Enclosure/Terrarium Pictures


Old Timer
May 7, 2009
Largest set up I ever made. Naturally it is for a large tarantula, a Stirmi. I ordered an adult and therefore built an enclosure for an adult but when I received it it was a lot smaller than anticipated and now the height is an issue. But as there are large soft plants on three sides and nothing hard to land on on the third so think it will be okay. Besides, I have nowhere else to put it.

Before anyone points out that there's hardly any substrate in there, you should know that the terrarium is built into the table/furniture. There is 10 inches of substrate in there.
Although I have about 100 small things I wish I would have done differently or better I'm still kind of happy with this one. :biggrin:

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Beautiful job!


Sep 27, 2011
Largest set up I ever made. Naturally it is for a large tarantula, a Stirmi. I ordered an adult and therefore built an enclosure for an adult but when I received it it was a lot smaller than anticipated and now the height is an issue. But as there are large soft plants on three sides and nothing hard to land on on the third so think it will be okay. Besides, I have nowhere else to put it.

Before anyone points out that there's hardly any substrate in there, you should know that the terrarium is built into the table/furniture. There is 10 inches of substrate in there.
Although I have about 100 small things I wish I would have done differently or better I'm still kind of happy with this one. :biggrin:

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But apparently all that carpentry was for nothing. The spider hadn't moved since I put it in there yesterday and when I carefully poked it with a paintbrush today it was still no response. After a closer look I can conclude that it's dead. It probably was dead wen I got it to as it did not move. I just hoped it was dehydrated after 7 days in the mail and would come to after a drink and some privacy, but no luck. I'm sad that it died but right now I'm more concerned about the 125$ I paid for it.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
But apparently all that carpentry was for nothing. The spider hadn't moved since I put it in there yesterday and when I carefully poked it with a paintbrush today it was still no response. After a closer look I can conclude that it's dead. It probably was dead wen I got it to as it did not move. I just hoped it was dehydrated after 7 days in the mail and would come to after a drink and some privacy, but no luck. I'm sad that it died but right now I'm more concerned about the 125$ I paid for it.
Does it stink? Because pic doesnt look like death curl.. If dont stink maybe dip fangs in water dish? Or you can flip it over and put a few drops of water on mouth (i personaly hate thatone)


Sep 27, 2011
Didn't stink. But the abdomen was very soft in places and it was compleatly lifeles and unresponsive when i lifted legs and such. I put it with the mouth in the water dish for a few hours and there was no change. I concluded death and put it in a plastic bag and was planning on throwing it today. I'll guess I'll check up on it one more time before doing so, but I really don't see this one waking up again.


Dec 25, 2014
Didn't stink. But the abdomen was very soft in places and it was compleatly lifeles and unresponsive when i lifted legs and such. I put it with the mouth in the water dish for a few hours and there was no change. I concluded death and put it in a plastic bag and was planning on throwing it today. I'll guess I'll check up on it one more time before doing so, but I really don't see this one waking up again.
I'm sorry to hear that, magneto. Lately you are a bit unlucky with T's, let's say.


Sep 27, 2011
I'm sorry to hear that, magneto. Lately you are a bit unlucky with T's, let's say.
You could say that :unhappy:

But...I checked up on it now and despite having been in a very nearly air tight plastic bag overnight, it stil did not smell anything. Shouldn't it smell by now if it was dead? It's been well over 30 hours since I suspect it died.

I put it back in the enclosure with the mouth touching the surface of the water dish...maybe I'm lucky.


Dec 25, 2014
You could say that :unhappy:

But...I checked up on it now and despite having been in a very nearly air tight plastic bag overnight, it stil did not smell anything. Shouldn't it smell by now if it was dead? It's been well over 30 hours since I suspect it died.

I put it back in the enclosure with the mouth touching the surface of the water dish...maybe I'm lucky.
At least you can hope for a miracle. Doesn't smell bad? Probably the T isn't dead.. wait, man. Wait until there's a 100% sure T death.

