Ephebopus Cyanognathus Blue Fang


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
Hey friends.

of course I was influenced bu Dave’s little Beastie latest video.

of course, i used the search engine.

i am here to open a new discussion on this very interestinf tarantula.

i read all the posts I found relative. I know who has one, and who had one.

time has passed. I am hoping more people have added this species in their company.

i get the entire husbandry. The challenges with slings. The awesome possible turrets.

the speed and possible defensiveness is not an issue, nor a detriment.

i am wondering, what current experiences have been, with those who own this species. From sling to adult.

are they really fast growing?

their speed is not something that bothers me. I own P murinus. I also have house spiders that are so fast its mind boggling, so a sling that demonstrates the same speed is not an issue.

to be honnest, its not the blue fangs. Its the potential turrets and overall appearance of this pet hole.

being a new world, even if it can pack a punch, its pedipalp UrS seem to be less intense then my brachypelmas.

i am curious about this tarantula.

no specific question. Its an open discussion.

the care you provided and results. Since its a heat lover, did you provide supplemental heat?

did you put water in soil?

i have a fossorial, and i know the difference from a swamp and moist sub.

i just think we have room to adress this Tarantula and their needs.

i want to know more about them, from your points of view. They are pricey for me. Especialy for a pet hole.

but i am considering them.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
You want turrets, go for an Augacephalus.
Its on my list, especialy with the potential dry factor. Never read about this on the boards, on what i read.

they are already all gone, since their availability in my local. I have been waiting for ideal weather to buy a new tarantula.

i don’t remember their price though.

price matters to me because if i get a weak sling, its easier to swallow.

now youre just priming me up more on the auga 🤣

augacephalus ezendami. Had it in mind since i read a post you did on them being dry potential fossorials. And i suppose their feeding issues are similar to E cyan.

i have no qualms with keeping feedings low. If it means seeing toes more often. Besides, i don’t sleep. I can see me tarantulas anytime.

what attracted me to E cyan, was not the “blue fangs”. It was the yellow markings on the leg segments, and the almost rust heart shapes near the tarsus.

thay strange burgundiish color, with yellowish abdomen.

their speed does not bother me. Nor the defensiveness. After P murinus, i think this is not the same obstacle. Well set up, with room to turret away, this tarantula will just retreat, if approached with calm. And if not, its just a matter of time until it goes back into its hole.

Herpyllus ecclesiasticus gives me a real run for my money. I am afraid of this spider 🤣
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Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
I have a cousin, Ephebopus murinus. Amazing turret building:

Omg it's like a flower 🌼 😍😍😍 that's an absolutely amazing turret 🥰.

Hey Thera babes 😘, you know I have cyanognathus and ezendami 😉.
Both are stunning both make amazing decorated turrets same as the others in their genus. You really can't go wrong with either, my cyanognathus likes it damp, ezendami dry, they both sit on top of their towers waiting for food and although I have heard off others ezendami are bad eaters as slings mine have been little piggies. I will say though they don't take live food they prefer prekilled mealworms left laid over the entrance of their turret, if they are in premoult n don't want it they push it over the edge away from their turret but apart from that legs wrap over it n it disappears into the turret 😆 it's fun to watch, reminds me of vertical Segestrias 😂. My cyanognathus has always eaten well girl will take on anything 😊.
I am sure you would be more then capable of taking on these t's or any in there genus for that matter. Your a great keeper girl, you do your research and genuinely care for your t's can't get a better combo imo 😉.

As a bonus turreting t I put forward Neoholothele fasciaaurinigra. My female has made a turret in her viv but instead of decorating it with just moss leaf on the outside, she used the sub she has dug up to line the inside of the full turret. It's quite impressive tbh n not something I expected from this sp but a feature I 100% enjoy 😊.
They are a rare sp but if you come across one they are worth the having, even at the price they bring.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
You are one of the best keepers i have learned from. Your insight is always a privilege.

I had read your threads on E cyan. But you have skills others don’t. You can handle tarantulas most people can’t.

So this is why i posted a public thread. I knew you would have great things to say, and to be honest, you and @fcat are the very few who have actual keeping feedback that i know of, that is relevant.

Thank you for the contribution.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 5, 2021
Ezendami are only poor eaters as small slings....after that, they're ferocious eaters
I know, that's what I was told too, but had mine since they were about 1cm slings, I have always done this they have always eaten so I tell others so hopefully their slings will eat too. Prekilled mini mealworm has never failed with my 2. You never know it may help someone who is struggling to get theirs to take live pray 😊.

Although you've raised alot more of these then me 😆 (just a little) so your knowledge counts for more 😊, I assume mine are just exceptions to the rule n most like you say are fussy.