ok thursday I'm getting a Black bird eater?? and a togo starburst and a stripe knee which I believe to be A. seemani. I should have a digicam tomorow so I'll post pics when I get him and maybe we can figure it out.
I believe the first one they sent me is a feather leg. I'm not positive but if it is a H. maculata then its a male because of the hairy legs. so this time I talked to the guy and made sure it was a large white short haired spider that he is sending. so I might have some slings in a year or two I'll definatly need to get rid of. I'd probably sell them by the dozen.
its labled as a black bird eater I have no idea what it could be, it was only like $13 so it couldn't be rare or anything. I'm pretty confident that once I get a pic up someone will identify it.
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