Did they ever succeed?


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2002
Originally posted by Vys
ALbino : What have I done to deserve your hatred??? WHat? Whaaaaat? ?? heh nm :p
You haven't received my hatred. I was just saying I just hapenned to disagree with that one thing you said.


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2002
Originally posted by Code Monkey

And this is why you're an idiot in my eyes. You just can't seem to separate human morality from the pure neutrality of the universe, nor grasp how amazing what consideration we do show animals is. We're already so advanced beyond any other species on this planet for considering the welfare of our competition that you should be having conniption fits of joy, but, no, nothing is ever good enough for people like you. Until we seal ourselves in a monastery and eat nothing but fruit that falls from the trees and wheat fallen by wind, and everyone only has one child and teaches them that all life is sacred except for human life, nothing is good enough.
It seems more people than I sometimes are 'too idiotic' to understand what you write, or more correctly what you are trying to convey. Regardless, you constantly ignore half of the things I write so I shall give you the same pleasure.
You say nature is neutral, and everyone has to agree with that cause that is an objective fact? Regardless if it is or not, you have to understand that there are those who do not believe so.
At any rate, how can what we do now, actually considering some species going extinct, actually caring some bit for the forests of the world, be so fantastic? Yes, it is in a way if you compare it to an ant or even an echidna. If you compare how advanced minds we have compared to those creatures though [all other creatures on earth that we know of] then looking behind our backs every once in a great while to remove the quicksilver we drop isn't very grand in my view. With power comes responsibility, this at least I believe, and it can easily be just as an objective fact as your never-caring ever-persisting world.
For we hold the power over so many species existence, and as we are you can talk about whether our intelligence and power is a freeride, that we can do whatever the hell we want with. Maybe we can, maybe we can! This is no reason to do it though, especially since we realize this, and it so feels like denying our nature.
It's so easy to be cynical, and see only what everything else sees, when we can see differently.


Scarlet O' Hairy
Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
You know whats really gross ? In poor countries, these men go into the forest, stab tarantulas through the carapace, put them in a jar and pickle them and sell them to the tourists !! :mad:

I dont care that jungle living people eat them for delecasies, but to kill them for the sake of a jar with a tarantula in it for decoration ?? Thats just cruel. Make money some other way. How ? Dunno ! BUt leave the ts alone. :mad:

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by Spider_savior
You know whats really gross ? In poor countries, these men go into the forest, stab tarantulas through the carapace, put them in a jar and pickle them and sell them to the tourists !! :mad:

I dont care that jungle living people eat them for delecasies, but to kill them for the sake of a jar with a tarantula in it for decoration ?? Thats just cruel. Make money some other way. How ? Dunno ! BUt leave the ts alone. :mad:
Savior, please think about what you just said. Tarantulas are a renewable, rainforest product. This sort of stuff is not directly going to harm populations and gives the nice indigenous gentleman a way to turn a dollar off of the rainforest besides clear cutting it and raising cattle. Stop reacting to everything with raw emotion and consider the situation. The reason the rainforests are being cleared at the rate they are is the people in the countries see the money from selling the timber and then farming the land as the most profitable of using their land. Anything which does not out and out destroy the animals as populations and leaves the trees in place should be encouraged no matter how icky or cruel it seems to you because the alternative is annihilation.


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2002
Originally posted by Code Monkey
Anything which does not out and out destroy the animals as populations and leaves the trees in place should be encouraged no matter how icky or cruel it seems to you because the alternative is annihilation.
This at least I agree with , mostly. This is what we have come to. I'd cite my american climatologybook when it comes to global warming, but I'll just skip that :D