He's HERE!!


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I think a nice little G. aureostriata would be a good "first T" for you. They can be a little goofy, but generally are not ever too aggro in behaviour. You could even handle one, if you ever got that brave... which I think you can be. Heck! you handle that psycho beast of a BTS.. Freckles ...and he seriously makes me a little nervous. :eek:


Sep 17, 2007
He's there now. I double posted! I could get banned for that in some places! {D

You're going to have to find me a nice little sling (I actually know what that means :clap: ) to start this adventure.

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
He's there now. I double posted! I could get banned for that in some places! {D

You're going to have to find me a nice little sling (I actually know what that means :clap: ) to start this adventure.
Aminah mentioned the most perfect one. A cute little G.aureostriata.. who could resist such a cutie..

either that or a cute little fuzzy B.albopilosum..:D

Both are incredibly calm species and great starters!

This is still a pudge thread Aminah, because those 2 spiders above are pudgey..{D


Sep 17, 2007
Thanks so much Novak. I was just wandering around in the photos looking for those and was COMPLETELY lost.

Hmmm, those are pretty. How big do they get.

I'm hijacking Aminah's thread, but this was HER idea!

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Thanks so much Novak. I was just wandering around in the photos looking for those and was COMPLETELY lost.

Hmmm, those are pretty. How big do they get.

I'm hijacking Aminah's thread, but this was HER idea!

No problem, just helping out.

The G.aureostriata can reach an 8" legspan, while the B.albopilosum reaches 5-6" tops. Both are incredibly docile, cheap, and you wouldn't regret buying either!

Psssssst, Aminah am I doing a good job trying to get her hooked?

Bear Foot Inc

Old Timer
Nov 8, 2006
Hmm, you could get a nice physico Tarantula, keep it for a week and then trade off for something nice and you would be hooked for sure! ;)


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Hijacking is permissable here :D And you're right! I was just wandering around in your photo thread... again.. and you have so many nice little (and BIG) pudgies! {D

Paul has the right idea.. I may be able to find you a G. aureostriata this weekend, locally. I'll look and see if they have any B. albo's too.. I know they sold the big one already. (I don't think it will mind being in the closet at all. Just don't spray anything... perfume, air fresheners, bug spray, etc. in there.. and you should be fine. But if you are hiding it, I find that right out in the open is the best way to get away with it :D )

*Paul, this was wayyy too easy... wasn't it?*

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Hijacking is permissable here :D And you're right! I was just wandering around in your photo thread... again.. and you have so many nice little (and BIG) pudgies! {D

Paul has the right idea.. I may be able to find you a G. aureostriata this weekend, locally. I'll look and see if they have any B. albo's too.. I know they sold the big one already. (I don't think it will mind being in the closet at all. Just don't spray anything... perfume, air fresheners, bug spray, etc. in there.. and you should be fine. But if you are hiding it, I find that right out in the open is the best way to get away with it :D )

*Paul, this was wayyy too easy... wasn't it?*
Haha thanks! Yeah they're spoiled..:rolleyes:

*A little.. too.. easy. Haha, it's just the hobby, it gets you from behind. You're addicted before you even know it!*


Sep 17, 2007
And of course you're going to ship it to me already in it's home and everything right? So I don't have to worry about it running out at me when I open the package! {D

I suppose all those with the awesome colors are not for beginners. Wow there really are some gorgeous ones. BUT..these ones aren't moving either, lol!

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
And of course you're going to ship it to me already in it's home and everything right? So I don't have to worry about it running out at me when I open the package! {D

I suppose all those with the awesome colors are not for beginners. Wow there really are some gorgeous ones. BUT..these ones aren't moving either, lol!
Haha! Actually there are several beautifully colored ones that are beginner Ts, take B.smithi as one. G.aureostriata is gorgeous when it gets bigger. G.pulchra is a beautiful velvety jet black.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I will ship it to you WITH its home in tow, but not IN its home... cuz it's too dangerous for the little fella. Transferring is very, very easy and I can talk you through it. I'll make you a perfect little viv like I made for the L. difficilis kids ...something it can live in for a few months... and you can just put the traveling vial in it once he arrives, and he'll move out into his viv on his own. Just remove the vial when he's vacated it. Simple.

Or, I can teach you how to utilize some of the neat little tools we use... like a paint brush or chop stick... and you can learn how to wrangle babies right away. You just have to be gentle and calm... always. :)

Just wait... this is so easy! You'll be perfectly comfortable with this in no time! They're very similar to snakes... show them the respect they deserve and they are very rewarding creatures.

Oh... and G. aureostriata's have beautiful golden knees once they get a little size on them. B. albo's have really curly hair and are cute and cuddly! Some of the more colorful ones are a little faster and/or aggressive, but you'll get there soon enough. In fact, if you want one that is fast but not really aggro... I can send you a little A. versicolor. They are electric blue as juvies and then they get a teal green carapace with like a magenta sort of color to the hair on their legs and abdomen, with pink toes (they are one of the "Pink Toe" genus). I started my addiction with this species and I've never been sorry. It's up to you.


Sep 17, 2007
You know you've just about got me convinced don't ya? :eek: No, nothing fast. Less color and slower is good at first, lol. I'll work my way up to more colorful and faster!

Actually the more I think about it, I really do think I would probably end up enjoying it. Everyday I have to stop and check on "Yeller" at the garage and even gave strict warnings to everyone to NOT kill her. But there's the food availability problems around here. :mad:

But we'll talk more about this tomorrow! I really am going to bed now, it's 1am!

Dang, these people are just too convincing!

Bear Foot Inc

Old Timer
Nov 8, 2006
Hentzi's are good! They are cool looking for there gold/brown, and are super nice! And slow!

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
You know you've just about got me convinced don't ya? :eek: No, nothing fast. Less color and slower is good at first, lol. I'll work my way up to more colorful and faster!

Actually the more I think about it, I really do think I would probably end up enjoying it. Everyday I have to stop and check on "Yeller" at the garage and even gave strict warnings to everyone to NOT kill her. But there's the food availability problems around here. :mad:

But we'll talk more about this tomorrow! I really am going to bed now, it's 1am!
Ts can actually survive with a minmal feeding of 1 cricket every 2 weeks. Even less! :eek: So don't go using that excuse..:rolleyes: {D

Dang, these people are just too convincing!


Old Timer
Sep 23, 2005
I would really like to get a sand boa myself, I think they are so cool. I also like how they don't get that large.

Those hognoses sure are little guys:p


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Ts can actually survive with a minmal feeding of 1 cricket every 2 weeks. Even less! :eek: So don't go using that excuse..:rolleyes: {D

Paul has a very valid point there, and you do buy Pip crickets about this often... so you could pick up a couple teeny ones for the spidey kid while there. ;)

*...that was a good catch, Paul.. very good! I think we have her in the web...*

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Paul has a very valid point there, and you do buy Pip crickets about this often... so you could pick up a couple teeny ones for the spidey kid while there. ;)

*...that was a good catch, Paul.. very good! I think we have her in the web...*
*Thank you, I'm disecting her posts like crazy for any flaws.. {D Yes, she can't resist! *

Here's some more pictures of Axl :D. I'm gonna go out and get mice for him in a few.
