Dreaming about tarantulas


Oct 13, 2011
I fed a ivory millipede to a Giant centEped despite the fact..I do not own a Giant centepede
I also had dreams of my t's killing eachother & T stirmi being victroious
Strange stuff


Dec 24, 2011
I've had a few since getting this little one! :) Dreams of waking up to find a molt and she has grown huge! Dreams of Nathan letting me buy more! And just having the tarantula in the background of my other dreams.


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2005
Dreams i had about T's:

1. a friend got angry with me and smashed al my enclosures and killed the spiders

2. I discover all my enclosures were infested with horrible mites

3. al my T's live in a giant enclosure, killing and eating each other, breeding interspecies, etc... (dreamt this more then once)

Not the most pleasant dreams...


Jan 2, 2012
I had a dream before of having a B. smithi loose in my room. Which is funny, 'cos I've never had one :p Just last night I had dreams about my new B. auratum that I bought yesterday...and then I proceeded to dream that a bunch of slings were coming out of their egg sac...and into my bed :S LOL! Which is also funny, because I have no desire to breed Ts.

Amy Beth

Sep 25, 2011

This makes me sad :-( when my a.versicolour sling died (she was totally unresponsive but wasn't in a death curl so I put her in a drawer for a few days until I could bury her) I always had dreams I'd go to the drawer and find she was moving, that she had molted and was even more pretty. It broke my heart when I would wake up and find she was still dead. I hope you can find your t :)

I would have dreams like that when my 1st Rosie died. I hate those dreams. I do not think my little T is going to come back. Been gone too long now. :(


Old Timer
Apr 21, 2007
I had a dream last night that I had an avic on my hand and i noticed that she had her fangs out and before i could get her back in her enclosure she slowly bit me and held on. I started biting my lip to deal with the pain and try not to scare the T. Oddest T dream ever lol


Nov 23, 2011
Like you wouldnt believe... I seem to always stumble accross a burrow OR see a Poeci run by! lol


Oct 13, 2011
I have dreams about tarantulas as well as other bugs quite often now. I've only had one bad one, in this dream I accidentally put a tarantula in a centipede's cage and then the centipede started tearing off it's legs while I frantically tried to get the T out of the cage. All the rest have been good dreams, in my favorite one I walked into my back yard and there were like 20 different species of scorpion on a tree, which I proceeded to collect, I was a little disapointed when I woke up and figured out that it didn't really happen.


Feb 27, 2012
A few weeks ago I was dreaming like three days a row that a T had escaped and was running in my bed at night. My girlfriend is afraid of them so I paniced and went after the spider like crazy !! She woke me up every time and told me there is no spider LOL!!


Jun 24, 2011
I usually have dreams about having a ton of rare and exotic T's, as well as scorpes, pedes and roaches..they're all so friendly and will cuddle up to me and not bite or get defensive at all..and then I wake up :p


Old Timer
Apr 20, 2012
Yeah, I've had a couple dreams. Latest one was that my Grammostola sp. "Maule" was attacked and killed by an Emperor Scorpion. Not too sure why I dreamt that, but I think it may have something to do with that 'Deadly Creatures' video game that was released about 3 years ago. Gaming is one of my hobbies, though I don't remember much about that particular game other than the fact you played as a tarantula & a scorpion, and the graphics were awful, lol.


Jan 2, 2011
I had an odd dream just last night. My little P. irminia escaped and I spent a lot of time trying to catch it again. Trouble was, it also kept getting bigger and bigger, and weirdly strong -- at one point I managed to put a plastic cup over it and then put a coffee cup on top to hold it down while I looked for some cardboard, and it got a leg under the edge and knocked the cup over (and then scampered off again).

I'm fuzzy on the details, but the dream ended with the army launching an air strike on the shed where I apparently kept my Ts, although I'm pretty sure this wasn't related to the spider escape. I think a friend of mine had turned out to be a terrorist. No, I don't know why she was in my shed.

I've absolutely no idea where this dream came from.


Old Timer
Apr 21, 2007
I had a dream today that I came home from work and my wife had converted our spare room in to a T room. Odd thing is that I don't have a wife, a job, or a spare room lol.


Apr 4, 2012
I dream about about tarantulas and the zombie apocalypse >_> Zombie tarantulas *_*

Clearly I watch too many zombie movies.


Jul 27, 2010
I dream about my tarantulas all the time! Usually I'm just doing tank mantenaince and such, but sometimes they're super intelligent, psycic, and/or help me solve crimes.

One night I dreamed that someone broke into my house and tried to kill me. As I was running to get a weapon to defend myself, I heard a roar/growling sound, turn around and see Minka, my Aphonopelma chalcodes, now a giant 5-feet-tall tarantula, attacking the guy. She then walked up to me and I petted her. I remember how soft her giant fur was.

Another time, I dreamed that my tarantulas turned into humans and were my friends. It was weird.


Old Timer
Jun 13, 2011
My beautiful versi got snacked on by my voracious lp. Someone made my tarantulas fight and my gorgeous female platyomma got impaled and died :(


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
I had quite a few of those.

