I just found what I think is a baby of the same species.It's a little longer than a centimeter.I think it has just molted,and that's why it's that kinda golden white color.Tell me what you guys think!
It's in a 2oz deli cup:
Here is a size reference to my pinky finger:
And here's the habitat:
Here is the 3rd one that I found.It's like 7 mm longer than the first 2.It's also quite a bit darker.Do you think this is a different sp.,colorform,or a sexual dimorphism?:
the pic with the adults on the rules i see a male and a female
the last pic shows 2 males 1 females based on this
i can see a little size difference in the claws shape and ridges ext.
the color is a bit darker on females and that is showing in those pics
the females body is a bit wider that the males (just my input guys)
i believe you have 1 female and 2 males and 1 youngin
The more I look at them the more attractive they are. Very nice thick tails, bulky bodies, and fat claws--Yes, find some more and start breeding them native species
I will definately be finding more so we can get these in the hobby.The only thing is that I have no experience with breeding scorpions,so I will be looking for experienced breeders to breed them for the most part.
i would for sure there cool and i could do some stuff with them
like getting the info out to people how to id these under rated little guys any time for sure
Sorry,didn't have time to get better habitat pictures.I went up and forgot the camera.I will try to get out and get some and post tomorrow before I leave for week to Montana.
Just thought I'd bump this thread up to see if anyone wanted to take a crack at IDing them?The baby I found has almost doubled in size.I still have the same 4 specimens.It's started to warm up,so I should be able to go find more soon.
It's starting to warm up a lot,so I reckon they'll be out soon.I've already found 2 other species that I found a lot of last year,but the spot is different than where I found these guys.
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