God I love Craig's list!


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2009
sometimes i cant get over how funny some of the less educated T owners are when they talk about their Ts


Old Timer
Nov 24, 2004
Hell, I'll pay $200 just for the healing rock. Imagine the medical miracles you could do with that thing.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2008
For the second link, who buys an obt for their 9 yo kid? especially when the parents arnt educated about t's. The 150$ for an obt is funny though

Miami Cracker

Old Timer
Sep 24, 2009
hey..... XHEXDX, you stay away from my very rare and highly venomous
BRAZILIAN USAMBARA baboon tarantula. I have experience with these "very rare and highly venomous BRAZILIAN USAMBARAs. i once had a colony of about 300 of them (living communally of course). :liar: :liar: :liar:

and besides im greedy and i want it for myself........so dont buy it!!!!!

{D {D :D {D :D {D :D {D :D {D :D {D :D


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
wow this is hilarious! I feel sorry for the sucker who buys it and not knows anything either.....if they think those are bad send them a couple of pokies!! Lord what is wrong with people


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Not me, nuh-uh. Healing rock? That T knows voodoo!

LMFAO!! Yeah, probably meant heating rock. If it did know voodoo, that would probably explain why it's $75! ;P

$150 for an OBT, too? Someone slap these people! :wall:


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
So I e-mailed the guy asking 150 bucks for the OBT. Here's the chain so far:

My first e-mail to him:

I just thought I'd correct all the wrong information you posted on that ad, just in case you wish to provide accurate information to the people you're trying to sell this spider to...

It's called an OBT (acronym for Orange Bitey Thing or Orange Baboon Tarantula) and the scientific name is Pterinochilus murinus.

Suffering a bite from that spider is not like a really bad bee sting. I suggest you read some bite reports:

If she were to bite your son, you would be very sorry.

You feed her way too much. One cricket every two weeks is more than enough, unless you want the spider to live a short life.

Adult females sell for a maximum of $40; your adoption price is ridiculous.

Wherever you're going, the temperature must be below 65 degrees in the house, because they can do just fine at those temps, even though they do better in the 70's or 80's.

I tend to find you a bit hypocritical in your asking for a mature, educated person to buy this spider from you. You hardly seem educated about this species yourself, and anyone who is educated about these spiders would never pay you that much for that spider.

Best of luck.

His response:

Thanks for all of your information the information I posted actually came from a printed booklet that came with the spider when I bought her for $120! Maybe I paid to much and am not so educated on the species but as educated as I could be given the booklet provided as well as the Internet info I researched based on the booklet info. You on the other hand could have just a little to much time on your hands. If you're not interested in getting her then why waste your time sending an email to a matter that has nothing to do with you?While you might be more educated than I on the spider which was my first perhaps you could find someone or something else to bestow your wisdom upon. And as far as where I'm moving it's to Alaska would you consider that a dramatic enough climit change? Really what kind of ego maniac sits at home critiquing craigslists adds. I truly hope that you find what it is you are trying to compensate for.

And my response:

You're a funny guy.

Actually, someone else found it and posted it on an arachnid forum I'm a member of. I sent you the e-mail in hopes that you would give correct information on the spider you're trying to sell, instead of continuing to contribute to the plethora of bad information on tarantula husbandry.

I 'bestow my wisdom' on that arachnid forum, but thanks for the suggestion. You are obviously not truly interested in the well-being of the spider.

Alaska is fine for keeping tarantulas; we have several members who live there and keep spiders without issue. Unless you don't plan on running the heat, you have nothing to worry about.

Again, best of luck.


So yeah. Oh well.


Old Timer
May 16, 2009
Oh, attitude from non-board members. How lovely.

I just took out 5 minutes to pop him an e-mail also. No attitude, just some good-hearted advice and corrections. I'm semi-amused in anticipation, but not hoping too hard :rolleyes: I refuse to believe that educating people is a lost cause, though.
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Miss Bianca

Old Timer
May 14, 2008
I had actually emailed the guy also, (the first day this thread was posted)
I never got a response though...
Now that I know he's received SEVERAL emails regarding the matter but not pertaining to the actual SALE of his tarantula, I'm imagining he must be like "what the heck man!?", LOL...

Agent Jones

Old Timer
Dec 12, 2007
I had actually emailed the guy also, (the first day this thread was posted)
I never got a response though...
Now that I know he's received SEVERAL emails regarding the matter but not pertaining to the actual SALE of his tarantula, I'm imagining he must be like "what the heck man!?", LOL...
"Those tarantula kids sure are a testy bunch... Now where's my healing rock, my ego hurts." ;P


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Man, I must be a REALY softy... because all I can think about is... I hope these Ts go somewhere that might actually care for them decently :(

Mannnn people are idiots though lol


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
I had actually emailed the guy also, (the first day this thread was posted)
I never got a response though...
Now that I know he's received SEVERAL emails regarding the matter but not pertaining to the actual SALE of his tarantula, I'm imagining he must be like "what the heck man!?", LOL...
Yeah, the flood gates have opened up on him now. {D


Old Timer
May 16, 2009
Miss Bianca, check your junk mail folder. His mailing address got filtered out and I just found his reply this morning (though it seemed to have been sent last night).



I just saw your ad for the P. murinus, and I gotta say... You should lower the price if you really want the girl to go to an educated, responsible owner. Anyone already keeping tarantulas will tell you that they don't go for much more than $35-45, even as adult females. Also, a handful of large crickets is overkill. Please believe me, even just one large cricket per week is more than enough. Other details such as the "bee sting-like bite," although true to some species, became a myth that is used to generalize all Ts to help pet stores move their stock. The effects of an OBT (Orange Baboon Tarantula, your P. murinus) envenomation is actually far more serious, although still not life-threatening. Also, tarantulas are not "aggressive," they are "defensive." This nit-picky adjective switch is important in educating people to whom the tarantula is a misunderstood, malicious monster.

I have my reservations about this e-mail and how you may interpret it, but I am simply trying to prevent the ongoing spread of misinformation regarding my hobby, as it is detrimental to everyone.


Thanks for the info and for being nice I had one guy freak out on me I will have to change my price I paid $120 for her not knowing any better. Times ticking so now I'm just trying to find her a good home, should I list $40? Thanks again for the info and especially for being nice. There are some major egomaniacs out there.

Sent from my iPhone


I was semi-/expecting hoping for a funny freak out, but it looks like he may have actually taken the point! :eek:

But LOL I think you traumatized him, Joe... Holy hell. He thanked me for being "nice" ... Twice. {D I wasn't even trying. What he said about you is uncalled for, but then again, he doesn't know you like AB does ;). All the same, I am really happy knowing at least one more person in this world who has not completely become resistant to education.
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Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
I don't care what he thinks about me. :}

Hopefully your e-mail will have had a positive affect on him.

Egomaniacs. Ha.

Oh, and since he seems to be receptive to you, you may want to remind him that pet sales is prohibited on CL, so he might want to drop his adoption fee to sub-20 bucks.


Old Timer
May 16, 2009
I don't care what he thinks about me. :}
I didn't think you did, but I imagine it must be somewhat frustrating to spend time offering useful information to a complete stranger and getting resistant attitude in response. Well, it is to me.

Oh, and since he seems to be receptive to you, you may want to remind him that pet sales is prohibited on CL, so he might want to drop his adoption fee to sub-20 bucks.
Will do.