First Centipede Thoughts?

Elytra and Antenna

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2002
They need damp substrate for survival, do fine at room temperature, and kill more crickets than they eat so overfeeding is hard to avoid and leads to mite problems. Some species take a little more dryness than others but keeping any as dry as your tarantulas is a bad plan. Get a nice, clear, plastic jar drill some holes in the lid and order a centipede.

I'd say the most obtainable holy grail centipede in the USA would be Scolopendra heros arizonensis banded variety.


Old Timer
Nov 17, 2009
Thanks a million for all your responses and help!

They need damp substrate for survival, do fine at room temperature, and kill more crickets than they eat so overfeeding is hard to avoid and leads to mite problems. Some species take a little more dryness than others but keeping any as dry as your tarantulas is a bad plan. Get a nice, clear, plastic jar drill some holes in the lid and order a centipede.

I'd say the most obtainable holy grail centipede in the USA would be Scolopendra heros arizonensis banded variety.
You mention the "banded variety" are you referring to the slightly different colored bands that separate the segments? I googled "Scolopendra heros arizonensis" and came up with some cool pictures.


Aug 22, 2010
IME Scolopendra heros arizonensis is AWESOME!!!! I have the banded variety (got it from Orin), and it eats like a hog. Never leaves any scraps behind, and never hides. It has a nice cardboard hide, but more often than not, I see it just curled in the corner of its KK. This little guy is no opportunistic hunter. I commonly see him running around on the search for food after dark. He will eat just about anything, at anytime. He has eaten crickets almost a third of his size, and left nothing behind.

Orin is right. It will probably be years before hardwikei is ever readily available and "attainable" in the US. I saw them for sale once, but didn't have the cash.:wall:



Old Timer
Nov 17, 2009
IME Scolopendra heros arizonensis is AWESOME!!!! I have the banded variety (got it from Orin), and it eats like a hog. Never leaves any scraps behind, and never hides. It has a nice cardboard hide, but more often than not, I see it just curled in the corner of its KK. This little guy is no opportunistic hunter. I commonly see him running around on the search for food after dark. He will eat just about anything, at anytime. He has eaten crickets almost a third of his size, and left nothing behind.

Orin is right. It will probably be years before hardwikei is ever readily available and "attainable" in the US. I saw them for sale once, but didn't have the cash.:wall:

I want one now! :drool:


Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
"Geophilus electricus"

Had to look that one up...interesting...I wonder how many other soil 'pedes have that characteristic. But that's for another thread;)

IMO, if you've raised other quick & defensive animals/inverts, you'll be fine with whatever 'pede you choose. Just be careful with those transfers and make sure your enclosure is escape proof. There's no better way to cause marital strife than to have a large 'pede running about your home.

As far as "holy grails", I really do think that's more a matter of personal preference for color, behavior, size, etc.

That's a nice banded, Orin...a little sunburst about the head(maybe just lighting)?


Aug 22, 2010
Orin, is that the 4.5 in. specimen you are selling? Mine looks just like it...and will be that big soon enough;P!!!


Elytra and Antenna

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2002
Orin, is that the 4.5 in. specimen...
That's a little off topic but no that's one of the first golopo frankensteins and it's on hold now. However you'd think the heros variety hybrids could be on some peoples' must have lists since it's a big species and they're rarer than anything else that's ever been available.


Old Timer
Nov 17, 2009
That's a little off topic but no that's one of the first golopo frankensteins and it's on hold now. However you'd think the heros variety hybrids could be on some peoples' must have lists since it's a big species and they're rarer than anything else that's ever been available.
Orin, I sent you a PM response. The pic you sent me in PM is the same as the one on this thread. If that banded you sent me is available, lets talk about how to get this one in my collection. :)