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Old Timer
Feb 22, 2007
Everything is worth what the buyer will pay for it.
-Adam Smith, On The Weath of Nations.

Would I pay $800 for a spider? No. Will someone? Clearly, or they wouldn't be at that price.

I do find it curious that it would cost US$800 to get, raise, and sell any spiderling as far as overheads are concerned... but all power to the seller.


Old Timer
Dec 13, 2005
Saw a pic of Cyriopagopus "Gandalf Bridge" somewhere on this board. Same species?


Old Timer
Jun 27, 2007
I only posted this thread to point out a T. that I was not familiar with,to draw attention to something thats possbly new or rare,(both of which will drive the price up).

It was not done to insinuate that Reptist is out to rip anyone off. I have purchased T.s from Brandon in the past and was very pleased with his service and his stock, as many others on this board have done with the same results.

Peace, :)


Old Timer
Jul 29, 2003
I remember something like this going on when Eric Hoke was asking a bunch of money for females he didn't really want to sell, but would for the right price.


We'll see this exact same thing crop up again and again. It's the way of the world.



Old Timer
Jul 18, 2008
Could someone please give mr talks_alot directions to my review thread, if the fact that I have more possitive reviews than anyone in the history of this site or any other arachnid site, and have been selling for much less time here than my closest competitors does not show that I do not rip people off then what would, sorry champ or chump (I'll go with the latter) but you will not feed your ego at my expence, I priced the spiders at that price for a reason and if you cant figure it out then your a bigger idiot than I gave you credit for, you lack respect and tact which is why I have had you on my ignore list since the 1st time you pulled your pathetic trash talking on me, could all those I ripped of please speak up in defence of this egotistical postaholic who claims I have been ripping people off, I dont think you'll be getting many members rallied in your corner there talkin_trash, I do not rip anyone off and you have no basis to make the claim if your too stupid to figure out why I have them priced so high then your surely living up to my expectations of you from day one, now back to the ignore list for your monsterous ego and the chunk of flesh connected to it, totaly transperant and pathetic talks_too_much, do not call me a rip off again unless you can back it, what a chump!!! B.

anyone that freaks out that much about an internet post really should be on medication{D

when was the last time you had your blood pressure checked dude


Old Timer
Jul 28, 2006
it's amusement like this is why so many of the great breeders who use to be on here are not anymore.

Warren Bautista

Old Timer
Jul 5, 2008
But pay almost 1k on a single sling? I wouldn't even spend that much on an AF, so the answer is a big N-O, JMO.


Old Timer
Nov 24, 2004
I personally do not see the attraction. There are so many T's that are affordable and look better. Just my opinion. $800 bucks for a sling is kooky talk.


Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008

if i was gunna spend 800 on ts i wouldnt spend it on one sling

id increase my collection with a couple breeding pairs:D


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2008
What an eventful thread. From reading this all I learned that some slings can be priced high/can be priced accordingly. The most important thing I learned is that grown adults can still act immature{D

Talken, idk why you still are bantering back and forth with him when clearly he isn't going to stop the personal stabs and rebuttals. As for reptist, I am not one to tell you how to act, but through my experience if I was as popular and well respected as you say you are then I would choose what I say on a public forum more wisely so people might not get any idea of unprofessionalism. Hope you two can figure this out through PM or just ignore eachother.

Mods please lock/delete this waste of forum space


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2008
Mods please lock/delete this waste of forum space
Since they've already stepped in, why would they delete an entire thread that actually has some degree of relevant information?

There's many a things people would buy if they had the money for it. Anyone who says differently is lying off their...butt. It would seem fellow members would have better things to do than concern themselves with what their fellow hobbyists are spending their money on. An opinion, is simply that. And leave it there.

The T itself is quite interesting, though. I'd be interested in reading up more information on it.


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2008
Since they've already stepped in, why would they delete an entire thread that actually has some degree of relevant information?

There's many a things people would buy if they had the money for it. Anyone who says differently is lying off their...butt. It would seem fellow members would have better things to do than concern themselves with what their fellow hobbyists are spending their money on. An opinion, is simply that. And leave it there.

