Do Rosies Make Good Pets? LOL


Old Timer
Dec 22, 2005
Firstly, where are you going to find a cup large enough to put over a fully grown T? Ask anyone in this forum if it's a good idea to put a cup over the T. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it.

Second, your accusations are what they call flaming and not only is it extremely rude, it is against the rules.

Is there a maximum size for cups in your country or something??

And why I know u are not really trying to get te spider in as fast as possible is that u put the bucket that far away from him and push him trough the entire enclosure and also the bucket entrance is way too small....

If it is not true u wouldn't come up with "its against the rules" maybe u just dont want to hear the truth;P

Ether Imp

Old Timer
Jul 11, 2009
Why is this even still being discussed?

32 Oz soda cup + paintbrush or pen + brushing lightly on the back of hind legs to guide towards cup = success with little to no stress and no danger to the T.

I've heard of people cupping and sliding a flat object underneath. If you don't feel comfortable using that method: Don't. If you'd rather prod your T in the face with a stick: Go ahead. It's your T. No one elses. Just trying to share some knowledge here. Take it or leave it.


Jul 21, 2009
It is still being discussed because as long as people continue to make ignorant remarks on my videos, I will continue to defend the fact that I was not being as terrible a person as they would like to believe.

Ether Imp

Old Timer
Jul 11, 2009
People are over-reacting a bit. Don't bother arguing though. What you did doesn't make you a horrible person. At the worst, maybe just a bit inexperienced. We've all done stupid stuff at some point or another out of ignorance.

As I said.. Do what you feel comfortable with. Just be aware of the consequences.


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
In all honesty, the actions in the video probably did no harm to the T.

It was just a poor way of doing it. Give me a deli cup and a paintbrush, and I've got that T in it's new enclosure within a minute and without a threat pose. On top of that, I wouldn't have a T hanging by it's fangs from a stick. To be quite frank, the whole method of manipulating the T was rather poorly conceived and enacted.

By the way, cupping a T is one of the safest and most effective methods for moving a tarantula. I think you're going to find it pretty difficult to find a user on this forum that agrees with your point of view. Maybe you should spend a little bit of time gathering information instead of spreading misinformation.


Jul 21, 2009
In all honesty, the actions in the video probably did no harm to the T.

It was just a poor way of doing it. Give me a deli cup and a paintbrush, and I've got that T in it's new enclosure within a minute and without a threat pose. On top of that, I wouldn't have a T hanging by it's fangs from a stick. To be quite frank, the whole method of manipulating the T was rather poorly conceived and enacted.

By the way, cupping a T is one of the safest and most effective methods for moving a tarantula. I think you're going to find it pretty difficult to find a user on this forum that agrees with your point of view. Maybe you should spend a little bit of time gathering information instead of spreading misinformation.

I am not spreading misinformation, I am not going to go to someone's post in which they cup a T and say hey man that's totally wrong, because I know people use different methods. Whatever works for them. However, I would personally never use that method, and if anyone ever tells me that method is the safest, and that I should use it instead, I would have to disagree. It's very easy for a crowd of forum friends to gang up on a newbie, however, I have done my share of research on and off the site and I own quite a few T's, so I do not consider myself as inexperienced as most others.
I'm going to see if she's actually in premolt, and then I have to transport her out of her temporary home, I'll record what happens and this time I'll do it like everyone else says and then you guys can get an accurate judgement on her.
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Old Timer
Feb 8, 2009
Firstly, where are you going to find a cup large enough to put over a fully grown T? Ask anyone in this forum if it's a good idea to put a cup over the T. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it.

Second, your accusations are what they call flaming and not only is it extremely rude, it is against the rules.
That's funny because 98% of this forum uses the cup method. I have plenty of deli cups to do this safely. On the other hand the "poke a stick in your T's Face Method that you used is completely incompetent for someone "who has done plenty of research.

Our comments did not start off flaming, or rude until you came off very argumentative. This forum has 1000's of years experience collectively. Yet you sit here with basically 0 experience, and some obviously misguided research and try to tell all of us that we are wrong.

Have a cup of coffee, a quick snack of reality check, them sit back and actually listen to the correct advice people are giving you.

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Old Timer
Dec 22, 2005
It's very easy for a crowd of forum friends to gang up on a newbie,
please don't cry like u bullied boy at junior high, ganging up please... for the record i dont know any of the people in this thread i just share theire opinion, maybe u should listen instead of being so hard-headed..


Old Timer
Aug 30, 2009
I just dont understand how a deli cup can do any damage to a

Maybe if you have it turned the wrong way and smash it down on the little rosie...other then that...just dont see it.