1. Dream about recieving a cactus from an ebay seller to find it had a nest of an unclassified Psalmopoeus. All lime green, six white spots going down the abdomen like the stripes on a P.irminia and two white spots at the ends of each leg. Needless to say, I asked the seller if he's found any more. Oh and the AB forum makes absolutely NO SENSE in a dream reading threads. LOL!

2. For what ever reason, I have the cage of an OBT female and the cage of a A.versicolor with an egg sac (neither species I have) open at the same time doing maintenance. The OBT goes in and attacks my Avic and won't stop! I keep getting it away with the ruler but it keeps going back to the other spider. The dream seemed to go on for hours with this constant trying to keep the OBT away and trying to get the Avic away from the OBT. The sac hatches instantly at the end with 2nd instars already (head scratch). I hate dreams with no clear and cut ending!

3. I'm a witch in training and none of my family knows about it. My familiar is a 60" legspan P.irminia I recieved as a tennis ball size egg from a mage. I'm training at a college for magic users and we're preparing for a massive war before Anubis's army claims Earth. Witches and wizards ride a top huge scorpions and spiders. One collegue has the largest; a
200" legspan T.blondi. Both rider and riden have armor. There's a large hatch on NWS abdomen's that encases the whole mirror patch. When the time's right, the rider opens it and nearby opponents are taken out with dagger-long hairs.

Some of the college rules and monsters' behaviors were pretty complex for a dream. In one instance, a girl friend of mine makes the mistake of bringing her A.geniculata familiar into an already occupied lair. All the familiars of witches and wizards usually are content with being in close proximity of each other but when a T has a sac or a scorpion has cargo on her back, she'll fight anyone but her "master" to the death. A G.pulchra guarding her sac went on a rampage with the Acanthoscurria and even the two witches were powerless to get their familiars under control. Both spiders ended up dying as a result. The Grammastola's master lost her mind from the loss and was put under sedation. The other girl, my friend, was suspended from the school from "lack of common sense."

I don't know what became of the war or if the G.pulchra sac hatched because I woke up. It most have been due soon because there was talk of an Imprinting Ceremony. By far one of the coolest dreams I've had since the one I turn into a chimera. I'm thinking of turning it into a book. :)

That's all the ones I remember of arachnids but I've had other strange ones of a bear, snakes, sharks, jellyfish and a wolf that came alive from a pelt.


Jul 24, 2011
I had an extremely vivid dream last night, actually pretty creepy.
Basically I wake up, and Im in a half coconut hide on dry eco earth. I jump up and run outside of it to find myself in my AF G.rosea's tank, a 1ft cube custom made
glass viv. I start banging on the glass and shouting, but no sound would come out. I could see out into my room, and see a big lump slowly moving under the covers of my bed. At this point I look around and for some weird reason I can see into my other Ts tanks, and each one has a person in it that are similar to the occupant
(small ginger boy for my juvie smithi, emo girl with dyed blue hair for the GBB etc.) and their all banging on the glass/plastic to get out of their tubs or tanks.
This continues for awhile and eventually the lump on the bed gets up and its a 6ft G.rosea, an MM.
It walks around the room, and eventually comes over to observe the people in the tanks.
It picks up a tub or normal brown crickets, the size of my head since we're all shrunk to the size of the tanks previous occupants.
One by one the Rosea drops a cricket into each of the tubs, I watch as the emo girl, without fangs and venom is savaged by a cricket as it hops onto her face,
When the rosea see's this he says something like "must be hungry!" and drops more into the tank. The girl is quickly killed and is eaten by 10 or so crickets.
The same happens to everyone until eventually it comes to me, and I'm eaten aswell..I usually dont remember dreams at but this one stuck!

Please do turn that into a novel! it would be pretty great..If not and its an orphan project I could try and work on one with your permission?


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
I had an extremely vivid dream last night, actually pretty creepy.
Basically I wake up, and Im in a half coconut hide on dry eco earth. I jump up and run outside of it to find myself in my AF G.rosea's tank, a 1ft cube custom made
glass viv. I start banging on the glass and shouting, but no sound would come out. I could see out into my room, and see a big lump slowly moving under the covers of my bed. At this point I look around and for some weird reason I can see into my other Ts tanks, and each one has a person in it that are similar to the occupant
(small ginger boy for my juvie smithi, emo girl with dyed blue hair for the GBB etc.) and their all banging on the glass/plastic to get out of their tubs or tanks.
This continues for awhile and eventually the lump on the bed gets up and its a 6ft G.rosea, an MM.
It walks around the room, and eventually comes over to observe the people in the tanks.
It picks up a tub or normal brown crickets, the size of my head since we're all shrunk to the size of the tanks previous occupants.
One by one the Rosea drops a cricket into each of the tubs, I watch as the emo girl, without fangs and venom is savaged by a cricket as it hops onto her face,
When the rosea see's this he says something like "must be hungry!" and drops more into the tank. The girl is quickly killed and is eaten by 10 or so crickets.
The same happens to everyone until eventually it comes to me, and I'm eaten aswell..I usually dont remember dreams at but this one stuck!

Please do turn that into a novel! it would be pretty great..If not and its an orphan project I could try and work on one with your permission?
That would be awesome. If I don't get to it, I'd be honored someone thought it was a good enough idea to print. I can help you if you have a dry spell. :D