He's HERE!!


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
My little fella is all tucked in for the night and all I can see of him is his eyes and his schnozzz. He's such a cute little guy!! :D

I'm trying to be good and give him time to settle in properly before I go handling him and cuddling him, but he's just irresistable!! {D

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
I got mine on Saturday from a guy in SLC who taught me how to sex my snakes... We traded. He wanted a male kenyan, I needed a female hog for my boy so we're both happy :D
I got my male hoggie 3 yrs ago.. from.. Um...a girl who breeds them. I traded a couple of kenyans for him.. I would forget my own name if my kids didnt call me MOM all the time ;)
Haha, good luck on the future breeding! :rolleyes: How do you keep your Hogs?

My little fella is all tucked in for the night and all I can see of him is his eyes and his schnozzz. He's such a cute little guy!! :D

I'm trying to be good and give him time to settle in properly before I go handling him and cuddling him, but he's just irresistable!! {D
Mine is out and about patroling his cage right now. Oh my, same here! I had to tell my sister that anytime she sees me holding my hog she has to slap me, take the snake, and put it back...:eek:


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
I keep my hogs on aspen shavings. In a rack system. 84 hot side 70 cool side. Bowl of water, and a butter tub with a hole in the side so they can eat in there or hide in it.
My little girl thinks shes a cobra/rattlesnake. When ever I go near her she will start hissing and it sounds just like a rattley snake rattling!! Then she flares out her neck and goes into a whole "Im a terrible Cobra ready to inflict a painful death" pose. Tis horribly cute.

Bear Foot Inc

Old Timer
Nov 8, 2006
Thats awesome!! I wish i could see that on one of my two... but they are to dang tame... guess that is good. But i'd love to see the whole hog act!
How big of a rack? I have an extra one sitting around, but i think it might be to big... Novak, you try feeding yet? I decided to wait till tonight so they could get settled in...


P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Thats awesome!! I wish i could see that on one of my two... but they are to dang tame... guess that is good. But i'd love to see the whole hog act!
How big of a rack? I have an extra one sitting around, but i think it might be to big... Novak, you try feeding yet? I decided to wait till tonight so they could get settled in...

Nope haven't fed yet. I will later today when I got to get some pinkies. :) It's exciting because I haven't had a pet snake for a long time, which means I haven't fed a pinkie to a snake for a long time.

I keep my hogs on aspen shavings. In a rack system. 84 hot side 70 cool side. Bowl of water, and a butter tub with a hole in the side so they can eat in there or hide in it.
My little girl thinks shes a cobra/rattlesnake. When ever I go near her she will start hissing and it sounds just like a rattley snake rattling!! Then she flares out her neck and goes into a whole "Im a terrible Cobra ready to inflict a painful death" pose. Tis horribly cute.
Awesome, seems like i got everything down except the substrate. I read somewhere that sand was ok to use for these since they like burrrowing. Can anyone give me an opinion on this? I will change if need be.

PS: I will not feed the snake on the sandy substrate if I keep it like this.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Alright, Paul... we did our deed for the day {D and here's the proof! However, blurry ...I didn't want to disturb little Boudin while he was concentrating on his late lunch and I was a bit nervous that it wasn't gonna fit his little tummy, but all went well. He swallowed so darn fast, I missed the "half way down" shot that I wanted to get :rolleyes:

Wow! They are even more blurry than I thought... I must've been shaking like a leaf on a tree! :eek: Sorry for the terrible quality. I was just really nervous about upsetting my little fella and was actually standing on my tippy toes and leaning over in a awkward way to get the shot without disturbing him.


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
Dont ya love the big ole lump in their tummies!! hehe

Paul, I personally would not ever use sand for anything... just me. I also think that wood chips, which I use, are bad. Sand seems so dusty and gritty and abrasive so I choose wood chips which feel softer to me. I feed in a tub so no chance of injestion..
I guess what Im trying to say is, its probably personal choice. Sand is not my personal choice. :D


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Michelle, it was so funny... he even had a hard time burrowing back down once he came out of the feeder container.. his little tummy was keeping him surfaced a little. {D

I think he's well on his way to "sausage'dom", though :D


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
Wanna see sausage??? Heres one of my females, Kamila, not his mom but shes a MONSTER as far as sandboas go. The mom, anyanka, is the black and white one.

