Drying up and his paint job looks great. Also had a female H. sp. colombia that decided to molt instead of drop a sac. Oh well, she gave me a few sacs already this season. Got another male ready to go so I will pair her again in three or so weeks.
Four sacs pulled this week for elegans. Have a lot of tiny sling sorting this week Thistles has a special trick or treat box coming in the near future.
This girl did not want to give up her sac. Fifth sac I pulled this past few weeks. Got one sac due in 20 days or so to pull. For this female C. elegans she was gonna fight to end for that sac. Even held onto the bamboo stick thinking it was her sac.
Finally got all the totals for this weekend sorting of C. elegans sacs. 1=94, 2=76, 3=123, and 4=103. Will just post this all as today since I am sorting all of them onto a new shelf that holds all my portion cups. Below is a pic of one of the females that recently laid. Also had a female P. irminia decide to grace us with her presence this morning.
Cycling back through my female C. elegans starting today. This time though I am going to breed one every 10 days. Hopefully gives me more of a stagger. Got 300 plus slings out in portion cups and another sac due to be opened in 8 days or so. Pics are of pairing and last female with sac.
Fed a lot of T's today. Took about two hours to finish a third of the adults. Pics below are of a Female A. avicularia and her web, P. irminia in her log, pet hole C. vonwirthi female, female H. sp colombia lg, and finally one of my female T.violaceus that molted the other day.
Some recent pics. Have not posted in a little while so here are some to update my thread. Up first is a T
violaceus female closeup. After that is a pic of little C. elegans on a paintbrush. The final pic is of a female I'm waiting to drop me a sac. She is way more swollen now.
Have not posted new pics in a long while and figured I owe this thread some
D. diamantinensis about to breed
Freshly molted male C. versicolor
H. sp. colombia sm
Big Ol female I. mira
Been pairing more C. versicolor these past few weeks and figured everyone would love this pic.
Snapped another pic of one T. sp panama
Another new P. irminia female. She will be paired in as soon as she molts again. I have a matured male and one that should be maturing in a few months. Can't get enough of this species
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