The T itself is quite interesting, though. I'd be interested in reading up more information on it.
I agree with your input but most likely you know a thread with this same relevant information will come up again in a month;). Editing the thread may be best idea by leaving out all the bantering and leaving the useful information.

Like you, I also looked up some information after reading this thread because I was unfamiliar with this T.


Old Timer
Sep 11, 2005
more to the story...

What an eventful thread. From reading this all I learned that some slings can be priced high/can be priced accordingly. The most important thing I learned is that grown adults can still act immature{D

Talken, idk why you still are bantering back and forth with him when clearly he isn't going to stop the personal stabs and rebuttals. As for reptist, I am not one to tell you how to act, but through my experience if I was as popular and well respected as you say you are then I would choose what I say on a public forum more wisely so people might not get any idea of unprofessionalism. Hope you two can figure this out through PM or just ignore eachother.

Mods please lock/delete this waste of forum space
what you dont see is that this is not the first, second or even third time that Ryan has done this sort of thing against me, and if you were in the buisness of selling T's, primarily on this site and someone accused you publicly of ripping people off I suspect that you would act differantly than the calm composed soul you claim you are, like someone going to your boss and telling them that they had seen you stealing from the company, (when you had done nothing but your best for years) I have done my best for years to keep my reputation emaculate and when that is, without warrant, contested I defend it with all I have, and have little respect for those who wouldn't.

I dont believe for a second that Ryan had no idea whos list the price had come from, like I said this is not the first time he has done this sort of thing towards me, but believe what you will and think of him and of me what you will but if your judging either by this thread alone then you should know you do not have the full story, I run a professional buisness as can be seen in my reviews, and believe in myself enough to stick up for myself when I am being wronged/wrongly accused, and would hope that others would do the same, after all, you have to spend the rest of your life w/ yourself, would you want to spend it w/ someone who didnt look out for you?

I do not rip anyone off and resent anyone who says otherwise, and especialy if they do it repeatedly!! sory if anyone here thinks its better to let someone spread untruths about you than stick up for yourself, and for those who would spread untruths to bolster their own image I have a complete & utter disgust, PEACE, B.


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2008
...... PEACE, B.
I understand what you mean and I haven't heard anything personally negative about you at all. There is one thing that gets me, when people disrespect me. I can see why you want to state your claim and I would probably as well. I am sure you are a great guy but im just offering up to keep the professional business stature- keep the flaming off the public forums.
When I look for a T, you are one of the several that I go through first. Several members whom I respect their opinion, have bought and will continue to buy from you.
BTW, I am looking for a big female OBT. Bigger and meaner the better.

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
I do not rip anyone off and resent anyone who says otherwise, and especialy if they do it repeatedly!!
Look, keep playing the victim all you want, but he did NOT say "Hey, that's reptist's pricelist right? Watch out, that guy will rip you off!" What he stated was his OPINION that 800 bucks for a sling is a "rip off", which is a casual expression for "dang, that's priced way too high". He's entitled to his opinion on the price, and he shared it. Most of the people on this forum wouldn't have known it was on your pricelist if you hadn't gotten immediately butt-hurt and gone off the deep end. Just chill out already, no one called you a scam artist.


Old Timer
Sep 11, 2005
Got it.

I got it, I dont like listening to crap like this on the boards myself, it was just that from past experiences w/ the same individual it appeared to me and I do still believe he was attacking me, I am done with it now and will drop it I just fealt I had to state my case lest I be judged by the words that were written with no other opinion voiced, BTW the reason I put an 800.00 price on the spiders was because I was planning on just keeping them for breeding purposes myself but everything has a price and I figured that 799.00 was the price I would take to give up the oppertunity to be a part of the species being bred and hatched here in the states, although at the price I paid for them my original price of 400ea would have barely made my $$ back, PEACE, B.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Well dude believe what you want I was not attacking you. I will make one thing clear to you since you won't answer pms. Yes I don't like you, but I have not and will not go out of my way to mess with your business. I don't tell people to stay away from you, I don't tell them you are evil. I just say I have a personal problem that can't be solved and I don't buy from you, but I have still recommended you.
Now I may undercut your price on something every chance I get {D but that is sort of meaningless when I only am breeding a handful of species. :)
Have a good day.
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