Old Timer
Feb 20, 2009
Firstly, where are you going to find a cup large enough to put over a fully grown T? Ask anyone in this forum if it's a good idea to put a cup over the T. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it.

Second, your accusations are what they call flaming and not only is it extremely rude, it is against the rules.
When people say "cup" they dont mean drinking cup..... a cup can be an empty large yoghurt pot, or an empty round icecream tub, u could even use an empty 2 litre cola bottle with the bottom cut off and the lid screwed on as a "CUP" ..... even the large screw top plastic tubs from the poundshop are used as "cups" where i live..... and funnily enough I let my large MM LP walk over my floor the other day to demonstrate how he is only defensive in his enclosure and not when he is outside of it.... I ended up having to place a large see-thru icecream tub over him as he didnt want to walk into his large "catch-cup" .... and NO!!!! Not one of his feet got pinched as the "cup" was ample sized :) ....



Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
It was actually a kindergarden assistant, who passed her off to me for free. :eek:
You know, I had a science teacher do the same for me. I got a rosie on aspen, a deep glass water bowl and no hide. I'm glad I did my research instead of trusting her.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
I'm sorry, could you please try to explain the difference between the two in a way that is actually valid?

EDIT: Ok, let me clarify a little bit here.

I have not actually watched the video. Here is the message chain I'm responding to:

Hopefully that clears things up.
Ah, because when I had to pull sacs from my Ts, they generally charged forward or start trying to run down the burrow carrying the sac with them. It would be a different situation if his rosy had whipped around and bit the stick. In that case, he really wouldn't have much of a choice since apparently he's dead set that cupping is dangerous. In his video, he immediately started prodding her in the face to get her to go backwards into a container behind her. I don't have a problem with the stick, but I don't feel poking her in the face right off the bat is a good way to gauge temperament. As far as lifting the stick as the T bit, I think robc and Whompyjawed both made a mistake in doing so.

EDIT: Oops didn't mean to double post. Sorry.
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Old Timer
Oct 22, 2009
Ok first off i would like to say me and Smitty have had our arguments and Smitty i would like to personally apologize to you. Whompyjawed Smitty and most of the people on this site have been in this hobby for many years. The arguing isnt needed. They know what there talking bout i use the cup method all the time. My t's arnt as stressed and its much easier. Noones ganging up on you were all just looking out for you and your tarantula. I hope you can atleast respect that.



Dec 14, 2009
Lol i just pick up my rosie and put her on my bed do what is needed in her tank then just put her back in. Whenever rehousing an OBT remember this

You see the thing with OBT's is. You don't rehouse them, They rehouse you.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
Well you know what, Whompyjawed, I don't think anyone is bullying you. It's just that you're in a forum almost exclusively dedicated to spiders. If you are going to find someone who will get truly miffed at seeing a spider being unecessarily aggrivated for a couple of minutes, this is the place.

And we're gonna let you know about it.

It's the same thing in any forum:
Go to a fishkeeping forum and say you keep goldfish in a 5 gallon and see what happens.
Go to a dog forum and say you use a choke collar for walks and see what happens.
Go to a reptile forum and say you only use a heat lamp and nothing else.

You are going to get a ton of passionate people telling you that what you are doing is wrong and what to do right. The prudent thing to do would be to take heart the good advice, ignore the snide side-comments and flames, and post a simple "Thanks fo the input guys, I'll try it your way next time." to give everyone peace of mind. This thread should really be only 3 posts long!

For what it's worth: Yeah, not the best way to get a T into a jar. Next time, if you insist on doing it that way, place the jar(smaller cup preferably) directly next to her and prod her into it it. It helps to have the jar at about a 45 degree angle too, so that some of the rim is under the substrate.

Good luck, and hope you aren't so soured on the whole tarantula thing that you won't get more!


Old Timer
May 7, 2008
Don't be so hard on the guy. He didn't harm his T at all. Don't be so sensitive. He was trying to guide it and she over-reacted. No big deal. On a positive note...that is the most awesome song I have ever heard.

Terry D

Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
Whompyjawed- I certainly didn't want to sound too inflammatory on my initial reply and the "mad" mood icon at the last second was a bad choice on my part. I apologize for adding to any of your troubles. I guess it was a combination of the constant flicking/prodding-style handling of the spider- in combination with the awful blood-curdling song- (Sorry J DeRosa) that hit my reject button. I rarely handle my spiders and so far the few I have now don't throw threat poses- although have had indivs. that freq. did. Have an awesome new year! Terry