Have you peacefully protested yet?

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Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
I love you, Mr. I. :D

Whatever. That's just another cheap shot some adults use over minors. I know how the world works just fine, thank you.
I thought that when I was a minor too, and even got mad when people told me I was wrong. And as it turns out? I WAS wrong. I was just too proud to admit it, like a lot of minors are.

I'm glad now that people challenged me back then, instead of coddling me and patting my head and telling me I was right about everything and shouldn't listen to anyone that said otherwise. The latter is just about the worst thing you can do to a person.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
I love you, Mr. I. :D

I thought that when I was a minor too, and even got mad when people told me I was wrong. And as it turns out? I WAS wrong. I was just too proud to admit it, like a lot of minors are.

I'm glad now that people challenged me back then, instead of coddling me and patting my head and telling me I was right about everything and shouldn't listen to anyone that said otherwise. The latter is just about the worst thing you can do to a person.
And yet another cheap shot. Forget I'm 13 alright?

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Does it matter if its in committee? Not much to me, not as high urgency but we still can e-mail to get them to cut off their sponsorship of the bill. I don't see where that's a bad or worthless thing.
Go right ahead... but save some energy for when the bill REALLY needs to be fought. IF you've got the energy and free time for both, more power to you. I, and most other voting-age adults, do not.

I'm not talking about flat out saying "I hate you." I'm talking about all the negativity you've spread over the years. I don't recall you ever being positive about anything.
"Over the years"?? LOL!

Look, I guarantee you haven't read even a tenth of my posts on this board, so I will excuse your hyperbole as the frustrated rant that it is. I'll say again: if you can find me one long-term member in good standing (one that isn't banned, heavily infractioned, or otherwise a persona non grata) that actually shares your opinion that I do nothing but spread negativity, I'll be shocked. There's a huge difference between "negativity" and "people not liking to hear the truth".

Whatever. That's just another cheap shot some adults use over minors. I know how the world works just fine, thank you.
Heh... alright dude. :) I will take note that my mortgage, wife, baby, car payments, bachelor's degree, and extensive resume don't mean I have a more informed perspective on how the world works. ;)


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2008
.... until there's actually a bill to vote on, it would be a shame if we all got riled and contacted them referencing what is quite likely not the final form of the legislation. Because then, when it does come up in a different form, with different sponsors, or in a different bill altogether, no one will care....
I won't disagree with you on your point because what you say is partly valid and certainly has a lot of truth behind it. Our difference in opinion is when to act. The original link didn't say to write every congressperson (unless I missed something). It listed the co-sponsors of the bill. Unless they have a personal agenda and don't care what the public says, they do pay attention. I would hope the bill would die in committee. Most bills do. But it will reappear and reappear until either the sponsors give up or it gets more support and goes forward in some form. If those sponsors get a lot of negative opinions they themselves will shape it into something more pet owner friendly. My opinion is...let the co-sponsors get some heat early on. I'm not saying make signs and march. A simple email takes a minute or two. One more thing...I applaud you on all the terrific things you've done and are doing to help people. I wish more people would take your example. You should be damn proud.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
And yet another cheap shot. Forget I'm 13 alright?
1) I had no idea what your age was, dude. I'm not an admin, and also not psychic. Calm down. Breathe.

2) ...what exactly was a cheap shot about my post? Are you just classifying anything you don't want to hear as a cheap shot? Because that's kinda self-sabotaging your insistence that you know how the world works, just fyi.

This isn't going anywhere. Meh. I'm out.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2008
1) I had no idea what your age was, dude. I'm not an admin, and also not psychic. Calm down. Breathe.

2) ...what exactly was a cheap shot about my post? Are you just classifying anything you don't want to hear as a cheap shot? Because that's kinda self-sabotaging your insistence that you know how the world works, just fyi.

This isn't going anywhere. Meh. I'm out.
Well you're either not good at playing stupid or extremely dumb. It said so on my profile and Mr. I already brought it up on this thread. Since you're post was about "when I was your age" I'm guessing you knew my age. The cheap shot was embracing me being a teen.

Well excuse me for trying to inform everyone that there was a bill that could threaten the hobby.
I rest my case.
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Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
I won't disagree with you on your point because what you say is partly valid and certainly has a lot of truth behind it. Our difference in opinion is when to act. The original link didn't say to write every congressperson (unless I missed something). It listed the co-sponsors of the bill. Unless they have a personal agenda and don't care what the public says, they do pay attention. I would hope the bill would die in committee. Most bills do. But it will reappear and reappear until either the sponsors give up or it gets more support and goes forward in some form. If those sponsors get a lot of negative opinions they themselves will shape it into something more pet owner friendly. My opinion is...let the co-sponsors get some heat early on. I'm not saying make signs and march. A simple email takes a minute or two. One more thing...I applaud you on all the terrific things you've done and are doing to help people. I wish more people would take your example. You should be damn proud.
You know what, it would probably serve me well to come round to your way of thinking... maybe some far off day when I have more freely available time and energy, I can. :) Until then, I think I'm glad we have people like you that feel so strongly. I'll join you when the bill hits the floor, or buy you a beer if we ever meet if it dies in committee. Deal? :)

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Well you're either not good at playing stupid or extremely dumb. It said so on my profile and Mr. I already brought it up on this thread. Since you're post was about "when I was your age" I'm guessing you knew my age. The cheap shot was embracing me being a teen.

Well excuse me for trying to inform everyone that there was a bill that could threaten the hobby.
I rest my case.
Alright, thread closed and warning given (reason in bold above). Please take note Boa, you were the ONLY person in the thread to resort to a personal attack. This is not how we do things here.

You need to SERIOUSLY chill out... if you ever expect anyone to see past your age, you need to stop acting like this. We love our heated debates here, but personal attacks of any kind are absolutely not tolerated.
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