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Alright, Paul... we did our deed for the day {D and here's the proof! However, blurry ...I didn't want to disturb little Boudin while he was concentrating on his late lunch and I was a bit nervous that it wasn't gonna fit his little tummy, but all went well. He swallowed so darn fast, I missed the "half way down" shot that I wanted to get :rolleyes:

Wow! They are even more blurry than I thought... I must've been shaking like a leaf on a tree! :eek: Sorry for the terrible quality. I was just really nervous about upsetting my little fella and was actually standing on my tippy toes and leaning over in a awkward way to get the shot without disturbing him.
Haha yay congrats! Looks like he really enjoyed it, yum! Sadly, I wasn't able to feed mine because my "go to" petstore is closed for remodeling, and everywhere else I went they were out of pinkies small enough for my snake to eat till tomorrow! So, looks like Axl(My Western) has to wait another day for food..:(

I'll be sure to post tomorrow though


Sep 17, 2007
Boudin is just so adorable, love the adults too! You're making me want one, shame on you! How bout a super lovable skink in trade? {D


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Welcome to AB, Michelle in VA!! Yey!!!! No! I don't want a psycho blue tongue skink! NO!! But you need another snake... and Michelle in UT has more little girly sisters of Boudin's that need loving, responsible, spoiling rotten snakey homes. *hinthinthint* {D

Awww... Paul, I'm sorry you didn't get to feed little Axl today. I love his name. That is really cute! :D If you lived further north, I could direct you to all sorts of places with correct sized pinkies. ;)

*We have to get my friend hooked on spiders, you guys!!*
Last edited:

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
Welcome to AB, Michelle in VA!! Yey!!!! No! I don't want a psycho blue tongue skink! NO!! But you need another snake... and Michelle in UT has more little girly sisters of Boudin's that need loving, responsible, spoiling rotten snakey homes. *hinthinthint* {D

Awww... Paul, I'm sorry you didn't get to feed little Axl today. I love his name. That is really cute! :D If you lived further north, I could direct you to all sorts of places with correct sized pinkies. ;)

*We have to get my friend hooked on spiders, you guys!!*
Haha my sister actually named him cause she loves Axl Rose, and felt it was an appropriate name for the little hog. I don't know why, but it works! :D

I'll definately get some tomorrow and get pictures up asap.

*Psssst, whos your friend?*


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I can't wait to see pics! I was so excited to see Boudin eat and for everything to go so smoothly in my care. What a relief!!

*Snakecharmer... she thinks she's phobic, but I know she has it in her to LOVE the spidey kids as much as all of us here*

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
I can't wait to see pics! I was so excited to see Boudin eat and for everything to go so smoothly in my care. What a relief!!

*Snakecharmer... she thinks she's phobic, but I know she has it in her to LOVE the spidey kids as much as all of us here*
I sense a kenyan in my future...:D

Haha, Snakecharmer... Michelle, you know you want a taranutla.... come on you know you do. :} There is no such thing as a phobia..:rolleyes: Give in to the spider world!

*You know what I just realized, that unless she is blind she can read this... haha *


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I know what you mean... I definitely want a little hoggie now :rolleyes:

*umm.. err.... she sees just fine, so I think we are BUSTED!*


Sep 17, 2007
Now Aminah, does this precious little face look like a psycho to you?

If I actually had access to pinkies here I would snatch up one of those gummy babies. I'm lucky I can get mice weekly. Sux living in the middle of nowhere sometimes!

*That'd be me! Hey at least I actually released that little bugger that was crawling on my couch tonight. Ok..ok..so you had to talk me through the whole episode but I'm not dead from a heart attack, it's a start! LOL


Sep 17, 2007
Well his cute lil face didn't show up.

Ahhh...there's the psycho!

Ooops, I mean lovable lil skink.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I think you forgot the IMG thingies on the link... I can't see Freckles... just the red X that marks the spot to thump him when he tries to nail me :embarrassed:

Okay... there's PSYCHO BOY! ..err, lovable skink boy! Yeah right! :D

*ti's true... you did really well catching that tiny little spider on the sofa, with boy child helping and me coaching via telephone... so you NEED a big spider to call your own!*