Does everyone handle their tarantulas? Should I be scared ?


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
I'm confused - I should only hold avics and old world because of the hairs, but I should start with brachypelma or grammostola ?!?!?!?:? :? Isn't this a thorough contradiction? I'm just askin' ....

My whole motivation for getting into this Tarantula gig was having handled an adult G Aureostriatum - I guess I was given a false sense that all Ts were mellow fellows like him ... 7 Ts later (including a Chaco!) all I have to do is LOOK at my them and they flick! And that's just the MOLTS! Which begs the question (for another thread perhaps): can one get haired by handling molts?

My versi just molted and his long, slender elegant legs are so blue and beautiful I would just LOVE to coax him onto my fingers again! But 2 instances of handling him almost ended in disaster both times, so I don't try anymore.

I guess it's just me! :(
It might sound like that, but i would not advice people who handle for the first time to start out with old worlds. As for me, i am just overly sensitive to those hairs, thus i go with old worlds. Ok i should maybe have mentioned avics to him too, but they are speedy for a starter. So i am not sure what you point is?

I was writing to the thread starter.


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
I was writing to the thread starter.
I understand that, but I'm like the OP, I'm a total novice at handling, so I'm benefiting from your input too. (Sorry if I sounded confrontational.) And since I actually HAVE a couple of Grammostolas and Brachypelmas, one of which is the spawn of the Devil, I was particularly curious about your post, that's all :D Like I said, I'm just askin' - thanks for clearing it up! Maybe one of these days I'll attempt an "up-close-and-personal" with the smithi, but I ain't goin' anywhere NEAR the vagans! {D {D

WelshTan said:
yes ... you can still get "haired" from handling molts and will still need to carefully wash your hands thoroughly after handling them.
Good golly Miss Molly - I've been blissfully ignorant! Lucky too, I guess. I'll be more careful from now on!!! :eek:


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
I understand that, but I'm like the OP, I'm a total novice at handling, so I'm benefiting from your input too. (Sorry if I sounded confrontational.) And since I actually HAVE a couple of Grammostolas and Brachypelmas, one of which is the spawn of the Devil, I was particularly curious about your post, that's all Like I said, I'm just askin' - thanks for clearing it up! Maybe one of these days I'll attempt an "up-close-and-personal" with the smithi, but I ain't goin' anywhere NEAR the vagans!
It ok;) I just did not understand you correctly. There are some of the "calm" T´s that think they are an obt, and there are also old world T´s that think they are B smithi. Allways cup them first and then let them crawl onto your hand. I have rarely seen real aggresion using that method. Every T can get territorial, but once out of their enclosure they usually calm down.


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2008
Not sure if anybody mentioned it but if you cup the T and take it out of its enclosure and then coax it to your hand it wont be as defensive. its when you reach in its tank and try to pick it up that you get all the defensive behavior.

PS the attitude change is amazing


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
...Allways cup them first and then let them crawl onto your hand.
Joshuai said:
... if you cup the T and take it out of its enclosure and then coax it to your hand it wont be as defensive.
Tantalizing! But would you mind defining "cupping" please - does this involve cupping the T with my hand(s), or does it literally mean nudging the T into a cup and then letting it loose on my hand? Or neither of the above? ;) Are there any extant videos demonstrating this technique?


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
Tantalizing! But would you mind defining "cupping" please - does this involve cupping the T with my hand(s), or does it literally mean nudging the T into a cup and then letting it loose on my hand? Or neither of the above? Are there any extant videos demonstrating this technique?
No, not with your hands. Use a small box and put it over the T, then slide the lidt under her, and she is cupped. And you can look at my video and see if this is useful;


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
& OBT'S i heard those are really agro ....wonder if anyone on this forum has handles an OBT ?
I have personally seen people handle their obts and yes they were nervous. Just takes a bit of self control like when the t dart for a sec you don't fling it off of your hand. lol
You were there when I held that female OBT, right? Lemme see if I can find that video...

Alright, here's a pic and a video:

Held a MM H. lividum a couple days ago, but didn't get any pics.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
I didn't have anything else at the time to use to maneuver her.

