hey guys can u help me to sex this red knee?


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
Actually I think your humor (if that is what you were going for) missed by a mile.
Not it wasnt that. Is the fact that theres no way on earth or heaven that you can GUARANTEE an 100% accurate,error free answer from a ventral sexing via picture over the computer.
And if you think there is, you are wrong. :)

No matter how many times you were right in the pass. The 100% guaranteed answer only exist when scientificaly proven.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Not it wasnt that. Is the fact that theres no way on earth or heaven that you can GUARANTEE an 100% accurate,error free answer from a ventral sexing via picture over the computer.
And if you think there is, you are wrong. :)
Yes I can 100% guarantee that is a female, and I don't need a molt to be sure of that fact. Just because you can't guarantee it female does not mean it cannot be done. 99% of the stuff I have sold over the years was ventrally sexed and I never heard back from someone saying I made a mistake with 1000s of sales in the books.
No matter how many times you were right in the pass. The 100% guaranteed answer only exist when scientificaly proven
It is not a fluke. I have sexed hundreds if not thousands of tarantulas correctly and never saw a molt, and never got surprised. I wreak havoc at shows too. :) I love hitting up tables and sexing out small females and males and snatching them up for unsexed prices. Nothing better than coming home with several thousands dollars in Ts that cost me $200 bucks. {D

If you know what to look for you can ventrally sexy something with 100% certainty but you have to be willing to learn what to look for. Looking at the Ops picture leaves no doubts or wondering at all.

If you can look at the links I posted and say you don't see a very obvious difference between the Ops pictures and those pictures I don't know what else to do/or say/or show/too help you see that difference.

I am not the only one that is good at ventral sexing ether. I know plenty of people that can do it with the accuracy that I can.

Anyway, you get the point. (well maybe not who know).;)


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
I have rarely missed a ventral sex Ryan, and I have been 14 years with this.

But that was not what I meant. And nah, you still dont get it ;)


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
I have rarely missed a ventral sex Ryan, and I have been 14 years with this.

But that was not what I meant. And nah, you still dont get it ;)
If he doesn't get it, it means I don't get it either. Please explain.

Saying you can't ventral sex with certainty is like saying you can't sex a human female because her sexual organs are internal as well. There do exist external cues that indicate a tarantula's sex and with enough knowledge and experience, I believe you can conclusively sex them without a molt. I personally can't, but I do believe there are people that can.


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2008
Scientific? I can do that. :)

There is no patch of hairs above the furrow that a male would have and would easily seen.

In the photos I linked you can see that patch of hairs I am talking about. They are most typically circle shaped to a degree and parked right between the upper pair of book lungs and above the epigastric furrow.

Additionally you can see how the epigastric furrow of the female in this picture is wide and straight across between the book lungs.

The male has a closed off furrow that is limited to just the center area in addition to the hairs present above the furrow.

Here are a few examples of a male.


Thank you!!!;)


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
I dont know how to be more clear.
What I mean is that, even if you have got 500 or 1000 ventral sexing right,that doesnt mean that you cant be wrong. So for numerous obvious reasons you cant state that sexing via entral and by a picture is 100% guaranteed error free.

The only 100% guaranteed,error free possible is probing it by using the scientific method. In this case,getting the exuvia under a microscope or a good magnifying glass and find the irrefutable proof.
Thats the only 100% guaranteed way to sex a tarantula.
The rest can always have a % of error.

PS: The example with the human being is not the same, because in a tarantula, the signs can be clearly oculted by the actuall setae or form of the tarantula furrow,the light in the picture, the blurryness,the shadows...It can all drive you to the wrong conclusion.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I completely understand what you are trying to say, but you failed with your wording miserably.
So for numerous obvious reasons you cant state that sexing via entral and by a picture is 100% guaranteed error free.
For this picture on this thread, which is all I have been talking about the whole time, I am 100% positive and I know I am not wrong. So when I say 100% guaranteed female on this lady, that means for this lady and this one only. That does not mean I am never going to miss with pictures online when it comes to ventral sexing. I have never once said that.

For you to say that on this specific picture I can't be 100% correct because I am not 100% over all is slightly idiotic logic and you are incorrect.
I thought you might be playing a semantics game with no point in sight from the start, guess I was right. ;)

Thank you!!!;)
No problem man, I think of more people back up their opinion more will be learned over all. Just saying female and leaving the thread teaches nothing.


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
I started saying that ventral sexing over the net is not 100% guaranteed error free.
So thats what I was talking about.And you talked about all your examples over the years, s I thought we were on the same page.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I started saying that ventral sexing over the net is not 100% guaranteed error free.
Again, I dont like to "sex" via pictures,its not accurate at all...
But It looks very Female ;)
That is what you started with, and that is wrong. If I am right 99% of the time over all every worldly country on this earth would consider that accuracy. Everyone would love to have 99/100 odds at the craps table. ;)
Error free? Nope, but I never once said that. You will never catch me saying I am right with ventral sexing every single time, but I am right almost every single time. :D


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007

That is what you started with, and that is wrong. If I am right 99% of the time over all every worldly country on this earth would consider that accuracy. Everyone would love to have 99/100 odds at the craps table. ;)
Error free? Nope, but I never once said that. You will never catch me saying I am right with ventral sexing every single time, but I am right almost every single time. :D
Well Ryan, how the heck do you know that?
How many tarantulas we sell and we NEVER heard of them again? How do you know if those "females" along the way and the hands turned out to be males and you simply dont hear about it?

To say that you have a 99% acurated rate is another stupidity. You cant know what is the perceentage if you sell T's.


