Do you have a Charlotte?

Do you have a T named Charlotte?

  • Yes - and it is a G. rosea

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • Yes - and it is NOT a G. rosea

    Votes: 8 10.3%
  • No

    Votes: 62 79.5%

  • Total voters


Old Timer
Feb 26, 2009
Interesting! Thanks for all the responses :)

nhd - LOL that's funny that they were the opposite sex that their names would imply!

yeah its one of those weird coincidences i have come to expect in my life, kinda like the time i met my biological brother for the first time because we dated the same girl in the same summer


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Charolettes Web

Jaye: I've always been "vexed" to understand how hobbyists can take Care of a hundred creatures, and Not name some - LOL
You gotta NAME one tonight, come on......seriously, just one:) somethin' clever and peeringly humourous.

Aurelia: Ariel should be a Red-Haired T......Cinderella - Pumkin' colored. Cute:p

I had a Black Widow named Charolette, after I watched movie........fed her bubble-bees sometimes, Then watched the bees eyes change color from drinkin' blood over 2-4 days. I was a kid.......Guess I am Big-Kid now.........
Still watchin' Bugs eat and be Eatin':cool:

- Jason


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2009
I don't have names for any of mine, lol. I had so many when I collected before, I just started calling them by their species which is what I do now. I used to name them in the beginning based on something related to their behavior but that went south when I started breeding them. I may end up naming these but they haven't done anything that has jumped out as nameworthy yet. My old GBB was Mimi, from the Drew Carey Show, because of the colors and I later lengthened it to Mimi Webigail Huntress after getting to know her. My old P. lugardi was Pandora because she was so fast you had to be careful when opening Pandora's box. Maybe I'm jaded or just out of names, lol. Who knows, maybe something will come to me.