Genus Name Abbreviations


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Well, if you can't be bothered to be clear and concise in your questions or statements, then I can't be bothered to take anything you say seriously. That is what goes through my head if I can't figure out what tarantula someone is referring to because they put the burden on me to try and figure out what they are trying to say.
That’s quite extreme.

But it doesn’t bother me because I’m not the person asking the question.

I think people who type out Latin names like this “... a. Minatrix” are lazy as hell. But so what, to each their own.


Jul 8, 2018
I feel it doesn't take all that much to make yourself familiar with described and undescribed species (in certain instances, like Phormictopus sp. green, or Cyriopagopus sp. hati hati) so abbreviations shouldn't be all too much of a problem, if they were to begin with. If anything, I feel it helps inspire one to go look something up, and increase their own knowledge. For instance, if I see an abbreviation of a genus/species I'm more likely to look it up and remember it than if it's typed out in full and I just sorta gloss over it. That is myself and not others though.

Harry Haller

Aug 30, 2019
Im never going to type out the full genus name if the person can just google it. Those things are long, and autocorrect is annoying. Sorry not sorry.
Then we know that.
If you not understand what I try to say, just Google it. Who needs Arachnoboards anyway? Wait! I will Google it. No? Just Google it!


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
This genus doesn't exist any more.

Not really, I was a total noob just under 4 years ago and common names were much more confusing than genera abbreviations.

No but say, for example, you Googled species that did have the same species name then they would be differentiated by the genus initial so you'll get Harpactira pulchripes results for H. pulchripes and Grammostola pulchripes results for G. pulchripes.

The only species I've encountered an issue with so far is Cyriocosmus elegans because the initialised form links to a species of worm if I remember correctly.
This is true, C. elegans is a different species of another form of life. It’s used extensively in labs for neuroscience research.

I also agree on common names in the context you mentioned. Mexican Red -CYZBCIDN


Sep 24, 2015
Then we know that.
If you not understand what I try to say, just Google it. Who needs Arachnoboards anyway? Wait! I will Google it. No? Just Google it!
If you actually care what im saying, and are confused by it, just ask. Its not hard.


Sep 26, 2013
Then we know that.
If you not understand what I try to say, just Google it. Who needs Arachnoboards anyway? Wait! I will Google it. No? Just Google it!
Every hobby has its terminology and lingo that you have to learn if you want to get into it. That's never going to change.

If you want to get into photography, you need to learn terms like f-stop, ISO, chromatic aberration, depth of field, ETTR, shutter speed, HSS, bracketing, composition etc that you probably didn't know beforehand.

If you want to get into tarantula keeping, and especially if you want to have discussions with other keepers, you need to learn some new terms and lingo as well.

If you're really interested, you'll take the initiative to learn (which is much easier now than it was before the internet.) If you're not, you'll quit.


Old Timer
Dec 23, 2002
While I do see the point of making everything as easy as possible for newbies, this is it’s own online community, and to think that there should not be a internal language developing is unrealistic. It’s just the nature of these things. You’ll get used to it. Just like using T. rex

@nicodimus22 beat me to it


Jan 17, 2020
Every hobby has its terminology and lingo that you have to learn if you want to get into it. That's never going to change.
Abbreviating binomial nomenclature isn’t lingo, it’s laziness. “Pokie” is lingo. The actual Latin name is the same as terminology for shutter speed. It’s the actual name.

For all those who think what I’m saying doesn’t matter or unimportant If you wanted to reach out to an arachnologist and ask about information on a species do you think it would be acceptable to refer to a specifc species without stating the actual genus the species belonged to?

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
When I make my posts, I tend to use the entire scientific name...except today, I felt lazy a couple times.

I also write out the word, “Tarantula” instead of just writing the letter, “T”, as it strikes me as being lazy.


Grammostola Groupie
Mar 12, 2016
Hey, you know that I am all about googling stuff that I don't know, but it isn't that easy with some names.
1. There are some names used for other organisms. There has been a number of times that I have tried to look up an initial+species and the google results have come up with fish and plants, but no tarantula. Then, I have had to start guessing on the genus name until I finally find the correct one.
2. Googling the animal means that you are having to rely on someone actually spelling the species name correctly when we all know how often that doesn't happen.
I think the argument for typing out the genus and species name is absolutely valid. If you're going to tell someone else to google it, then why aren't you prepared to do the same?

