Help! Reasons to own T's...


Old Timer
Mar 9, 2007
My mother has decided to cut me off. Thats right. No more tarantulas. I can keep the ones I have, but not get any more. I have five T's right now, but three of them are slings living in deli cups, one is in a mini KK, and one adult in a 10 gal tank. All of them are in my room, and I am fully responsible for their care. The only T I'm really desperate to have is a Cyriopagopus "Singapore blue", but she wont listen to reason!!!!! I need some valid arguments for the benefits of keeping T's. Ive tried every trick in the book, but she wont budge. Please, anything I can use to help sway her (even tips on proper temper tantrum techniques) is appreciated!!!!!


Old Timer
May 14, 2005
just an idea

why not find a really nice pic of an adult...print it out and put it on the fridge. she might say she likes it.
or just have it shipped to a friends house{D


Old Timer
Sep 12, 2006
I've seen this same exact topic posted in rat and snake communities, and I'm sure it's been asked here before as well. I agree with all the people who reply that you need to respect your mother's wishes. I had to wait for my mother to PASS AWAY (and I was 28 and living away from home) before I could get a snake, or rats, or a tarantula. Because if I had gotten them while she was alive, she wouldn't have even visited, and that would have caused problems for the entire family. What I'm saying is, you especially, still living under your mother's roof, need to worry a little less about how to get your own way and more how to live in harmony with the person(s) who allow you to live with them.

Sorry to be harsh. You are freaking lucky that she says you can keep the t's you already have, if you ask me. I *never* would have been allowed to have even one.


Old Timer
Mar 9, 2007
moose: thanks for the idea. I've tried showing her pics. She thinks they're really pretty, but is somehow impervious to the call of the T. And I would have it shipped somewhere else, but the problem isnt getting it here, its keeping it here.

sparky: I see where you're coming from, and appreciate the advice. But I still want more tarantulas :} . If she were afraid of them or something, it would be a different story, but she has this unreasoning inclination to say no to everything. I agree that I am very lucky to have the pets I do, but that is due in large part to my dads influence. My mom would not have allowed me to have anything if she had her way, but once I have them, she doesnt have a problem. She enquires about their health, and comes to see how they've changed after a molt. Its like shes on the brink of admitting she's intersested in them, but doesnt want to admit it...


Old Timer
May 22, 2005
Or is being a good mother and trying to take an interest in what interests you. Either way, chalk me up to respecting your mother's wishes. You can have all the Ts you want when you have a place of your own.


Old Timer
Mar 9, 2007
Or is being a good mother and trying to take an interest in what interests you. Either way, chalk me up to respecting your mother's wishes. You can have all the Ts you want when you have a place of your own.
says the self-proclaimed master of patience...


Old Timer
May 22, 2005
LOL, yeah I know. But I have my own place.

However, it's her house, not your's. You're just rooming there until you're old enough to launch from the front porch. Seriously, let it drop. You might find the more you try to wear her down, the more she's going to resist anyway. Maybe if you lay off, repeating your request only once or twice at birthday or Christmas, she might relent. But otherwise, wait until you get your own place and then go nuts!


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2007
I have to agree with 'Sparky on this.:eek: ...I used to own pythons and monitors, and all that mom put her foot down when I started to breed my snakes, lol, I had to get rid of most of my collection out of respect for my mom and the fact that I was 16 and in her home, not my home. Atleast ur mom is letting u keep what u got:clap: Ur lucky to say the least. I would, though, try to negotiate with mom's and tell her this will be ur last one and u will do chores for a week or so to show ur appreciation for her leniency :D this sometimes works. Explain to her that there has never been any problems with the Ts u keep escapes, no drama...(unless, of course, u cant say this with honesty, lol)...ask her why one more is a problem if u have been so responsible so far with the Ts u already own...talking to moms like an adult nd trying to reach a mutual agreement is best. good luck- n let us know what happens:)


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I agree with most of the posters........ think of it this way. If you push it and piss her off you might not even have 5 Ts the rest of the time you live there.


Old Timer
Oct 21, 2004
I agree with those that have said to let it rest with your mom. Although, if you suddenly took a more academic approach to keeping them that might help with her.

