out on a limb and handle some of my more malevolant ones when nobody is around to spook them. :p

For the record, I do name my T's. :D


Roach Lovers Mom
Old Timer
Jan 27, 2008
Hobby for me. I take it as my personal duty to educate people about them. I do private rescue for birds & small animals & wildlife rehab. We do tours daily if not several times a day so when people come here they get to the see the Ts & scorpions, if they choose. I recently helped to do an exhibition for a local wildlife facility on inverts, including 4 of the 6 native Oregon scorpions that I have. People were in shock to think we had them here. Over 300 people got educated about scorpions & Ts that day. So cool. I think obsession is a good description too. Whats one more to feed, right? Welcome! Kim

Big Red TJ

Old Timer
Dec 10, 2007
I dont name most of my T's but some I do and it is more then addiction....it's a religion...


Aug 11, 2009
I'm generally passionate about my hobbies.
Fishkeeping, T's...whatever.

I don't get the "is it a passion or a hobby?" thing.
Jim couldn't of said it better. I dilly dally in T's/inverts. I'm mainly into reptiles. I can't get away from these guys though, so intreging! I sold what I had but I will be buying more, especially since I'm breeding roaches now!



Old Timer
Sep 13, 2008
I dont name my t's or snakes. For me its a hobby, I enjoy it when something unexpected happens that gets the adrenaline pumping. Even if its from bugs thats all good. I know allot of people but dont have many close friends. I love to get wasted at parties with lots of people I dont know, also meeting new people while drinking is fun.

This holloween im dressing as a 6'8" fluffy pink gorilla, what could be better than a drunken monkey? Reading this over it sure sounds like I drink all the time, which isnt the case lol.

Anyways, nothing is more rewarding for me than raising a bug since a baby and sending him off to breed or breed females. Not that I breed the females personally, I leave that to the male tarantulas no matter how sexy a spider can look {D .

Also sarcasm can be a tough one to show through typing, but I hope this comes across the right way.

The Dude

Oct 24, 2005
Don't name mine.. but I like my girlfriend name them since she doesn't like them in the first place. :p Not sure why I like them actually. I find them beautiful and I love watching the feedings. I think that I love to make the environment even more than I like to keep the tarantulas... because of this I'd never not keep them in something that I'd want to see all day.


Old Timer
Aug 30, 2009
I think you will find it will be a hell of a lot sooner than ten years.....wait and see.
I give you 2 or 3 months before you are hooked and eyeing up your room to see where the next T tank will go and the next one after that.
Amen to that brother! :D


Old Timer
Nov 14, 2008
I name them all.
They are my pets, even if they don't know it.


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
Hello and well met.

im new to housing T's myself .. just got my 1'st one this Saturday.
it was a She and i hope she is Happy with her new home ^^

Named her *the lady* .. for now .. or untill she inspires me with
an even greater name ... or perhaps she will allwas be The lady.
Time will tell ... to me it is a Facination amongst thing's .. i was
Curious about the bahaviour and Personalityes of Spider's ..
" that interest's me in all thing's but Spider's is what i got this far"

What started me of was when i one day when i was in my Secret
Room Discovered a small pitch Black spider crawling over the floor,
and i immidiately went:
*Ooo .. that one we must catch and observe* ^^
Still got that little one and it seem to be doing nicely in his

This is the little one that got me started ^^
I call him Precious.

So .. in essence ... it is out ouf interest ... and more ...
that i keep such friend's as i do.
*If indeed they are my friend's .. and if not im their's regardless* =P

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
Welcome to the hobby and get used to blowing all your money on spiders,tanks and whatever......and also seeing if it's possible to convert the garage or spare room into a spider house :D or even move the kids into one room and use the vacated room :D


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2007
Welcome to the hobby and get used to blowing all your money on spiders,tanks and whatever......and also seeing if it's possible to convert the garage or spare room into a spider house :D or even move the kids into one room and use the vacated room :D
Thats exactly what I did, convert part of the garage into a spare T room. My past hobby was turbochargers and cars. I don't even want to start to tell how much I spent on my toy project car.
Now I have both my beloved hobbies together in one room!!!


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
Welcome to the hobby and get used to blowing all your money on spiders,tanks and whatever......and also seeing if it's possible to convert the garage or spare room into a spider house :D or even move the kids into one room and use the vacated room :D
amen brother!! LOL my computer room is slowly turning in to that, on top of that it's the guest bedroom! "Hi!" "You'll be staying in our guest room, the one with 25 tarantulas in it!"


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I have always loved "creepy crawlies"... when I was younger, I used to spend hours wandering the property and turning over rocks to see what I could find and catch lol spiders, centipedes, millipedes, scorpions, etc. were always fun and fascinating for me. I got my first T for my 13th birthday, but just had the one until earlier this year when I realized that - after owning all manor of "inside" animals like hedgehogs, snakes, etc. - Ts really are my passion in the "inside" pet department... and then I went out and got a bunch!

I do name them... some of them just randomly get names, some of them "earn" their names. But, I name pretty much everything lol

I tend to find myself involved in things that other people usually don't like, and I think it does stem from me being one of those kids that everyone else thought was weird... like when I'd catch a spider in the classroom and ask to be excused so I could let it go outside LOL A misunderstood human keeping misunderstood creatures ;)

paul fleming

Old Timer
Aug 21, 2009
I have always loved "creepy crawlies"... when I was younger, I used to spend hours wandering the property and turning over rocks to see what I could find and catch lol spiders, centipedes, millipedes, scorpions, etc. were always fun and fascinating for me. I got my first T for my 13th birthday, but just had the one until earlier this year when I realized that - after owning all manor of "inside" animals like hedgehogs, snakes, etc. - Ts really are my passion in the "inside" pet department... and then I went out and got a bunch!

I do name them... some of them just randomly get names, some of them "earn" their names. But, I name pretty much everything lol

I tend to find myself involved in things that other people usually don't like, and I think it does stem from me being one of those kids that everyone else thought was weird... like when I'd catch a spider in the classroom and ask to be excused so I could let it go outside LOL A misunderstood human keeping misunderstood creatures ;)
Dude the "bold" type is hard on my eyes......please


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
Im a bit partial to Cap's myself .. out of the fact that it is
easyer to read now in my older day's *Koff Koff* =P


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009

Aa yes .. when i squinted with the Eyes i see
what you mean ... i may add that im partial
to Bold as well then, he he .. as the Effect
is somewhat similar.