I was bitten by a 5 1/2 inch H. lividum during a rehousing in one of those round critter keepers....those lids never go on right. Let's just say it is an experience I care to never repeat.
Iv handled poki's iv stuck my hands into defencive terotory .. then i put my hand in a Grammostola rosea (porteri) enclosure (5.5 ") and out come these gourgess fangs and gently into my finger nice n slow it hurt but laffed because well poor little girl's venom aint exactly potent poor girl any way got her water bowl out and to this day im not even close to being scared of her she is still as gentle as can be
pain wise not really as bad as iv read was definatly envenomation close to a bee sting but nothing special ..
regardless of weather she is a biter or not i love all of my T's uncondishanally and respect them n go tu the end tu give them the love care and attention they need
Not yet but I know it's coming, for some reason I know it's going to be my Cobalt Blue. She's come close on numerous occasions...I just know she's going to get me, lol.
No bites in 15 years! I've handled the following T's on a regular basis. H. maculata , H. lividum , Xenesthis sp white, P. regalis, P. metallica , T. blondi, T. gigas, P. irminia, P. pederseni, P. subfusca, M. balfouri, and P. ultramarinus just to name a few. I suspect if I ever get bitten it will be my own error but I don't intend to make that mistake.
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