Instead of asking for more, why don't you do tons of research on the t's you already have. Write reports on where they come from, their habitat, their climate, the population of the place of origin, the culture of the people where they come from, etc. Once you have written about the 5 you have let your mom know that you need another one so you can study it and it's place of origin. Put together a nice presentation to give your family about each T.

Yes, it sounds like a lot of work, but it might allow you to get another T.

You could also tell your mom that the next time she gets out some potato chips joke with her that she can only have 5 chips. LOL!


Old Timer
Mar 9, 2007
I agree with those that have said to let it rest with your mom. Although, if you suddenly took a more academic approach to keeping them that might help with her.

Instead of asking for more, why don't you do tons of research on the t's you already have. Write reports on where they come from, their habitat, their climate, the population of the place of origin, the culture of the people where they come from, etc. Once you have written about the 5 you have let your mom know that you need another one so you can study it and it's place of origin. Put together a nice presentation to give your family about each T.

Yes, it sounds like a lot of work, but it might allow you to get another T.

You could also tell your mom that the next time she gets out some potato chips joke with her that she can only have 5 chips. LOL!
LOL, thanks for the advice,thats exactly how I got my first T. Actually, I snuck it in, and had it for a few days before I decided to break the news to her. Then I made a poster with tons of information about T's in general, and the A. seemani that I had especially. It worked out well, but i've worn out that approach, lol. Thanks for the responses everyone, i guess i'll take your advice and try to wait it out. What makes it so difficult is that someone has offered to buy the T for me...


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2007
i'll have to agree with"sparky" exept i think i scared my grand-ma outof my house i had bought my costa rican stripe leg and that was it no more "aggressive " spiders . That spider is livin' happy but unless i get one for my b-day or something no breeding those^_^


Old Timer
Mar 22, 2007
Like Varden said, bring it up at Christmas, or you Birthday. Otherwise don't push it, or she might freak out and just say no more Ts PERIOD! And no one wants that to happen.


Old Timer
Jan 14, 2007
while i agree that you should be respectful of your mother's wishes, if all else fails, bring the T home, slip her a twenty dollar bill and go, "you ain't see nuttin, capeesh?"

At that point, you'll be in so much trouble for being rude, she'll forget all about that tarantula! :cool:


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2005
Pushing the issue is greedy and rude. You have 5 Ts you should be perfectly happy and thankful for that. Want that other T? Get rid of one of the ones you already have and get it. If your mom asks why you traded just tell her the one you decided to get instead isnt quite as defensive or skittish or something of that nature.


Old Timer
Apr 1, 2007
I am seeing a growing consensus here, and I happen to agree with the majority. If the Cyriopagopus is really that important to you, then either be patient, or like shammer said trade one off. Compromise is a great thing!

phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
i think you find mums win 9 out 10 on things like this what can you do just be happy she lets you have any ? -- phil


Old Timer
Aug 15, 2002
Yeah, don't get pushy with your mom, it's usually a bad idea (says the strict mom). Birthdays and xmas, maybe, but respectfully.

However, I've found that there are a ton of educational benefits for my daughter because of my owning tarantulas. She's four and a budding geography whiz because she's constantly asking me to show her on our world map where our ts come from. Helping me feed and care for them has taught her a bit of science, a bit of compassion, a bit of responsibility. She loves taking pieces of web and molts to school to show her friends and she does a very good job relaying the facts I've taught her and answering questions about them.

Personally, I'd be thrilled if my kid turned out to be as much of an arachnophile as I am. :D


Old Timer
Sep 12, 2006
Despite people agreeing with my post I came back to apologise for being such a downer. However, I wouldn't have said it if it weren't for your little line about temper tantrums. :) I mean, I don't know your mom and you do; and if you think she might change her mind then that's something else altogether. It's just when you said you might throw a tantrum to get your way I took that to mean that you were sure she was unswayable.

I wish someone would offer to buy *me* a pet that I want. Looking back, I have bought absolutely every one of my own pets out of my own pocket, including my parakeet when I was 10 years old. Something's not right about that. :D Lol, oh well.