Hey...I've been browsing these boards and am pleased to find so much info on T's as I'm quite new to the T world and a novice to the hobby.I've done quite a bit of research on them and setup prior to purchasing my T's...hopefully to their requirements.I just recently over the past month aquired the following T's
Mexican Blonde-aphonopelma chalcodes(spiderling)
Chilean Rose-grammostola gala (adult/f)
Tiger Rump-cyclosternum fasciatum (juvenile/f??)
Orange Bottle Blue-chromatopelma cyaneopubescens(juvenile/f??)
Cobalt Blue-haplopelma lividum (spiderling)
Brazilian whiteKnee-acanthoscurria geniculata (adult/f)
Zebra Knee-aphonopelma seemani (adult/f)
Mexican Redrump-brachypelma vagans (adult/f)
Avicular Versicolor (juvenile/f??)
Having spent a few bucks..lol...I'm quite happy with my T's and setup.I built a T room in my basement so I can regulate temps and humidity.All are housed in 10 gallon aquariums,except for spiderlings who are housed still in delicups with vermiculite.I'll be looking forward to coming here for info to help me and my T's along..as I'm sure to encounter some instances where I'll be needing some advice.....and lots of it..lol.....peace....
Mexican Blonde-aphonopelma chalcodes(spiderling)
Chilean Rose-grammostola gala (adult/f)
Tiger Rump-cyclosternum fasciatum (juvenile/f??)
Orange Bottle Blue-chromatopelma cyaneopubescens(juvenile/f??)
Cobalt Blue-haplopelma lividum (spiderling)
Brazilian whiteKnee-acanthoscurria geniculata (adult/f)
Zebra Knee-aphonopelma seemani (adult/f)
Mexican Redrump-brachypelma vagans (adult/f)
Avicular Versicolor (juvenile/f??)
Having spent a few bucks..lol...I'm quite happy with my T's and setup.I built a T room in my basement so I can regulate temps and humidity.All are housed in 10 gallon aquariums,except for spiderlings who are housed still in delicups with vermiculite.I'll be looking forward to coming here for info to help me and my T's along..as I'm sure to encounter some instances where I'll be needing some advice.....and lots of it..lol.....peace....
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