Curiosity: you said you paid 125 $ for the T (and let me say, a great, a great price indeed, IMO.. here those are way more high priced, a female Theraphosa sp. cost more than a brand new PS4) but why $ and not Euro, or GBP Pounds, or another European currency? Don't tell me you ordered the T from USA?
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pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
At least you can hope for a miracle. Doesn't smell bad? Probably the T isn't dead.. wait, man. Wait until there's a 100% sure T death.
Agreeing here.. Maybe put her on her nack and do the water drops in mouth? So you know she has to drink?

Curiosity: you said you paid 125 $ for the T (and let me say, a great, a great price indeed, IMO.. here those are way more high priced, a female Theraphosa sp. cost more than a brand new PS4) but why $ and not Euro, or GBP Pounds, or another European currency? Don't tell me you ordered the T from USA?
Think was so the rest of us know how much he realy payed (seems like a good majority of us arnt EU but US)


Dec 25, 2014
Think was so the rest of us know how much he realy payed (seems like a good majority of us arnt EU but US)
Uh, i'm sorry man, i'm not sure if i "got" your comment well due to the barrier language. I know that here, on Arachnoboards, majority of users/enthusiasts are from USA and Canada.
I was a bit curios (i'm a curios one, i admit.. but only in the good way, for learn) since magneto said $, and not Euro (or another European currency) so i was wonder if he bought the T from a USA based seller.
Since there's, obviously, the ocean in the middle, and then after customs.. the package could took a while for arrive, that's why.

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
Uh, i'm sorry man, i'm not sure if i "got" your comment well due to the barrier language. I know that here, on Arachnoboards, majority of users/enthusiasts are from USA and Canada.
I was a bit curios (i'm a curios one, i admit.. but only in the good way, for learn) since magneto said $, and not Euro (or another European currency) so i was wonder if he bought the T from a USA based seller.
Since there's, obviously, the ocean in the middle, and then after customs.. the package could took a while for arrive, that's why.
I was saying he used the US dollar so the majority of us in the states know how much he payed, as if he said €112 or £80 alot of people would have asked how much money he that is in the US dollar. So instead of a eu currency he just said $ to cut to the chase for the majority of us ;)


May 15, 2014
It's funny you should say "glazed ceramic water dish" so it won't leak. I got a shallow natural looking water dish (I think it was by Zoo-Md) at Petco, and it LEAKED! I use glass or stainless steel dishes now. Nice enclosures. Is 5 gallons going to be big enough for the T. Blondi all it's life? I wonder if I need a 5 or 10 gallon for my Acanthoscurria Geniculata. I'm sure 5 is fine.


Old Timer
Mar 8, 2012
I Is 5 gallons going to be big enough for the T. Blondi all it's life?
I wonder if I need a 5 or 10 gallon for my Acanthoscurria Geniculata. I'm sure 5 is fine.
My T. stirmi is in a 50 gal Exo Terra and she uses all the space. There wouldn't even be room in a 5 gallon for the T to dig a proper burrow. I can't imagine keeping a full grown Theraphosa in a 5 gallon tank.
It would be as large as it's enclosure. My juvenile A. geniculata is already in a 5 gallon (large critter keeper) I have an 18x18x12 ExoTerra it will be going into. A ten gallon tank is only 10in x 20in. That strikes me as way too small for a T's that will get 8in to 11in in size


Sep 27, 2011
Made a new enclosure for my Poecilotheria rufiliata unsexed sub adult. I almost regret it because it looked like a monster in the previous enclosure and it looks so small now in the new one. :p

Sorry about the sideways pictures. I'm on my phone and can't seem to find a way to upload them flipped the right way.

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Oct 26, 2015
I'm ordering a LP from Tarantulas Canada soon, I thought I would get the little guys home ready before he/she came to allow the eco-earth to dry out.

Still missing water dishes, but as I'm waiting for it to dry it seemed counter productive!

