+1....i agree 100% on this...and im currently working with my S. calceatum lol....i figure go big or go home...and with me its not IF i get bit but WHEN. happy handling!:clap:Since I'm on break and on my iPhone, I gotta make this quick.
Handling is a personal choice, and you are going to get alot of nay-sayers telling you to never start. Handling is an important skill to learn, and one of the most enjoyable aspects of this hobby. There is nothing to be frightened of, but plenty to respect. Therefore great care must be taken that you aren't nervous, shaky, or fearful. Any kind of twitchy and other such reactive movements is inviting a bite.
Ironically, I choose to handle for the exact same reasons that the nay-sayers have for not handling. Again, it is a personal choice. If you aren't comfortable, then for the sake of your T, please refrain from doing so. Otherwise, have fun!!! Just about anything can be handled when you know what you are doing.
Thats awesome bud ! thats what its all about , you gotta love it , it serves a perpose in your life & you bring joy to others too , keep it up man :worship:I was scared of spiders for 15 years then I got Roxy my 5 year old G. rosea about 2 months ago when she stepped on to my cold skin I almost screamed but I thought to myself for once I should do something courageous in my life instead of being a 16 year old wimp. And now guess what now when I come home from a stressful day at school, the only thing that makes me relax is some jazz a cup of orange juice and my rosy or my Versi (sling) in my hand I think it's good for the spider because it's not caged all it's life some days I even bring my versi (sling) to school because spiders don't deserve to be locked up so kid learn how to handle it and do it every other day or once a week. Oh and good luck.
I do agree to some extent , i myself am scared ...actually not so much as scared but more filled with respect ( i got a salmon pink - well at least think it is & her fangs are huge - wouldnt like to be bit by those :8o However my neice has a rosea and she handles it all the time ....it even sits on her keypad while she is on line & it actually seems to enjoy it ......If you are scared or nervous then I wouldn't recommend handling any T, it serves no purpose to the T and only heightens the risk of injury to the T and you, if it feels threatened. I have handled some of mine in the first few weeks of getting over my fear of them but I have no urge or need to handle any of my T's now. Handling T's serves of no benefit to the T tbh. They cannot be tamed like mammals. They may tolerate being handled for a short period of time but cannot actually "like" it tbh
& OBT'S i heard those are really agro ....wonder if anyone on this forum has handles an OBT ?everyone feel sketchy at first. A lot of people say it's bad for your tarantula and they get stressed. I happen to think if you do it a ton then yeah it will stress your t. You can tell when it is stress so you know when to back off for a bit. I handle mine every once in a while. More looking and picture taking than handling..
Don't be worried about getting bitten though. Some t's are just no no's to handle like haplopelma sp and what not. research.
Thanks bud , that some really good adviceI do handle mine every once in a while, but only avics and old world because of the urticating hairs. I dont do it that much, just when i feel like taken some pics and videos. And that is mostly haplopelma and pokes when i do.
But these are certainly not good T´s to begin with. If you are neorvous of doing it and cant stop shaking i wouldn´t reccomend handling them for the T´s sake. But if you can find a way to be calm, then go ahead and start with a calm species like brachypelma og grammostola.
But dont do if too often, that will stress the T.
I get what you saying , to me it sounds like you have a deep respect for them , you have some aprehension about handling them & you realise they are delicate too ......I have really only handled them a few times. I did so somewhat more often when I was new to the hobby. Now I just don't see a need for it. Basically handling of tarantulas is something I do when I'm showing them to someone who is really interested, but not so interested that they have their own. Not too many people fit in that category.
The first few times I handled them I was super scared. That seems normal to me. Nowadays I'm less scared, but I bet just about someone feels some apprehension. Even if you overcome the natural fear of getting bit, there's the fact that tarantulas move fast and unpredictably over short distances and also the fact that they are very delicate. Those things always raise my nervousness when handling them. I suppose they always will.
Damn straight ! my salmon has fangs about 1cm long & as one of the other comments said , they are relly quick ! so if you gonna be bit you dont have time ti react ,,,,,,,, i think the problem too is that if you are handling and you spider bites you and you let it fall then you may kill it & its not the spiders fault , any way from what you have all commented it seems like you all love your T's & know whats good for them ,,,,,keep it up guys:clap:watch a big one eat then think about the fangs lol
I'm confused - I should only hold avics and old world because of the hairs, but I should start with brachypelma or grammostola ?!?!?!?:? :? Isn't this a thorough contradiction? I'm just askin' ....I do handle mine every once in a while, but only avics and old world because of the urticating hairs. ... But if you can find a way to be calm, then go ahead and start with a calm species like brachypelma og grammostola.
Good luck!!! Personally, I'm working toward my S. cal. Even if I only handle her once, I will feel very accomplished. But first, I've got this psychotic P. cambridgei that is quite probably meaner than my S. cal.......and I have to rehouse it this weekend. Guess what I'm going to be doing.....+1....i agree 100% on this...and im currently working with my S. calceatum lol....i figure go big or go home...and with me its not IF i get bit but WHEN. happy handling!:clap:![]()
.....and then put it out of your mind, and have fun with your hobby.watch a big one eat then think about the fangs lol
Frequent transport is extremely stressful for your versi SLING....more so than frequently handling it. If you post up a SADS thread, you can expect no sympathy from me, LOL.I was scared of spiders for 15 years then I got Roxy my 5 year old G. rosea about 2 months ago when she stepped on to my cold skin I almost screamed but I thought to myself for once I should do something courageous in my life instead of being a 16 year old wimp. And now guess what now when I come home from a stressful day at school, the only thing that makes me relax is some jazz a cup of orange juice and my rosy or my Versi (sling) in my hand I think it's good for the spider because it's not caged all it's life some days I even bring my versi (sling) to school because spiders don't deserve to be locked up so kid learn how to handle it and do it every other day or once a week. Oh and good luck.
According to TNB, H. lividum is one of the most handlable NWs. IME: P. irminia is supposed to be one of the least handlable, and more bitey member of the Psalmos. However, my 3" male is one of my favorite handling-spiders. Research has almost nothing to do with it, except for the personal acknowledgement of the possible consequences of your decision. If you cannot accept that responsibility, then don't risk it.Some t's are just no no's to handle like haplopelma sp and what not. research.
How can you trust a T that you've never physically interacted with? Everyone has to start somewhere.....I only handle 1 or 2 of mine,when i get Really bored,but its only for like a couple minutes.I wouldnt recommend Holding anything that you wouldnt Trust 100%.