10 Gallon tank. Old root ball sawed off a large washed up tree on a riverbank. To make the den I cut a milk jug to fit a hole in the center of the root mass which I hot glued on. After which I hot glued moss to close any gaps and to cover the plastic. I also hot glued moss to the cut area towards the bottom. Very simple and it didn’t take long at all....plus I recycled in the process
The following two pics are big glass tanks, where I kept a group of Poecilotheria formosa and Poecilotheria fasciata inside, long time ago. I think it was in 2004.
A few months ago I started creating custom tanks and custom backgrounds, but it took a lote more time to build them than I originally had calculated. Here a few new self-build enclosures and backwalls
Holothele incei communal setup (4 incei slings)
Overview of the six enclosured I've made so far. Top 3 have slidings doors, but I don't like them. Bottom 3 have Guillotine doors, they work far better. Top 3 enclosured will be rebuild with guillotine doors.
Brachypelma smithi, subadult male enclosure
Theraphosa blondi, I redecorated the tank.
Originally intended for an arboreal spider, but I don't have any large specimens yet only slings and juvenile specimens. Enclosure is now used by an Aphonopelma seemanni mature female.
Woah... some of your enclosures are just amazing. The ones above this post... drool... backdrops are s great, and the moss between the roots... I couldn't DREAM of making something like that.. My girl is slumming it up in this hovel..
I feel bad for her after all those awesome enclosures
My 3" L. difficilis terrarium. It's an Exo Terra Faunarium (like a large kritter keeper, but better because it's not in those bright colours and it's cheaper). 2 plastic plants from WalMart and a half coconut house from Petco. Substrate is "orchid mix" and vermiculite. The substrate is too stony for me, and next time I change enclosures I will get rid of the orchid mix and replace with something else. Unfortunately I can't find small bags of peat here, and cannot purchase a huge bale due to storage issues (I live in an apartment).
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