HELP!! T. Seladonia

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Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
I see the main point of my post may have been lost on you. Let me try to clarify and offer some helpful advice. :)

Read through, I've listed every person I've watched.
Did you go back and read your first post? Nowhere did you include what research, if any, was done by you. Not one mention of any threads read, not one mention of any videos watched. In fact, it was not until post number 20 that you first provided a list of your sources. Unfortunately, most people will only read your first post and not the rest. Should people read through an entire thread before offering help? Absolutely. However, that is sadly not always the case. It's a shame, but true nonetheless.

Lesson is: Always include as much information and as many details as possible in your first post. This will help yield the best results and help members to try and provide the best answers for you and your tarantula.

Im sorry if you dont know these people. <snip>
Besides this being completely irrelevant, it's a wrong presumption. Where on earth did you draw this conclusion from? I most certainly did not claim this at all.

<snip> I had picture of the enclosure up here of the tarantula in a jar temporarily. I didnt know hoe bad of an idea it was. But then the members started to make some fun. And said I had no research or knowledge and started listing all of the same things I am listing right now. So i took down my picture. And they continued to make fun.
A few things here ..

Removing the image really didn't do you any favors, in all honesty. By removing the image, it also removed the option for additional help from others who may have come to the thread after it was removed. By the time I got to the thread, all images were gone. Surely you can see how that would lend itself to adding to the confusion?

You can't claim to have "researched everything" (not until post number 24, btw), and then say you "didnt know hoe bad of an idea it was" to keep it in a glass jar, or that you "never mentioned the jar was a good idea, I thought it was horrible idea", or that you "have him in a jar until he gets a bit bigger", or "did not know that ventilation was so much of an issue". Especially right after claiming that you "put him in the jar hoping it would be better" and that you "just wanted him, especially, on display" and that "A night or two in a jar is gonna be fine" and that you "have seen and heard about ventilation and humidity alot when researching this species". You can see the contradictions, right?

Making mistakes is part of any hobby. It's part of life and how we learn to grow and try to do better. However, being resistant to any assistance (whether you have already read the same threads or watched the same videos), does not help you or your tarantula. Especially if no one knew (at the time) that you have already read said threads and watched said videos.

No one made fun of you. Pointing out your contradictions, yes, but making fun of you, not at all. In fact, quite the opposite. Everyone is trying to help you (and your tarantula) by offering the best advice they can, based on the information that you have provided. So what if it includes links to threads or videos that you may have already seen before? The helpful information is still valid and applicable.

Lesson is: Always include as much information and as many details as possible in your first post. This will help yield the best results and help members to try and provide the best answers for you and your tarantula.

The only problem I am having is my T Seladonia sling won't make a trapdoor.
Here is where the confusion comes into play. You stated that you were "able to watch him personally make his trapdoor". However, in post number 3, from @BoyFromLA , you were linked directly to a thread that addressed this specific original question. Again, it was not until post number 20 where you mentioned that you have already read that thread.

I never changed my question.
You changed your objective throughout the thread. You were "more concerned about humidity" and that you "believe Ventilation/humidity is my #1 concern". Then added that you "fully believe that moisture is the problem". Again, you can clearly see where all of the confusion on everyone's part is coming from, right?

Everyone is just simply trying to help you and your tarantula. :)

Lesson is: Consistency is key.


Oct 25, 2020
Price of an animal should not dictate the type of care it receives. This person wants to care for his spoder properly so someone please give proper advice.

Some great advice here.


Hollow Knight
Jan 7, 2018
I'll admit, I skipped page 2 of this because it looked like things were getting heated by the end of page 1. But I would like to offer my personal observations from working with an extremely similar Australian species; Sason colemani.

Sason colemani are not tarantulas, but Barychelidae, which are basically identical to tarantulas and can even climb smooth surfaces. Sason colemani is a dwarf arboreal Barychelid that utilises notches, depressions or borer holes in branches or bark to construct small silk cells with 1 or more lidded entrances. As far as I'm aware this is almost identical in behaviour to Typhoclaena seladonia. Now logically speaking, cork bark should fit this species perfectly, as it has plenty of potential spots to build over on its bumpy surface.

But from my experience, it doesn't. If anything, they hate it.

In fact, every arboreal species here I've tried to get to inhabit cork bark hollows or curves absolutely refuses and goes out of it's way to live terrestrially in an attempt to get away from cork bark. Now I'm not saying cork is overall bad, thousands of you use it problem free for tarantulas that prefer hollow tubes and I would absolutely recommend them for such ones like Pokies. What my personal belief is, is that with species that burrow into cork bark or chew it up to construct lids with, the rubbery, flexible, stretchy structure puts them off as it's not easy to break off tiny chunks. Therefore, I have never once been surprised by the amount of times I read about keepers having issue with seladonias refusing to construct lids on cork pieces. For my stuff, I've found reasonably soft, partially rotted wood hits the nail on the head for them first go every time, just boil it over the stove for a few minutes if you got it from outside. I don't think the species of tree matters as much as the texture does, but it's certainly made a visible impact to me in my collection


Oct 20, 2021
I have 5 specimen from first Inst. Two Made a trapdoor straight away and the last specimen took 6 months! I had to forcefully feed him.

All of them get misted weekly and i don't see any issues with that, as long as the ventilation is good.

They grow fast and are pretty big by now. What i can tell, is that they grow out of their traps and Start searching for larger holes. Two were roaming after doubeling their size to the date. I gave them a 1.5cm hole. Trapdoor the day after.
For slings a 5mm hole was fine.



Oct 20, 2021
All of you guys have given me different info๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
That was my point. It's a living beeing and my 5 slings came from the same sac. Developing diffrently in the same Setup.

500ml Cup, full vent top, moss, springtails, thick corkbark with holes. Some lichen and freckels of the bark.

If you figure out the feeding, they are pretty easy (as most T's).

Ofc diffrent setups work.


Dec 21, 2021
He's successfully made a trapdoor. Btw some of you guys should listen to Tom Morans latest podcast on A Code of Conduct for Tarantula Keepers. Might help our hobby. The majority of you are rude and literally don't know a single fact about me but are calling me stupid. Just ruining our hobby, thanks.

That was my point. It's a living beeing and my 5 slings came from the same sac. Developing diffrently in the same Setup.

500ml Cup, full vent top, moss, springtails, thick corkbark with holes. Some lichen and freckels of the bark.

If you figure out the feeding, they are pretty easy (as most T's).

Ofc diffrent setups work.
That was your point. Not everyone else's. Thanks for the info, but he's fine now.

Richard McJimsey

Old Timer
Aug 12, 2007
He's successfully made a trapdoor. Btw some of you guys should listen to Tom Morans latest podcast on A Code of Conduct for Tarantula Keepers. Might help our hobby. The majority of you are rude and literally don't know a single fact about me but are calling me stupid. Just ruining our hobby, thanks.

That was your point. Not everyone else's. Thanks for the info, but he's fine now.
Maybe you're better off just listening to podcasts than being on here.
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