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Hey, you know that I am all about googling stuff that I don't know, but it isn't that easy with some names.
1. There are some names used for other organisms. There has been a number of times that I have tried to look up an initial+species and the google results have come up with fish and plants, but no tarantula. Then, I have had to start guessing on the genus name until I finally find the correct one.
Simply add the word tarantula, it will fix those searches.


Grammostola Groupie
Mar 12, 2016
Simply add the word tarantula, it will fix those searches.
When I do a search, I don't open a separate page, I simply highlight the words on the page that I'm on, right click and choose 'search google for <insert highlighted words>.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
When I do a search, I don't open a separate page, I simply highlight the words on the page that I'm on, right click and choose 'search google for <insert highlighted words>.
Ok, But all I'm saying is that in the unlikely event that you get some other sort of animal all you have to do is put a comma after it and write tarantula and the search will be more complete and you'll get your answer.

I've had to do this myself, and it works absolutely perfect every time so far

Crone Returns

Mar 22, 2016
I hate common names. There's 50,000 different names for some of these tarantulas.
And I try to type out the whole name, genus and species.

And I seem to remember a couple years ago when a couple of old timers (@cold blood being one) made me look the answers up myself. You know, that was the best advice. And I do that for every subject I'm interested in.


Sep 26, 2013
The actual Latin name is the same as terminology for shutter speed. It’s the actual name.
It includes terms, but it also goes beyond just that. If I told you to "close down a stop" on your lens during a portrait session, that is shorthand for saying "use the front control dial to change your aperture from f1.8 to f2.8 so that more of the subject's face is in focus, and you'll also have to compensate by turning up the studio strobe by a stop as well." If I told you that you should "bracket your shot" that is shorthand for "take 5 shots, one at -2EV, -1EV, OEV, +1EV and +2EV so that you can choose from them or blend them later during post-processing." You wouldn't know that coming into the hobby, but if it's something you're interested in, you pick it up quickly so that people aren't constantly having to explain things to you in a long-winded manner.

For all those who think what I’m saying doesn’t matter or unimportant If you wanted to reach out to an arachnologist and ask about information on a species do you think it would be acceptable to refer to a specifc species without stating the actual genus the species belonged to?
Context is important. You act differently based on what's appropriate for the setting you're in. The level of formality required in academia in a published scientific paper is simply not required for a general discussion group about tarantulas, open to people of all educational backgrounds. I would bet the arachnologists abbreviate when talking to each other too, unless it's in a place that requires such formality.


Jan 17, 2020
It includes terms, but it also goes beyond just that. If I told you to "close down a stop" on your lens during a portrait session, that is shorthand for saying "use the front control dial to change your aperture from f1.8 to f2.8 so that more of the subject's face is in focus, and you'll also have to compensate by turning up the studio strobe by a stop as well." If I told you that you should "bracket your shot" that is shorthand for "take 5 shots, one at -2EV, -1EV, OEV, +1EV and +2EV so that you can choose from them or blend them later during post-processing." You wouldn't know that coming into the hobby, but if it's something you're interested in, you pick it up quickly so that people aren't constantly having to explain things to you in a long-winded manner.

Context is important. You act differently based on what's appropriate for the setting you're in. The level of formality required in academia in a published scientific paper is simply not required for a general discussion group about tarantulas, open to people of all educational backgrounds. I would bet the arachnologists abbreviate when talking to each other too, unless it's in a place that requires such formality.
Okay well I know all that I went to brooks institute for professional photography in California. I hold a degree in it lol


Sep 24, 2015
Abbreviating binomial nomenclature isn’t lingo, it’s laziness. “Pokie” is lingo. The actual Latin name is the same as terminology for shutter speed. It’s the actual name.

For all those who think what I’m saying doesn’t matter or unimportant If you wanted to reach out to an arachnologist and ask about information on a species do you think it would be acceptable to refer to a specifc species without stating the actual genus the species belonged to?
This is a forum. Not a scientific journal or paper. We're not scientists and taxonomists here. Nor do we pretend to be. We're hobbyists from all walks of life and thus (not to be rude) no one can really sympathize with your pet peeve here.


Jan 17, 2020
This is a forum. Not a scientific journal or paper. We're not scientists and taxonomists here. Nor do we pretend to be. We're hobbyists from all walks of life and thus (not to be rude) no one can really sympathize with your pet peeve here.
It’s not really a pet peeve it’s just a conversation I brought up for conversations sake. nothing more. Doesn’t make me mad or upset. Don’t read into something that isn’t there

Colorado Ts

Oct 16, 2019
What a person says and how they say it, tells me whether that person knows what they are talking about or only thinks they know what they are talking about.