Have you been bit??

Have you been bit by a T?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 14.5%
  • Not yet

    Votes: 84 76.4%
  • I am invincible and will NEVER be bit.

    Votes: 10 9.1%

  • Total voters


Old Timer
Oct 16, 2009
[¥] Not just yet [¥]

Never been bit by a Tarantula yet ...

But a HedgeHog bit me in the neck
once .. but that dosent count as i
was sleeping at the time and thus
had my guard down.


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
Admin Note

It is fine if you want to say if you have been bit or not and by what. However, if anyone wants to "tell the story" or include "what happened", please post it in the correct section, namely the Bite Reports Section.

Thank You. :)



Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
He tried to bite me lol.. but his little fangs didn't make it past one or two layers of skin :p

I don't think that quite counts, for what the OP is looking for lol


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Good question - No is my answer

Had a little Suntiger 1 1/8" "Attack" me with vicious repeated bitting of hand, it had just been crawling up........almost could feel it - Does Not count though, Neither does Tarantula "tapping" w/ Fangs......Goliath 2 1/2"
and large Rosehair.....My mentor - who taught me T handling.....Had NEVER been bitten in 20+ years.....has more experience w/ out bite now.:worship:

I expect to be bitten eventually...Not scared, just respectful.

- Jason

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
No. My lack of handling my Ts really helps this.
{D {D {D {D {D

Not really......if you read the bite reports, most bites sustained were not free-handling related. Of those not directly related to free-handling, the majority of those bites were sustained while the T was still inside the enclosure. Tarantulas are 110% defensive in what they deem as their space. Remove them from their familiar and stable environment, and their behaviors will change......not a drastic 180 personality flip, but enough to be quite noticable.

If you want to get semantical, anytime you take that enclosure off it's shelf, open the lid, or interact with the spider's environment, you are by definition "handling" that creature. (IE: I work in a warehouse offloading freight, therefore my title at work is "Material Handler.")

On topic:
Yes, I have been bitten. I have also been haired. I have also been haired and bitten by the same tarantula.........I most definately prefer the bite, LOL. :p


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
Not yet ever been bitten. Hopefully never will.

I'll handle little tiny slings but to be honest, I am really nervous about even attempting to handle something as docile as a pulchra. There's just that "what if" that keeps me from being fired up to hold a T. I'll take bites from snakes and lizards all day, the idea of a T's fangs in me is very unsavory. And I don't want to risk hurting or killing them with my reaction if I flinch.

But like has been said, it'll probably be during a rehousing that I get tagged. And with my luck, it'll be from a pokie or phlogius :D


Old Timer
Dec 13, 2005
I handle rarely, and being a guitarist, I never handle anything with fangs big enough to incapacitate my fingers. I got bit by a P irminia sling while catching its escape. The closest I came to getting seriously envenomed was when I rehoused a S crassipes juvie. I use very long steel rods that I curve U shape so I can nudge a venomous arboreal from BEHIND the tank, so it would have to completely go around it to come attack me!


Jan 12, 2009
I've been bitten once by a Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens sling, my own fault for gently poking it with my finger when I was moving it between enclosures.


Old Timer
Oct 21, 2004
I was bitten by a 1" B. albopilosum. I thought it needed help finding the cricket.:wall:

Big B

Old Timer
Apr 25, 2009
No bites yet....I think me screaming like a little girl saved me from my cobalt.


Old Timer
Dec 1, 2009
I've been 'clung' to by two the same Avic twice, when he thought he was going to fall. It didn't draw blood. I was tagged by a P. Lugardi when I underestimated him. It also didn't go very deeply, it was more like a cling as well (my reaction flung him to the bed pretty fast). I handle all my Ts pretty often for most, and very rarely for others.. I have since handled the P. Lugardi (scared as hell as even the nip made me sick for a day).. and he has not gone into a threat posture, he just moves EXTREMELY quickly then stays still.. then moves like greased lightning again. My P. Pederseni seems very calm for what he is. He will sit on my hand and not move unless I pet him. When he gets annoyed he 'teleports' elsewhere and it's time for him to go back into his cage. My other Ts just chill there. I'll just answer yes to the question :)


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2009
If you want to get semantical, anytime you take that enclosure off it's shelf, open the lid, or interact with the spider's environment, you are by definition "handling" that creature. (IE: I work in a warehouse offloading freight, therefore my title at work is "Material Handler.")
If you're going to argue semantics you also need to look at the nomenclature that the term is being used in. Somebody who works HAZMAT and somebody who is just an arachnophile will have totally different definitions for the same term. And the prevading definition here is not an all encompassing term describing any time that you come into contact w/ the container.

And I already admitted that bites happen more than just when you're handling (for you: when you're purposefully holding a tarantula or letting it walk on you) a tarantula. However, every bit helps when it comes to avoiding being tagged. (And I don't mean vandalized with spray paint so you don't get the definition confused.)

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
If you're going to argue semantics you also need to look at the nomenclature that the term is being used in. Somebody who works HAZMAT and somebody who is just an arachnophile will have totally different definitions for the same term. And the prevading definition here is not an all encompassing term describing any time that you come into contact w/ the container.

And I already admitted that bites happen more than just when you're handling (for you: when you're purposefully holding a tarantula or letting it walk on you) a tarantula. However, every bit helps when it comes to avoiding being tagged. (And I don't mean vandalized with spray paint so you don't get the definition confused.)

Hmmm....somewhere my attempt at being facetious was lost. My apologies.....

Yes, every bit does help. However, the fact remains that bites rarely happen while the tarantula is on your person. And of those bites sustained, few resulted in anything more than a "dry-bite." Therefore handling/freehandling would hardly be more than a neglegable contributing factor to bite risk. This lack of substantiation is hardly enough grounds to form the sole point of your argument without impirical proof towards the contrary, and thus should not have even been an issue. Especially when the answer to the original question was either Yes, or No, or Invincible.

Keep in mind, I am not trying to be a jerk. I am a reasonable man, and will listen to your side of the equation so as we may come to a constructive conclusion. But given the feelings people seem to have about this controversial aspect of our hobby, the handling argument should end here before this thread turns into a warzone, LOL!!! We both know better....

Feel free to PM me if you'd like.


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Not yet but like with lots of exotic pets, my only comfort is "It's only a matter of time."....and if I'd remember to use the tweezers a little bit more..:8o

My guys don't seem to care where their water dish goes...