Help, Active T's?


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2007
I am curious which genus or species of tarantula has proven itself to be the most "active" in anyone's opinion. I realize that no arachnid is going to be active in a vertebrate sense, but there must be some spiders that time and again generally tend to "do more stuff". And I'm not talking about frantically building a burrow and then hiding out for 6 months, though that can be cool to watch too. But I'm talking about day in day out digging, climbing, feeding, exploring, MOVING, whatever. All opinions appreciated. I realize that most will have had different experience in this department.


Old Timer
Dec 20, 2006
out of all the T's i've had i would have to say my rose hairs have been the most "active" i've had 3, and they're really the only ones i can think of that get out and move around. none of mine stayed in their hides and they were always redecorating their tanks.
i recently got a A. juruenicola who has been walking around the tank quite a bit but i've only had her for a few days so i'm not sure if shes going to stay this way


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I am curious which genus or species of tarantula has proven itself to be the most "active" in anyone's opinion. I realize that no arachnid is going to be active in a vertebrate sense, but there must be some spiders that time and again generally tend to "do more stuff". And I'm not talking about frantically building a burrow and then hiding out for 6 months, though that can be cool to watch too. But I'm talking about day in day out digging, climbing, feeding, exploring, MOVING, whatever. All opinions appreciated. I realize that most will have had different experience in this department.
None................they all go through phases..... one day they might want to dig and fill the water dish up................the next day they might walk a few laps around the tank........and the next they might want to sit in one spot for 2 days without moving a single hair.
Sitting and doing nothing is just how they are, Most T's are ambush predators by nature and they are used to sticking to one area and waiting.
What you are looking for is not reasonable with Ts, if you want something that active get a dog or cat.


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2007
I have a young G.rosea that's very active, and as soon as something happends she moves towards, apparently to check out what's going on. Curious little one. And so cute :)

My Chilobrachys andersoni moves around a bit, but I just got it, and gave it new substrate, so that can be the reason for her wanderings.

I got a Poecilotheria regalis the same day, but she's very calm. Doesn't even mind when I stick my hand in to her. But I'm quite sure they aren't all like that :D

I also have a Brachypelma vagans that I'm looking after for a friend, and she's actually moving around a bit, several times a week, sometimes looking for ways to come out of her terra :)
One time I put the lid on the wrong way, and found her sitting on the shelf the next morning.
And she's a real beauty to.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I got a Poecilotheria regalis the same day, but she's very calm. Doesn't even mind when I stick my hand in to her. But I'm quite sure they aren't all like that :D

Ya you keep doing that and let me know what it feels like to get tagged by a pokie like that one......... I am interested in what a good sized regalis would do to you.


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2007
Ya you keep doing that and let me know what it feels like to get tagged by a pokie like that one......... I am interested in what a good sized regalis would do to you.
I know, they're real speed-demons, and I'm as careful as I can be, but I have to measure the humidity and get everything right for her, since the terra and the substrate is new. She wont kill me anyway :)
She's been living very dry at the shop for quite some time, and my main concern here is to give her as good conditions as possible.
I know what a pokie is capable of.
Her legspan is just above 7 inches btw.

phil jones

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2006
I got a Poecilotheria regalis the same day, but she's very calm. Doesn't even mind when I stick my hand in to her. But I'm quite sure they aren't all like that :D

Ya you keep doing that and let me know what it feels like to get tagged by a pokie like that one......... I am interested in what a good sized regalis would do to you.
i got to agree you are just a bite waiting to happen :eek: do not do it or you will be in a lot of PAIN read the bite reports:eek: :eek::embarrassed: :embarrassed: === phil


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2007
I've read the bite reports long before I got her.
I forgot to get a long tweezer, but I'll buy one monday.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2007
What you are looking for is not reasonable with Ts, if you want something that active get a dog or cat.[/QUOTE]

I didn't say anything about wanting anything. I got dogs and cats. Academic question.


AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
but I have to measure the humidity and get everything right for her, since the terra and the substrate is new.
you HAVE to measure the humidity? :? I've never heard of having to do that...not with any T species. Very few people even use hygrometers, there really is no need unless you're planning on conducting scientific experiments in which you need precise measurements.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
What you are looking for is not reasonable with Ts, if you want something that active get a dog or cat.
I didn't say anything about wanting anything. I got dogs and cats. Academic question.[/QUOTE]

And you were given an academic answer in my first response. The last comment about dogs and cats was just to solidify what I was saying, it was not the main point.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2007
And you were given an academic answer in my first response. The last comment about dogs and cats was just to solidify what I was saying, it was not the main point.[/QUOTE]

You call that academic? I got a question about brachys for you. Do your smithis find you as annoying as everyone else does?


AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
You call that academic? I got a question about brachys for you. Do your smithis find you as annoying as everyone else does?

in all fairness, he did answer your question and it was a good answer...nobody asks a question like that about T's unless they're trying to figure out which one to get. Make yourself clear from the get go and you'll avoid such quips...I would have told you the same thing.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
And you were given an academic answer in my first response. The last comment about dogs and cats was just to solidify what I was saying, it was not the main point.
You call that academic? I got a question about brachys for you. Do your smithis find you as annoying as everyone else does?[/QUOTE]

My smithis are content being pet rocks. Did you skip the whole first part of my first response and go straight to the dog and cat part?

Ill answer more specific, there is NO tarantula that will "Day in and Day" out as you put it, dig walk or eat.
I said that in my first response just with more words.... so hopefully this was simple enough.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2007
Ill answer more specific, there is NO tarantula that will "Day in and Day" out as you put it, dig walk or eat.
I said that in my first response just with more words.... so hopefully this was simple enough.[/QUOTE]

Thats just utter nonsense. I've kept dozens of tarantulas for upwards of 20 years, and granted, some have gone months without so much as moving a leg, but there were certainly a number of individuals who either dug, walked, or ate EVERY single day. I don't think thats asking that much, even out of an arachnid. Some spiders are obviously more active than others, or have you not noticed? Maybe my question was a little complicated. I merely wanted to hear peoples experiences with which of their spiders burned the most calories, whether that be through digging, walking, eating, or doing f***ing jumping jacks. Anyway, my issue with your responses wasn't the amount of words, just their stupidity. Hope this clears things up dude.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Well clearly I have at times had more then 1100 Ts.......... and currently have over 200 so your 100% right I have no clue what I am talking about....... Have a great day..... and the next time you ask for opinions, which you did........ dont. Cause you dont want an opinion you only want what you want to hear.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2007
If your opinion is garbage, I'm gonna call you on it, especially if you think your enlightening everyone with your nonsense, but that doesn't mean I don't want to hear it. It gave me a laugh so by all means continue. I think you left off at (high pitched nerdy voice)"all tarantulas are behaviorally identical..."


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Nope nothing high pitched here:embarrassed: ....... 6 year Marine Corps Combat Vet....... You really need to chill out, the board is for everyone, there are things I know that you dont, and I am sure there are things you know that I dont. There are many different levels of T keepers, and I am not on the new end.


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2007
your right man, I'm sorry. Sometimes in the heat of debate I can say things I don't mean. If we can agree to disagree here, I'm sure there are plenty of things we CAN agree on. I meant no offense, and if you have the experience you say you do, I can't deny your opinion as a valid one. As a matter of fact, apart from some of the more immature things I now regret saying, I rather enjoyed our discussion and hope I haven't put you off to more in the future. Who knows, we may even be on the same side. So how about it? Can you forgive hotheadedness?