But yes, after that, I was going to see if she'd give me an autograph, but she declined. :}


Old Timer
Oct 21, 2007
Yes Joe, you were actually who I was referring too. What a beast. I held mine once but it was about 2.5". I suppose no one will believe me since I don't have the proof lol.

and the pen was for prodding the T out instead of sticking fingers in the container to get bitten..


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Nah, I believe you. I almost held a 3-incher last night while rehousing...was NOT on purpose, heh.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2009
Even though all of my T's are pretty docile, I have a more hands-off approach to them. I'll admit though, when I do handle them to switch containers I'll stay holding them for a little while because I do enjoy it.

I avoid it now though. I've had a couple of T's flick at me when they're nervous, though I don't feel the urticating hairs. But when I actually handle them, then I do feel an irritating sensation.

It is fun to handle them, but it isn't quite so fun for the T. Some will tolerate it, but they really aren't pets for handling.


Nov 1, 2009
You were there when I held that female OBT, right? Lemme see if I can find that video...

Alright, here's a pic and a video:

Held a MM H. lividum a couple days ago, but didn't get any pics.
AWESOME ! thanks for posting - you one brave machine;P


Old Timer
Aug 17, 2008
I handle some, others I don't, and I only handle if I feel comfortable doing so and they don't seem to mind and aren't stressed (as far as I can tell). There's some T's that I won't handle no matter what, and some I have handled once or twice, but don't feel comfortable ever doing again (blue fang, LOL that was a great experience).

I think it's sort of a live and learn, and a gradual learning process at that. You get the feel of each individual you own and what you can and can't do with them... it's really the same with any animal


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2009
i handle my Ts very rarely,only when i want to get pics or move them or if they just happen to run out onto me.
i say handling is a matter of choice.
never do it when youre scared or unsure,it could lead to you getting bit,you dropping the T,or both.
learn how to handle or deal with any T,and you will know it forever.
whether you want to do it regularly,the choice is yours.
you should be scared of them,it makes you respect them more.;)


Old Timer
Mar 5, 2008
I handle my Ts when I have to move them or get pics as well. What you have to realize is Ts are not people. You can't relate to a T the way you would a person, dog, or cat. It is also not a matter of if you get bit in this hobby but when. Always remember to have a healthy respect and just be prepared for it to happen one day whether you choose to handle or not.

Big B

Old Timer
Apr 25, 2009
I do not handle any of them, they can hurt you, and you can hurt them. Aside from personal gratification it serves no purpose to hold them. It seems like aggression is often confused with defensive.


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2009
handling is very important

handling serves more importance
than your own gratification
it allows one to get more comfortable with the spider and
makes it easier for to maintenance, breeding
feeding, inspecting, for the following reasons.
It allows the owner to get a "feel" of the tarantula
and one to understand it more. If one understands
the tarantula the owner will be less
skittish when doing maintenance or other chores.
Being skittish will only kill your tarantula.

If your nervous about handling
place the tank on a bed or something
cushioning and handle ON the bed so it wont
fall and you will be less nervous.

Handling IMO is just a phase that most
people go through until they are comfortable

i stopped handling mine because Im comfortable with
them, the only time i do so if they are new to my collection,
or transporting or for maintenance and inspecting,

The most important thing
all ways stay alert


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
handling serves more importance
than your own gratification
it allows one to get more comfortable with the spider and
makes it easier for to maintenance, breeding
feeding, inspecting, for the following reasons.
It allows the owner to get a "feel" of the tarantula
and one to understand it more. If one understands
the tarantula the owner will be less
skittish when doing maintenance or other chores.
Being skittish will only kill your tarantula.

If your nervous about handling
place the tank on a bed or something
cushioning and handle ON the bed so it wont
fall and you will be less nervous.

Handling IMO is just a phase that most
people go through until they are comfortable

i stopped handling mine because Im comfortable with
them, the only time i do so if they are new to my collection,
or transporting or for maintenance and inspecting,

The most important thing
all ways stay alert
Well said, i could not agree more even if i tried harder;-)