I think I see a flap too. but a closer pic woul dbe nice... maybe blown up?Hey up
I'm still new to sexing T's but I think my B emilia who shed this morning is female if I am looking at the right bit
any ideas?
cheers for the help
Congrats on your girlie!! How big is she? Sometimes i also look at the exo in the dark and shine a flash light from underneath and you can see really good that way too. i have also noticed that the girlie parts can look considerably different between different species - i always try to confirm my findings by checking a pic of the same speices on AB until i am familiar with all of them. Pretty cool huh?Yup it does move slighty
i was looking for an example and found this one. Maybe Ryan can comment on whether or not that is in fact a decent female example.In a male the flappy bit would be the accesory organs. As i said, looking for the spermathecae is good, but you wanna find the uterus externus. Thats the bit that you're looking for that says 100% female. In Brachypelma sp. it's normally pretty prominent. I dont think emilia has fused spermathecae does it?
Oops... Sorry about the link; i should have checked it. But Yes that is the one i was referring to. i think it is pretty interesting how different the spermathecae are fused on some and not on others; overall varying how they look on the various species.Yeah i found that pic you are seeing i think, but that link too me straight to the home page?
This is female. You can clearly see the spermathecae and they do look fused...