Frustrated newbie, any insight is very appreciated


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 1, 2023
You can move the sling into the new container whenever you're ready - even when they're still eating they are reluctant to drop the meal they're working on.
This is an important step in all my rehouses, the consolation cricket šŸ¤£


Mar 7, 2024
How large is the sling compared to the container any pics from above ?šŸ§
If I look at the sizing chart on the Fear Not Tarantulas site, I'd say he is probably between the 1/2" and the 3/4" inch. It's kind of hard for me to tell what he would look like on a quarter. haha

I'm going back and forth about what to put him in. I think the 4oz container I put holes in may be too large. But I think it is wise to get him out of the pill bottle simply because it seems like it is more for an arboreal species, plus I haven't gotten good feedback here about the moss being in there. Also I would like him to have more ventilation. I'm going shopping today for a better house for him.

Buy from a Reputable Dealer next time.
I got it from my normal exotic pet shop and they're usually really good? I don't think they are breeding the spiders in the store so I can only assume that whoever produced the spider put him in the vial with moss? I don't really know. I have a lot to learn. Perhaps they do as well!


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 1, 2023
When I brought my tliltocatl sling home I simply laid the vial on its side to give it a little more space until I rehoused it. I was concerned it wouldn't have space to molt, and there was no substrate in it (kinda useful in maintaining moisture, only benefit in keeping a sling in a vial of you ask me).

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
going back and forth about what to put him in. I think the 4oz container I put holes in may be too large. But
A bit large, but its not gonna kill it....but keep in mind, the larger the enclosure, the more likely your sling is to burrow away...and when they do this you cant monitor them, they feed less often and as a result, grow much slower.
But I think it is wise to get him out of the pill bottle simply because it seems like it is more for an arboreal species,
Pill bottles work, but they encourage burrowing...although they tend to still be close to food so you dont get the same negative response you might from an over sized container....they can also be a little dangerous with regards to moisture, as its easy to over do it.
plus I haven't gotten good feedback here about the moss being in there. Also
You dont get much feedback becase its unimportant...many use moss, its fine, others like myself, never use moss...and we all are capable of raising a sling...moss is like substrate, its all up to the keepers preferences.
Also I would like him to have more ventilation
Lots of ventilation isnt critical for slings, in fact too much can mean the enclosure dries out too quickly and is unable to retain the required moisture.