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
Ryan im not up in your case. I know you have a high knowledge about this hobby.Im just a guy who likes acuracy and the science method. I dont like to believe things or not believe them just becaue somebody says it, I like to use the reason. And I think you are that way too, or at least thats the feeling I have so far from you, no matter If I agree with you in a subject or not.

Thats why when I see certain things from you, a person whom I think to be pretty much that way too, I point them out.


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
Ryan im not up in your case. I know you have a high knowledge about this hobby.Im just a guy who likes acuracy and the science method. I dont like to believe things or not believe them just becaue somebody says it, I like to use the reason. And I think you are that way too, or at least thats the feeling I have so far from you, no matter If I agree with you in a subject or not.

Thats why when I see certain things from you, a person whom I think to be pretty much that way too, I point them out.
You keep talking about the "science method" but it's not clear what you are referring to. It looks like, to me, that unless you are seeing the actual sex organs you can't accurately sex a tarantula. I disagree with that. While spermathaceae are the most easily obvious difference between a male and female, there still are external features that, in some scenarios, can allow to ventral sex with certainty.


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
You keep talking about the "science method" but it's not clear what you are referring to. It looks like, to me, that unless you are seeing the actual sex organs you can't accurately sex a tarantula. I disagree with that. While spermathaceae are the most easily obvious difference between a male and female, there still are external features that, in some scenarios, can allow to ventral sex with certainty.

I think its pretty clear what Im referring to.
Again althought sometimes we can be pretty sure, but it wont be me the one who will guarantee 100% the sex of a tarantula via ventra sexing by a picture in the computer.
(Research "Scientific Method" )


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2008
I think its pretty clear what Im referring to.
Again althought sometimes we can be pretty sure, but it wont be me the one who will guarantee 100% the sex of a tarantula via ventra sexing by a picture in the computer.
(Research "Scientific Method" )
I will if its a pic like this one in the thread, ill guarantee it till the cows come home. it couldn't be more obvious if that gaping gash jumped out and bit you in the face. and i never said i could guarantee every pic just the ones I can guarantee,;)


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Well Ryan, how the heck do you know that?
How many tarantulas we sell and we NEVER heard of them again? How do you know if those "females" along the way and the hands turned out to be males and you simply dont hear about it?

To say that you have a 99% acurated rate is another stupidity. You cant know what is the perceentage if you sell T's.
Lol so you are saying that someone that buys a guaranteed female from me would never get back to me if I sold them the wrong sex??? Now that is stupidity. ;P I'd have a lot of upset people on my hands by now if I earned a rep for selling incorrectly sexed Ts.

Ryan im not up in your case. I know you have a high knowledge about this hobby.Im just a guy who likes acuracy and the science method. I dont like to believe things or not believe them just becaue somebody says it, I like to use the reason. And I think you are that way too, or at least thats the feeling I have so far from you, no matter If I agree with you in a subject or not.
Thats why when I see certain things from you, a person whom I think to be pretty much that way too, I point them out.
I explained the science behind it back on post 17, solid no ifs ands or buts proof of how I reached my decision on this picture on this thread. Things that are only present on males or females can easily be spotted if you use the "science" of it all lol.
Now if you don't want to put any stock in that there is not much I can do about that. Making those observations like I explained in post 17 is how I end up being right so much. Correctly sexing 104 Ts with just one member in a row shows how accurate ventral sexing can be. Its not a fluke, and its not luck.

But I digress. We shale agree to disagree.


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
I think its pretty clear what Im referring to.
Again althought sometimes we can be pretty sure, but it wont be me the one who will guarantee 100% the sex of a tarantula via ventra sexing by a picture in the computer.
(Research "Scientific Method" )
I know what the scientific method is. Scientific research is what I do. I think you are the one that is unclear of what it is.

Again, it is your argument that you need to see the actual spermathaceae. And again, my counterargument is that we don't need to see a cat's ovaries and uterus to know it is a female. There is no difference except for the fact that it takes a better trained eye to see the difference.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I know what the scientific method is. Scientific research is what I do. I think you are the one that is unclear of what it is.

Again, it is your argument that you need to see the actual spermathaceae. And again, my counterargument is that we don't need to see a cat's ovaries and uterus to know it is a female. There is no difference except for the fact that it takes a better trained eye to see the difference.
Very well put. I could not have said it any better myself. :clap:


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2009
I gotta say that I'm with everybody else that it's female but I'm hoping for your sake that it's a male so that you can get a couple free T's out of it.


Old Timer
Nov 8, 2007
No diference whatsoever. Right. You are a great scientific.
Theres no difference between sexing a picture of the furrow of a tarantula or sexing a picture of a naked human being, or a cat, or a dog.
The signs that will induce you to sex, from a picture,a tarantula are OBVIOUSLY less obvious that the difference between a penis and a vagina.
No matter the training of the eye.

And Ryan,please, so you are telling me that youy cant understand the possibility of someone buying a spider from you, sexed, and never getting back to you even thought you were wrong????
I cant believe it. :rolleyes:

Let me give you an incredible obvious example.

1=You sell a "Female".
2=The buyer believes you, and sell the T as female to a 3rd person.
3=That 3rd person sells the T prior the molt.
4= The current owner realises is a male, by molt.

Now tell me you will hear about it. PLEASE. :rolleyes:

How many times this could have happened and you simply never heard about that tarantula.

The most likely scenario would be:

"Dude, the T is a male".
"Darn, it was send to me as female (By another person who wasnt you) "
A LOT OF TIMES that person will fix it without you even notice.
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